Books and booklets by Mark Downey

Three softback books are now available of select writings of the late pastor Mark W. Downey (from his web site compiled by Pastor James Jester: The books were compiled by (from his web site compiled by Pastor James Jester:

Book Cover for An Apologia for Christian Identity by Mark DowneyAn Apologia for Christian Identity A presentation and defense of this revived Christian philosophy that is rooted in the Bible. Contains 107 pages, 14 Chapters, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • What is Christian Identity?
  • By What Authority?
  • Our History - His Story
  • In Defense of Legends
  • The Meaning of Kinsman Redeemer
  • Who Am I?
  • Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up?

Book Cover for Mark My Words, America! by Mark DowneyMark My Words, America! Key political sermons. Contains 176 pages, 9 Chapter, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • Positive Christianity Parts 1-4
  • Make America Hate Again
  • Open Letter to Trump
  • Jesus Christ for President
  • A Christian Inaugural
  • God, Guns, Government

Book Cover for Racial Issues of the Bible by Mark DowneyRacial Issues of the Bible In some of Mark's best sermons he examines universalism and race mixing issues as found in the Bible. Contains 141 pages, 7 Chapters, 6x9

Includes the following titles:

  • Universalism on Trial Parts 1-3
  • Don't Talk to Strangers
  • Race Mixing is Not Christian
  • White Genocide Parts 1-2

These can be ordered on Amazon.

Click 'read more' to view the titles and key points of the nine booklets