Race Index
An alphabetical listing of all messages in the "RACE" category
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An alphabetical listing of all messages in the "RACE" category
A look at the extreme left and right and how they betray the White race because of biblical ignorance.
Part 1: The enemy from within true Israel is growing exponentially. We begin to unravel the dialectics of Charlottesville and identify who are the violent ones.
Part 2: A word study on Bible race traitors as it relates to the so called alt right and their fiasco in Charlottesville. An anatomy of the car ramming death. Proof that the principles of the Protocols are now in full bloom.
William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 2-6-2016 and 2-20-2016
with Bill Finck and Mark Downey
Pastor Downey joined William Finck for 2 Internet radio programs discussing an important imperative for Christian Identity: which is to maintain the integrity of our primary mission.
We are missionaries to the White race and none other to provide the racial message of the Bible and dispelling the frequently asked question “Can the other races be saved” and “what is their destiny.” Without the vision that God gives our race, we will perish in these last days, if we don't understand that biblical salvation that pertains only to whom Christ came for i.e. the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
These programs will equip the White Christian student of the Word with the proof of who and what will be destroyed. We identify the recipients of Salvation and destruction with a plethora of Scriptures. After listening to these programs, there will be no doubt that we must overcome every aspect of universalism and develop a mature racial consciousness in Christ; lest God, as the last sentence of the Old Testament warns, “come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). Christian Identity is the preservation of the White race through Christ, proclaiming the Good News that the destroyers will be destroyed. But without righteous theological objectives, the status quo will worsen. We present God's plan for His people and victory.
The necessity for Christians, especially Identity Christians, to learn and voice the will of God as watchmen on the wall to preserve True Israel.
Part 1: "In a Crowded Theatre": The free speech of Christian America is a God given right. Dissent is essential for any society to remain free of tyranny. Racism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of God's chosen race.
Part 2: "Above the Fruited Plain": Current events in Charleston, South Carolina and the banning of the Confederate battle flag is the inertia for cultural Marxism going ballistic against White Christian America.
Part 3: "Of the Stars and Bars": The disconnect between the viral meme 'black lives matter' and the pronouncement of Jesus Christ as to whose lives matter to Him. The desperate measures being taken by the real slave masters in the end times are explained.
Part 4: "The currency of God": Paying attention to divine instruction and acting upon them determines the destiny of the White Race. Our natural course through history is based on genetic memory or lack thereof. Babylonian slavery vs. biblical slavery.
Christogenea Radio Talk Show: In October 2015, Pastor Downey joined William Finck of Christogenea.org for two online radio programs discussing his recent series on 'Dissident Racism'. Many additional comments and insights were added to the subject to elevate the racial consciousness of our people.
Scripture reading: Revelation 17:3-7
If our people don't understand why they were born into this world, they certainly won't understand why other races occupy the same planet. In light of the recent alien invasion under the guise of “children” and the congressional clamor for immigration reform, I've been hearing this inane cliché that 'it's not their fault they were born that way.' What way? As mongrels, or as the Bible identifies them as 'strangers.' In other words, anyone who is not born White, cannot be blamed for what they are. Does that make any sense? Perhaps to the thinking of a universalist or egalitarian, it would be heartless to blame these little Latinos crossing our borders illegally. But to Christian Identity, the issue should not be the legal status of young goats, but rather their racial disposition. The last two messages about Kurtis Monschke dealt with the subject of innocence. Today, I want to discuss the theology of guilt, because if we don't know the source of unrighteousness, how can we ever hope to know what is righteous? The ruling axiom is that we are not them, and they are not us.
