Jews Index
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An alphabetical listing of all messages in the "JEWS" category
Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:9
We hear a lot about anti-Semitism, which is a misnomer in its usage, but we don’t hear anything about anti-semanticism. Semitism comes from Semite and Semite comes from Shem, the son of Noah. We are Semites carrying our genetic seedline from Adam to Christ to the present day racially pure Israelite. I thought I had invented this new term. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. If something is ‘anti’, it is against or contrary to something and is replaced with another meaning. Such is the case with the little four letter word ‘jews’. But, I was wrong; “anti-semantics” is online and cleverly rubbing next to the fish scales of “anti-antisemitism” in the fishy-slimy Urban Dictionary. It says, “Being against the arguing of meanings or definitions of words”. And then gives an example: "Look, I just don't care if the Holocaust refers specifically to the murder of the Ashkenazi Jews or if it can be used more broadly to the Nazi's persecution of other minorities!" Who would've thunk? Of all the myriad of examples, they pick the jews. In other words, it doesn't make any difference to them if a word has been adulterated for nefarious purposes. If you google “antisemantics”, this article doesn't show until page 3 and before that it's 2 pages of whining jews. The misnomer must be defended at all costs by the jews.
Donald Trump
Chairman, President and CEO
c/o The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Dear Mr. Trump,
I don't know where to begin, but I need to get your immediate attention. I've noticed there are innumerable “open letters” to you and for the most part they are all hostile and grubbing for their own special interest. This is not a hostile letter, but sent in the love of Jesus Christ. You have announced to the world that you are a Christian and that really doesn't need to be equivocated by denomination. I write to you as a pastor, politically incorrect patriot and presidential advisor in the tradition of colonial election sermons. My interest is the same as yours: to make America great again. This letter may be the most important thing you ever read in your lifetime, if it can pass through the filters of campaign intercessors and reach your eyes only. Actually, if it touches your heart to love the truth of God more than anything else, my one and only goal will be fulfilled.
Scripture Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Where there's smoke, there's fire and where there's fire, there's light. Where there's smoke and mirrors, there's a jew and none dare call it a conspiracy. For those who wish to wave the white flag of defeatism and promise in their heart that they will no longer fight, because someone in authority says you can't, then this message is for you. For those who love the God of Creation and whose comfort zone isn't too great to exercise the mentality of a challenge to the status quo, then this message is for you also. Let's go ahead and spoil some liberal and kosher conservative's day by reciting some factual history shall we? Even though they, the republicrats, are at the heart of an insidious memory hole. America is a very unique nation in the history of mankind in an experiment to fuse God given rights with the governments of man. Most White nations in history have failed because inalienable rights have submitted to an alien authority. A vicarious power structure causes the choice between whom we will serve. “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15. The Hebrew word for serve is abad (#5647) and means “to work.” For whom and for what do we labor in this life? It is “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” Eph. 4:12
Part 1: JVT is Jewish Voice Today Ministries International, which is the quintessential wolf in sheep's clothing, although it cannot mask its face or motives from the discerning and watchful eye of Christian Identity.
Part 2: The two witnesses of the parable of the husbandmen and Psalms 83 clearly show how Edom, in the guise of Messianic jews, are diabolical adversaries to God and true Israel.
Part 3: The extent of the jewish impersonation of Israel through manipulation of scripture and media.
Part 4: This message delves into the extent of the jewish conspiracy. There's nothing that will separate us from the love of God.
The word 'jew' is the most confusing word in the Bible and it's because of those who call themselves jews who want us confused. They invented the word and we're stuck with it, like it or not. Had Rev. 2:9 been honestly translated, you would read it as Judean or Judahite, signifying only one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the tribe of Judah. Therefore, John is revealing to us the blasphemy of an entire group of people known as jews impersonating something which they cannot legitimately claim i.e. the tribe of Judah. The interpretation of this verse is not talking about any other group of people in the world today except those who call themselves jews and play this scam of assuming a false identity. John says they are “the synagogue of satan.” There is only one religion in the world that meets in a synagogue and that is judaism, attended by jews. Because of this insidious identity theft, John characterizes them as satanic; the very adversaries of God on earth today. It can only be a losing proposition when the bona fide tribe of Judah and hence all twelve tribes of Israel are deprived of their biblical identity. And the truth becomes even more astounding from a Christian Identity perspective when we correctly identify the tribe of Judah as Germany, which in times past meant “genuine” as applied to the Scythians i.e. Israelites who were dispersed from the Assyrian captivity and migrated into the territories of Anglo Saxon Europe. The Saxons were descended from the Sacae of Scythia, and their name meant 'sons of Isaac.' The propensity of jews to name their children after biblical characters to give the impression that jews were somehow connected to God's chosen people was convincingly argued against with the advent of Adolph Hitler and the express Christian character of the German people. The jews couldn't possibly be a holy people with their track record of being a profane and vile people whom God said He would have indignation against them forever (Mal. 1:4). When you hear the phrase “den of vipers,” that's who it's talking about... jews. “Ye shall know them by their fruits” Mt. 7:16. The majority of people today believe jews are Israel, not because it's the truth, but because of the enormity of outrageous jewish propaganda.
