Urgent Fund Appeal Request

Dear Fellow Israelites,

Our newsletters are few and far between. They usually announce guest speakers at our FGCP church in northern Kentucky. All of our Christian Identity theology can be found at KinsmanRedeemer.com for free, and we average a new sermon every other week for your group and individual studies. Our work is a labor of love and we have never begged for money to pay for expenditures in the last 20 years.

However, this bulletin is urgent. I have been reluctant to inform you until all testings, scans and consultations could confirm that I do indeed have Stage 4 lung cancer, which has spread to the liver and lymph nodes. For the last 2 months my health has progressively deteriorated to the point of seeking medical help.  Please help us with your prayers, donations and spreading this message.  Here is the link to the fundraising account:  https://www.gofundme.com/artist-wants-to-beat-cancer

Urgent Fund Appeal Request

Dear Fellow Israelites,

Our newsletters are few and far between. They usually announce guest speakers at our FGCP church in northern Kentucky. All of our Christian Identity theology can be found at KinsmanRedeemer.com for free, and we average a new sermon every other week for your group and individual studies. Our work is a labor of love and we have never begged for money to pay for expenditures in the last 20 years.

However, this bulletin is urgent. I have been reluctant to inform you until all testings, scans and consultations could confirm that I do indeed have Stage 4 lung cancer, which has spread to the liver and lymph nodes. For the last 2 months my health has progressively deteriorated to the point of seeking medical help.  Please help us with your prayers, donations and spreading this message.  Here is the link to the fundraising account:  https://www.gofundme.com/artist-wants-to-beat-cancer

Eyes That See - Part 2

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 44:9 “They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.

“Oh say can you see” is the first line in The Star Spangled Banner, and Francis Scott Key meant for it to mean patriotic pride after a ferocious all-night battle in the War of 1812, their flag was still visible “by the dawn's early light.” The Spirit of 1776, in the form of a flag, reflected what White Christian Americans were willing to die for, namely our freedom to worship Jesus and not be ruled by tyrants. “And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon His head, and a reed in His right hand: and they bowed the knee before Him, and mocked Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!” Mt. 17:29. When Jesus was abducted in the middle of the night by a mob of shameless hypocrites, the Cross of Calvary is still seen by those who have eyes to see its glory after the dawn of 2000 years. This translation of the KJV is a mockery as well, in that Jesus was not king of the jews, that is, the non-Israelite Edomite Pharisees, but rather King of the Judahites and thus Israel.

The Battle of Blood River

December 16, 1838

by Pastor Mark Downey

I get frequent inquiries from believers as well as mockers and doubters as to where God is these days.  Where is He?  They ask, “Why isn’t He performing supernatural miracles like the ones we read about in the Bible?”  And of course I answer with the affirmation that He is the same yesterday, today and forever; that where two or more are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst of them. 

There are some phenomenon’s that defy explanation, unless you’re a Bible-believing Christian and pray in faith knowing that that prayer will be answered and that everything will be well.  In spite of all the terrible things that surround us, there is still hope and proof of deliverance.  Our God delivers.

Eyes That See - Part 1

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:21-24

From an anonymous quote I found years ago: “I see said the blind man as he opened his Bible.” A closed Bible availeth very little. The sights and sounds that Jesus spoke of in Luke were figures of speech. It was no more literal than Romans 11:25, “that blindness in part is happened to Israel.” The “blindness” was a hardening of the heart of which the good news of the Gospels could not enter a man. Thus, Jesus was speaking to His inner circle who would be receptive after being under the present influence of the Lord's teaching about Himself. Even though their faith was weak and wavering, they got a glimpse of His Divinity. It must have sunk so deep into their hearts, that they made the transition from physical sight to spiritual sight. They were blessed beyond measure. We find a lesson in Mark 8:24 in which a blind man, who was not born that way, was healed by Jesus. “Regaining his sight he said, I see people, but they look like trees walking." Interestingly, there are some who place more significance on the tree as “people”, than the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. If we were to point out a parallel of these trees, which not everyone will see, they represent a prejudice and presumption that prevents them from seeing the intents and purposes of God. The first sin and thus the Fall of man stems from the presumption that there would be no repercussions. Eve thought, 'well, this isn't going to kill me' (Gen. 3:4-5). God knew she would disobey Him and He said, “Your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods.” Is that a good thing? Small 'g' gods are never good and you can never mix good with evil. The Fall of man was a curse, a combination of positive and negative, which results in a spiritual short circuit, the loss of immortality. Likewise, the healed blind man saw walking trees as such, because the restoration of sight was not immediate; he was seeing things in a state of confusion; obscured yet with imperfection.

Once our race acknowledges not the knowledge of good and evil, but the grace towards a repentant sinner and a Savior who gave you eyes that see eternal life, will we then have the wisdom and understanding of God's will on earth as it is in His abode. Click to read more ....

Eyes That See

by Pastor Mark Downey

An explanation showing the difference between one of our five senses (sight), and what Jesus meant by "eyes that see" spiritually.

Part 1: A number of examples are given to show what spiritual blindness is as it relates to the idols of the heart.

Part 2:  White Christians strive to do good, but we have inherited the Fall of Adam. We innately know what evil is, even though a lot of people are in denial that our sin nature is adversarial to God, race and most importantly... life.