Kinsman Redeemer Ministries Church Guidelines
by Pastor Mark Downey
- We believe in the power of prayer and a relationship with Christ that is real.
- Our first priority is to seek (endeavor to find) the Kingdom of God (Mt. 6:33) and to administrate His will, not ours. Our government authority begins with the Word/Law of the Holy Bible and is applied to us as individuals and progressively pertains to families, the church community, the state and the nation.
- We defend the deity of Christ. Deniers and non believers (antichrists) of this primary tenet of Christianity will not be welcome. Jesus Christ is the head of our church (Eph. 5:23).
- The good news of the gospel is that Christianity pertains exclusively to the White race and that the White race is the true Israel of scriptures and therefore God's chosen people. Today's jews are descendants of Esau and are the enemies of God.
- We will obey the command and principle of racial separation (II Cor. 6:17). A bastard (non white) shall not enter the congregation (Deut. 23:2). Miscegenation will be cause for excommunication. Each member of the church shall be responsible for developing a racial consciousness. A multicultural/universalist philosophy shall be considered sin in the camp and will be removed.
- The structure of our church is based on Christian leadership, not democracy. A pastor-leader, who is a man of God, shall maintain the integrity of the sanctuary as hallowed ground; shall establish the vision for which God has ordained him; shall lead the body of Christ in the direction of Truth; shall make godly decisions and judge things righteously; shall deliver weekly messages through inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and shall minister to the needs of the saints.
- There shall be Biblical eldership of qualified men appointed by the pastor to assist in the ministry.
- We, as a congregation, agree and covenant among ourselves to have a standard of Christian accountability. We will profit from sound doctrine, for reproof, correction and instruction in what is right and wrong (II Tim. 3:16). We make the promise to study God's Word on a daily basis to show ourselves approved (II Tim. 2:15) in order to receive blessings.
- We consider ourselves to be a body of Christ which is part of the greater body of Christ. We do not associate ourselves with denominations, but rather identify with the original 1st century apostolic church (Eph. 2:21).
- We agree to build our church based upon unity, speaking the same things and having the same mind (I Cor. 1:10). Meaningless argumentation is a curse and counterproductive (Titus 3:39, Romans 2:8).
- Our worship service is to be conducted decently and orderly (I. Cor. 14:33, 40). Our behavior and demeanor should reflect the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22).
- God tells us to tithe (Mal. 3:8) and to support the shepherds of God who are feeding the church with the message of Christ (Luke 10:7).
- As members belonging to this Christian church, we each have the duty as laborers in the vineyard (Mt. 20:1-16) to work and to advance the work of Christ. We must be cognizant of the failures which have spoiled church unity in the past and that is rebellion to God.
- Any personal disputes between brethren shall be settled according to the process of Matthew 18. This should not be confused with doctrinal issues which can be resolved through the Bible study meetings.
- We believe in the solemn observation of the Lord's Supper, partaking Communion with Christ in a worthy manner, discerning the Lord's body (I Cor. 11:23-29).
- We believe in the baptism (washing, cleansing, purifying) of the Holy Spirit (the manifestation of godly motives to separate ourselves from evil) and with fire (the Word of God; Mt. 3:11). In other words, we immerse our lives in the scriptures to be like Christ. The permutations of water baptism are the pagan trappings of denominationalism. The water ritual is entirely symbolic as is Communion. The simplicity of Christ is to repent of our sins and obey God.
- The church is a political organization constituting the government of Jesus Christ. We are opposed to 'separation of church and state' and therefore advocate theocracy.
- Each member of the church has the opportunity to contribute to the knowledge of Truth, but a contentious person unwilling to prove their point in an orderly manner shall be considered contrary to the spirit of our unity. False teachings will not be tolerated.
- Women of our church may serve in any function that does not undermine the God given authority of men. The woman is not permitted to preach in the sanctuary-pulpit (I Cor. 14:34). The role of wives and mothers shall be honored as the noblest profession to which the women of Israel can aspire.
- Parents should discipline and train their children in the ways of the Lord (Prov. 22:6). Christian youth are a valued element in growth.
- Because of the unique nature of our church, we will employ unconventional methods of charity and outreach missions requiring financial support for literature, communications and travel; for example: widows, orphans, prisoners, media, conferences etc.
- Our membership will agree not to engage in any unchristian or immoral behavior that might compromise the standards of the Truth for which we believe; nor help the ungodly and help them that hate the Lord (I Thes. 5:22, II Chron. 19:2).
- We believe in the Genesis story of Creation, but that it is only referring to the race of Adamic man (Gen. 5:1). All other races existed before Adam.
- We believe the flood of Noah was within a local region and not worldwide; therefore the other races did not descend/evolve from the sons of Noah.
- We believe in the inspiration of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. The enemies of God, however, have historically tried to adulterate the Word of God with mistranslations, interpolations and false interpretations. With prayer and rightly dividing the Word (II Tim. 2:15), we can discern the Truth (I John 4:1).
- We believe in the supernatural power of God to perform miracles which defy secular science and the finite mind of man (Mt. 19:26).
- We believe that all things work together for our good, because we love our Messiah and know that we are the called out ones to fulfill His purposes (Rom. 8:28).
- The mission of Kinsman Redeemer Ministries is to grow in the grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, thereby becoming overcomers of the adversaries of Christianity. We understand that the enemies of God are at war against us, but with the faith of our fathers, we will be victorious.
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