The Future of Prophecy Part 10

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Revelation 11:3-12

In this last chapter of our series, 'The Future of Prophecy,' it is sobering and awe-inspiring to think that we might be the generation that will witness the most important fulfillment of prophecy in the history of mankind.  We should “Count it all joy, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith results in endurance” James 1:2-3.  If this is the end of the age (not the world), then there's still a rough road ahead.  There are some prophecies that could not have been fulfilled until this generation, simply because of the primitive communications of times past and the recent advances in technology to connect the entire planet with unheard of speed and efficiency.  With that thought, let us consider Jesus prophesying a great fear among people worldwide, outlining calamities that would increase in magnitude and frequency (Mt. 24:7 i.e. “there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places”).  Therefore, to discern the fulfillment of these disasters, people must have the means to know and react to them.   Modern electronics now facilitates “an increase in knowledge” (Daniel 12:4).  Without this blessing of invention from above, Christian Identity would not be possible.  “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” Mt. 24:14.  All Aryan nations shall be informed of their identity and all mongrel nations shall turn against the White race.  That's what we're seeing in 2016 with outrageous calls for the elimination of the White race and the implementation of flooding White nations with strangers and their strange gods. 

The Future of Prophecy Part 9

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: I John 2:18-26

The average Christian of whatever stripe may wonder how there can be so many interpretations of prophecy.  They can't all be right.  Bible prophecy is the business of predicting the future, sometimes literal and sometimes in figures of speech, and is usually not established until it happens.  Its fulfillment must conform to the elements of the prediction.  A controversy emerges between several schools of eschatology, the study of end time prophecies.  The three major positions are the historicist, the futurist and the preterist.  For our purposes in identifying the truth, the historicist position has been the most widely accepted and accurate means of understanding prophecy in Christian Identity.  Likewise, before the Protestant Reformation, there was no other position than the historicist; as the name implies, it explains God's Word in sacred and secular history, both of which is His Story and proves God is true. The Protestant Reformers understood correctly, events that had come to pass fulfilling the veracity of Scripture. On the other hand, the futurists disregard the past and place the works of God in the distant future.  And then along came the preterists to say all prophecy has come and gone.  The Reformation was a great threat to the RCC and both factions were a danger to jews.  So the jews created an opposition to the historicist view within the church, both Protestant and catholic.  We will see how they spread their confusion, and know them today by their rotten fruit of false interpretations.  The righteousness of prophecy can only be ascertained by identifying the right people in the right time frame of divine prediction.  False prophets have thus rejected God's plan and purposes.