“Now we know that whatever the Law says it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God. because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin” Romans 3:19-20. Who is this talking to? Well, it's not to those who aren't under the Law is it? No, Paul is addressing his fellow Israelites in Rome, explaining to them how the Law informs us of our violations of the Law; and it addresses White people today. When we are guilty for doing something wrong by God's standards, who's fault is it? Is it our fault we were born White? More to the point, is it our divine destiny? Romans 5:12 gives us the answer.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-34
If Hollywood were to make a movie called 'Silence of the Goats,' it would be about jews being gassed in concentration camps by evil White Christians. There would be “weeping and gnashing of teeth,” (Mt. 13:52), “bewailing... and lamenting... when they see the smoke of her burning” (Rev. 18:9) and “clothed with terror... trembling” Ezek. 26:16 NIV. What? You say they've already made that movie? Yes, hundreds, if not thousands of fictional dramas depicting the perpetual horrors of jewish persecution... they just have different titles: Schindler's List, Sophies Choice, The Pianist ad nauseam. Try as they may to depict the audible sounds of genocide, there has never been anything substantial to prove actual gas chambers or crematoria designed for mass executions. Instead, we have been inundated with hysterical propaganda and neurotic jewish actors pretending to have escaped the so called Holocaust. They preceded the contemporary batch of crisis actors that mold public opinion in the controlled media from 9-11 to Sandy Hook.
The prostituted pulpits of America likewise butcher the Bible so that hardly anybody knows who the real sheep and the real goats are... or why Jesus is going to divide the sheep on His right hand and the goats on the left. Those of you who are familiar with my work, know that on occasion I have said 'we owe the jews a Holocaust.' Today, I'm going to show you, biblically, how that will come to pass; how the goats will be silenced forever. For it is we, White Christians, who have been “accounted as sheep for the slaughter” (Romans 8:36) as it is written in the talmud. We contemplate the near impossibility of communicating the Christian Identity message to our countrymen and it's all due to the jewish lies that have permeated most of our defeated and demoralized people, who are more lost now than ever before. They put on the facade that they are concerned about our nation and a future for their children, but their souls are putrefying in a puddle of multicultural lies. You see, the talmudists don't want you to get too knowledgeable about their contempt for you and how they regard you as cattle or chattle (enslaved people seen as property).
Revised July 2013
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 31:10-13
I'm a baby-boomer and growing up in the 1950's, when you could walk down the street in relative safety, I remember my mom saying, "Don't talk to strangers." Even 50 years ago, America was changing for the worse. Christianity was on the verge of a major downswing towards a hyphenated judaization and multicultural diversity. Back then, the proverbial stranger was a hitchhiker with his thumb up for a ride or someone you didn't know offering candy to children. The innocence of such things soon changed, because of a few gruesome crimes, which later became quite common. In fact, the dark side of strangers has become serial, as in killers and pedophiles. Trust is no longer taken for granted. Talking to strangers today can be deathly. And so we have to ask if the Bible prohibits our people from conversing with the strangers of forced integration. Actually, it’s more than just mere conversation; it is the mindset of modern social interaction.
I choose Deuteronomy for our Scripture reading today, because most people would not be able to tell you who the stranger is in verse 12. Christian Identity seems to be the only form of Christianity that has an understanding of three different words for stranger that are found in the Bible. If these strangers are not biblically identified, our kith and kin could be facing serious trespasses and doing just the opposite of what God commands. To the universalist or those who think God's salvation includes all races, rightly dividing the word stranger means little or nothing to them. They go about their merry race mixing ways in disobedience to God's Law. In fact, they go on the offensive to instill White guilt for the so called sin of racism. However, this ‘Answers in Genesis’ “sin” is not from the Bible, but from Baal worship.
The biblical perspective of what constitutes a stranger can be either someone of our own race or someone of another race. This is made evident by the scriptural record itself.
Revised 4/14/2013
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 10:28-30
Christian Identity has restored one of the most prevalent issues found in the Word of God and that is the subject of race. However, in an attempt to bring forward the righteous corrections of faulty teachings, it is somewhat like revisionist historians dealing with the holocaust industry. Christian Identity does not enjoy the glut monopoly of merchandising information as does the establishment religions and media, although we do have a gift of discernment and an unwavering love for truth wherever it may lead. What we have been told about race in the Bible has been an unmitigated fraud to destroy us. What the Bible actually says about race will preserve us. We are like David standing up against Goliath having a wealth of encyclopedic facts to sanction the mixing of the races. This has been accomplished over a long period of time by contaminating the historical record and the Bible itself with disinformation.