Scripture Reading: Luke 14:15-24
You might be wondering what today's Scripture reading, the parable of the great supper, has to do with the sermon title, a #1 hit song from 1963; the year the jews assassinated Camelot. The song was written by Wiener, Gold, Gottlieb and Gluck, which sounds like a jewish law firm. It was sung by Lesley Sue Goldstein, also known as Lesley Gore. Maybe somebody has made the same or similar observations as I have, but I like to think this song has gone unanalyzed until now. One can only probe the subconscious mind of the jew with the assistance of the Holy Spirit to read between the lines. I originally titled this message 'Have You Got Your Invitation Yet?' and then I heard this song in my head in a nostalgic moment for no apparent reason. Now I know why... thank you Lord, it's the perfect antithesis or maybe antichrist. The distinctions between the parable and the song are somewhat uncanny.
Scripture Reading: Romans 13:10-12
This is a message guaranteed to irritate politically correct liberals or even kosher conservatives who pretend to be defenders of a moral culture, when in fact, both contribute to the decadence and corruption of society. My original title was “A Time To Hate' from the book of Ecclesiastes and then changed to 'Hate Is A Family Value,' but I decided to settle on the proactive title 'I Love To Hate,” because it's self explanatory (which I'll explain in a moment) and logical. It would be a contradiction to say I hate to hate. That's like Bill Clinton saying, “We will not tolerate intolerance.” Let me say from the onset that there's nothing wrong with hate unless someone comes along and redefines it to mean something malicious, malevolent, sadistic or satanic etc, which is exactly what totalitarians do in a dictatorship; they can make words mean whatever they want; and it becomes a war of words. Orwell exemplified this in his classic novel '1984' with three slogans: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. If they make sense, you're either a master of doublethink or have stopped thinking altogether. The last thing a dictatorship wants, is it's subjects hating what the regime wants you to think.
Are we, White Christians, Blessed or Cursed By the Jews, according to Genesis 12:3?
"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee."
There is a multitude of wolves in sheep’s clothing who have played the part of Judas Iscariot (for 30 pieces of silver) that promulgate the Big Lie that Jews are God’s chosen people. They go under the auspices of Judeo-Christian or Christian Zionist as if true Christianity needs to be hyphenated or affixed to another religion; one that is especially hostile to Jesus Christ. In fact, the modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees, the evil figs of Judah who should never be confused with the good figs, and were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, admitting that, “His blood be on us, and on our children” Mt. 27:25. And indeed the Jewish mindset is anathema towards Christ to the present day. 2000 years of antichrist perfidy has followed the Jews wherever they go.
It might come as a shock to some mainstream church-goers that there were no people at Mt. Sinai who called themselves “Jews” or the Bible ever calling Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a “Jew.” One of the 12 sons of Jacob became the tribe of Judah and all 12 tribes collectively became known as Israel. They were known as Hebrews, not Jews.
Today’s message dovetails with Pastor Elmore’s sermon entitled ‘Murderers’ (8-28-11) and comes from a series I did several years ago called ‘Why We Hate Jews.’ Nothing I have written has gotten a more vitriolic response from jews and judeo-Christians than this one, due to the fact that jewish ritual murder is indelibly part of the historical record; as much as they would like for it to disappear down a memory hole. Martin Luther was an outspoken critic of not only the church, but even more vociferous of the synagogue in which he said in his book ‘The Jews and Their Lies’, “They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children… The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.
An expose of the jewish religion and why it has fomented animosities since the time of Christ.
Part 1: An explanation of hate and how Judaism creates antipathy through historical practises of ritual murder.
Part 2: A well kept secret of Jews in the religious rite that sanctions lying and rationalizes stealing.
Part 3: The deathly role of Jews institutionalizing the mongrelization of Christianity and the White race.
Regrettably, the White race has an unwarranted legacy of being in the middle of a secular and religious expression that has authored a great deal of confusion. It has created a false identity with just one word: gentile. If you were to go to a public library that has one of those 20 pound dictionaries and looked up the word gentile, you would read its definition as "a pagan or heathen or someone who is not a Jew or a Christian". This, of course, would be unacceptable to the White Christian, especially if the truth be known that our race is the true Israel of Scripture and not jews or a spiritualized concoction of racially blind churches.