Books and booklets by Mark Downey

Three softback books are now available of select writings of the late pastor Mark W. Downey (from his web site compiled by Pastor James Jester.  There are also 9 individual booklets available.  See below for details on each book and booklet and instructions for ordering.

Book Cover for An Apologia for Christian Identity by Mark DowneyAn Apologia for Christian Identity A presentation and defense of this revived Christian philosophy that is rooted in the Bible. Contains 107 pages, 14 Chapters, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • What is Christian Identity?
  • By What Authority?
  • Our History - His Story
  • In Defense of Legends
  • The Meaning of Kinsman Redeemer
  • Who Am I?
  • Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up?

Book Cover for Mark My Words, America! by Mark DowneyMark My Words, America! Key political sermons. Contains 176 pages, 9 Chapter, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • Positive Christianity Parts 1-4
  • Make America Hate Again
  • Open Letter to Trump
  • Jesus Christ for President
  • A Christian Inaugural
  • God, Guns, Government

Book Cover for Racial Issues of the Bible by Mark DowneyRacial Issues of the Bible In some of Mark's best sermons he examines universalism and race mixing issues as found in the Bible. Contains 141 pages, 7 Chapters, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • Universalism on Trial Parts 1-3
  • Don't Talk to Strangers
  • Race Mixing is Not Christian
  • White Genocide Parts 1-2


The three books above can be ordered on Amazon.  Here are the direct links to Amazon:  An Apologia for Christian Identity, Mark My Words America, Racial Issues of the Bible

The nine booklets below are distributed by Debra Downey, and can be ordered through the Fellowship of God's Covenant People.  These can be ordered by e-mailing or writing to Debra  (see "Contact" page).  

The suggested donation for each booklet is $5, which covers the cost of materials and shipping and handling.  Make all checks payable to Fellowship of God's Covenant People. 


Everything offered on this website can be downloaded for free, however Pastor Downey created nine booklets for those who preferred hard copy format.  Each booklet averages 30-40 pages.  

Below are the key points of each booklet.  

Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up? booklet coverWill the Real Armageddon Please Stand up?

A primer for basic Christian Identity beliefs

  • A primer for beginner students of Christian Identity
  • Armageddon is not what you think it is
  • The racial identification of Israel
  • The blessings of Israel
  • Prophecies of Israel
  • Misnomers and false interpretations
  • Migrations
  • Judgments of Israel
  • Regathering of the lost tribes
  • The Kingdom
  • Is White Supremacy scriptural?
  • 100 marks of Israel

The Catholic Menace booklet coverThe Catholic Menace 

A sordid history of the great whore of Babylon

  • Catholicism condemned in the Bible
  • Paganism masked as Christian
  • The evolution of the church in Rome
  • Constantine and the formation of a state church
  • The rise of the Papacy, a substitute for Christ
  • Peter was not the founder of the Roman Catholic Church
  • Simon Magus, a catholic sorcerer
  • The RCC leads the way to apostasy
  • The abomination of the mass
  • The murderous Inquisition
  • The infiltration of jews into the Vatican
  • A listing of unscriptural doctrines
  • The Roman church leads the world in universalism
  • Masonic influence and Mystery Babylon

The Madmen of Gadera booklet coverThe Madmen of Gadera 

Untangling one of the most misinterpreted stories of the Bible.

  • Demons and idols of Old Testament are interchangeable
  • The conflict between Greek philosophy and Hebraism
  • The Greek influence upon early Christianity
  • The 3 Gospel versions of the story
  • C.I. Scofield exposed
  • Crazy people at the time of Christ
  • Exorcism or healing?
  • Figurative language for elements of the story
  • What did the swine represent?
  • Freedom from jewish fables

The Shining Light of Glory booklet coverThe Shining Light of Glory

Light is God and His word dispels the darkness.

  • Definitions of light
  • Old Testament examples of light
  • The analogy of light and water baptism
  • The poetic books of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes
  • Jesus Christ, the Light of the world
  • New Testament examples of light
  • Light vs. darkness
  • The children of light

BaalWorship in Judeo-Churchianity booklet coverBaal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity

The twelve elements of Baal worship found in churches today.

  • The meaning of Baal
  • The racial implications of Baal worshipers
  • The polytheistic similarities of Judaism and Baalism
  • Sexual perversion sanctioned in Baal
  • RCC replete with the trappings of Baal
  • 12 elements of Baal worshiper
  • The church adopts the precepts of Baal
  • Abortion, homosexuality, miscegenation etc
  • The Penn state scandal with Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky

The Adamic Creation booklet coverThe Adamic Creation

A Christian Identity perspective of the Genesis account of Creation.

  • Genesis, this is the book of the White race
  • Young earth vs. old earth
  • Pre-Adamic hominids
  • Without form and void
  • Gen. 1:27 and 2:7 are one and the same Creation
  • Proof that Adam was White
  • Problems of hypothetical explanations for the Fall
  • The Tree of Life
  • The Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil
  • The enigma of Cain
  • The beast of the field

Universalism on Trial booklet coverUniversalism on Trial

A study into the nature of God's relationship towards the White race and all other races

  • Historical doctrine of universalism
  • Mistaken identities
  • Mistranslations exposed
  • Chosen people explained
  • The Great Commission
  • The psychology of racism
  • Jewish and Catholic complicity
  • Who is the enemy?
  • Worldly religion and the Brotherhood of Man
  • Judas, the son of perdition
  • Ken Ham and Answers In Genesis

The Inspired Word booklet coverThe Inspired Word

A general review of what makes the Bible inspired.

  • The Bible, the most important book ever written
  • Why the Bible is inspired of God
  • History of canon
  • What is the best Bible?
  • Extrabiblical writings
  • The Bible and science
  • Prophecy is proof
  • Catholic corruption
  • Archaeological discoveries
  • The Greek Septuagint
  • The Masoretic text
  • Various versions of the Bible

The Perfect Sermon booklet coverThe Perfect Sermon

The meaning of Matthew 5:48 "Be ye perfect"

  • “Be ye perfect” is not sinlessness
  • Defining perfection
  • Noah was perfect in his generations
  • Making our faith complete
  • Growing in grace
  • The mystery of the gospel
  • White supremacy
  • The Godhead vs. the Trinity doctrine
  • The occult significance of the number 33
  • God's plan for the ages
  • What was Paradise?
  • The Zodiac, the glory of the stars