A study into the nature of God's relationship towards the White race and all other races.
Part 1: Today, universalism can be summarized as: the brotherhood of man [sic]; all races are God’s children; God loves everyone and His mercy is extended to all races; all races will be united with God in heaven for eternity; any race can become God’s elect or chosen by their beliefs; all races can be redeemed; and the most disturbing corruption says that Jesus changed God’s plan for the ages in having an exclusive relationship with the lineage of Jacob-Israel, who are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic and kindred peoples that comprise the twelve tribes. With the advent of theological and political universalism, all races are equal in the eyes of God and the state. In many cases the state assumes the power of God enforcing laws based on universalism, known as civil rights, but they do not correspond to God’s Law and they don’t pertain to White people.
Part 2: An interim for discovery before the trial resumes; a biblical and historical review of Israel's entanglement with the same kind of universalism that the modern church faces.
Part 3: Conclusion. Origins of race from Adam and Eve; an examination of Acts 17:26.
When a White girl marries a Negro, her sun of life goes down;
glaring spots of sin appear on her wedding gown.
White and Black men stand aghast, while viewing this strange role
and mutter "they will wreck themselves, and damn each other's soul."
They know a carnivorous bug has crept into her brain
and she gave away her self respect, which left her half insane.
Now all her racial pride has flown beyond redemption's fold,
and she begins life's saddest tale that ever was told.
Usually it's the heathen that refer to 'the White man's God', accompanied by primitive contempt and prejudice. This is understandable, being that the Bible has a few choice things to say about heathens. But why is it that you hardly ever hear White people refer to their God in a racial context? The Bible itself is racist in context. God is a racist, being that He created everything after its own kind and never sanctioned crossbreeding or mongrelization. In fact, "This (Bible) is the book of the generations of Adam" (Gen. 5:1).
It's a longer than usual title, but I want to bring together the old hymnal theme of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary for our redemption and the often cited Strong's description of Adam. Awhile back I did a message on Halloween, and pointed out the macabre nature of this pagan holiday with its preoccupation with blood and gore. It makes me wonder why blood is given such a bad rap; why the association with horror? Maybe it's shed blood, or that bloodshed is death. Maybe it's our racial heritage of sacrifice for the atonement of sins, which was finally nailed to the Cross. The positive aspect of blood is that, "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11). That means all life, including man and animals. The good news is that we don't sacrifice people for the atonement of our sins, save but for one man ... Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God.
Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:4
This subject needs its own sermon, especially in light of what we’ve been talking about lately regarding the church world as well as our own movement. The phrase ‘false brethren’ is only found twice in the New Testament and I’d like to give a richer understanding of what these personalities entail. We’ve heard of false prophets, false apostles, false witnesses and false teachers, but what exactly constitutes false brethren? The mainstream churches have terribly desecrated the biblical meaning of the word “brother” with a Masonic substitute, ‘the brotherhood of man’, implying a restoration of a multicultural Babylon. And indeed, Mystery Babylon is infested with brethren who are not true to their own race and the ancestral faith of their fathers.
A kinsman is a blood relative who can only redeem his own kind; hence Jesus Christ is the redeemer of Israel. The Big Lie is 'God loves everybody'. It would behoove students of the Bible to find out who God hates, whom He hath indignation forever.
This will be a theocratic dissertation on the saturation/marketing and brainwashing leading up to the 2008 presidential elections. Never before has there been such intense daily coverage of republicrat losers vying for the so called “highest office in the land” nor exorbitant record millions of dollars being spent to mold your mind like silly putty. Some ‘change agent’ think-tank came up with an evil stroke of genius to plant the idea of a negro occupying the Oval Office at about the time Americans were Bush whacked with a second term of the lowest rated president ever in the history of polls. Is it just a coincidence that George W. Bush is portrayed as a mix of buffoon and war criminal and that anybody would be better than this politically challenged psychopath? Will future generations read in disbelief about this time in history where the Republicans best shot was a Manchurian candidate with the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s?