Wind Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:12-14

Dutch Ships in a Gale by Jan PorcellisFrom time to time artists have what they call burn out, authors get writer's block and preachers suddenly become uninspired.  Hopefully, one aspiring for the epiphanies of life will get their second wind during momentary lulls.  It hasn't happened to me, but I sometimes wonder what's next; how do I maintain the momentum. Sometimes, after I do a series like 'Dissident Racism' I feel sapped of energy, because it's so time consuming and intensely focused and I want to serve the brethren as best I can; I try not to make too many mistakes.  After the last series of messages, as usual, I waited for a new subject to pop in my head and is most often in the form of a title.    In the church world, you hear a judeo say “the Lord gave me a word” and it's usually a long-winded, self serving dialogue that is better said in the Word itself.  It makes me wonder why are people reinventing the Gospels.  Well, I can honestly say the Lord gave me a word last week, but it wasn't a rambling of religious prose, but was literally just one word and that word was “wind.”  For several days I ruminated what to do with this word.  What does wind have to do with anything?  And then I got to thinking what is the cause of wind in the first place?  Did you know there wouldn't be any life on earth without wind, and conversely can also bring death?  Ironically, the previous week, I was engaged in a project to build a wood shed, because every year I just cover my firewood with tarps and it's always a hassle, especially when it snows.  The recurring theme in my thoughts was that I need to built it so the wind doesn't blow it over and I figured the best way to do that is to have it well anchored.  Now I am not a carpenter, but I got the job done, Lord willing the creek don't rise or a gust of wind thinks it's a sailboat.   

No wind, no waves... a big bummer for surfers.  What most people don't think of is that an ocean wave cannot begin without an action.  Same with a glass of water on a table; it is still until you blow on it to create a ripple.  Wind on water causes movement, creating energy that otherwise was not there before.  In life, most people have ambition, purpose driven goals symbolized by a body of water.  In fact, many worldly religions have a set of classical elements found in earth, water, wind and fire with their respective deities.  These ancient concepts were believed to be the most essential principles upon which anything can exist, which science would later compare to solids, liquids, gases and plasma.  In the first couple of verses in Genesis, these four elements were created by God; no need for lesser gods symbolizing each element.  As we shall see later on, verse 2 most closely resembles wind i.e. “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Acquired Identity Syndrome Part 2

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Daniel 6:16-24

'Promise' is an important word in the Bible; it either confirms everything or destroys confidence in one's faith if broken.  If you don't believe in God's racial promises as they only pertain to the White race (Romans 9:4), then your faith is without hope.  God has never broken His promises.  As a quick review of Part 1, we learned that the martyrs of Christ would be given thrones and that they would administer judgment in the Kingdom.  The great confusion generated by this premise is that the jew has tricked our people into taking the Kingdom by force in this day and age, before Christ has returned to sit on His throne on earth as it is in Heaven.  The only promise you can take to the bank is the one that will never lose its value, the promises of God.  The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 “conquered kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions” verse 33.  As we begin to see the manifestation of God's will for His Creation, let us understand what is meant by biblical types or shadows and antitypes.

Acquired Identity Syndrome Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:9-23

It occurred to me that I make transitions from sermon to sermon most of the time.  I don't consciously think ahead of what those stepping stones will be and just let the Holy Spirit lead.  Well, the Spirit lead me to an unusual news story on ABC's 5-14-15 Nightline program about Acquired Savant Syndrome, which is something brand new and different than Savant Syndrome (most often associated with autism); the difference is that one isn't born with the condition.  My last sermon dealt with the conundrum that there is no silver bullet that will automatically cause someone to see the light.  The aforementioned syndrome got me to thinking that there may not be any seeds of man's doings that can be planted in the minds of our race without the Lord's doings to germinate that seed and bring it to fruition.  So what would be that divine stimulus that would trigger an imperishable acceptance of Israel's true identity?  Before I attempt to answer that, let me relate to you the news story that may lead us to the rest of the story. 

Acquired Identity Syndrome

by Pastor Mark Downey

A deep probe into the thesis of why people reject the Word of God concerning race and jewry and what it takes for any White person to accept their true biblical identity.

Part 1:  The trauma of experiencing a personal paradigm, such as Paul on the road to Damascus, brings our world view into God's perspective of reality.  Our former mentality of what we think is normal is shown to be aberrant to God's will.  It is the proverbial shock whereby we see the light.

Part 2:  A study of Daniel being thrown into a den of lions; the promises of God; the conflict of thrones and how these things relate to the First Advent of Christ and the Second Coming.

Talking, Walking and Racing

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 14 and December 28 2014

Scripture Reading:  Jonah 1:12-17

Men and brethren, what shall we do?”  For years I've been trying to answer that question, because inquiring minds want to know.  Just because somebody puts forth a 'call to arms' does not mean it's time.  Some say there needs to be a tax revolt, being that taxes are so revolting.  Like so many other young men in their 20's, I was ready to bear arms in the early 1980's and overthrow the jewish nemesis; having come to the knowledge of their true identity and mine. But, God had other plans.  You know something is wrong when Pharaoh demands the slave get their own straw to make bricks.  You know something is wrong when Congress is going to cut military pay and veteran benefits, but they're going to extend amnesty to alien  lawbreakers, giving them free citizenship and financial freebies.  Ask yourself, is this the America you grew up in or want your children's future to be?

Walking the Walk

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Saturdays 12/6/2014

with Bill Finck and Mark Downey

Subject:  Walking the Walk

Part 3 of Christogenea Saturdays' series "Walking the Walk"'.  A conversation with Pastor Downey and William Finck centering on Christian order and historical, biblical and current perspectives of government. 

More on this subject with written text: Walking, Talking and Racing

Repentance You Can Count On

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 4:12-17

When Jesus launched His ministry, in what would become a three year exhortation to our race exclusively, the first thing He declared was repentance.  Of all the things He could have said as the opening salvo (because it was spiritual warfare), He choose something the people really didn't want to hear, even though it had a lot to do with deliverance.  They envisioned a Deliverer who would come to destroy the Romans.  Their Great White Hope would have said, “Come follow me, and we shall slice the Legions to ribbons.”  I hope you got the gist of the title i.e. the similarity between repentance and change.  When America's first black dictator made the campaign promise for “change you can count on,” the voters didn't think he meant a Marxist change agent who was seriously going to instigate the redistribution of wealth by changing the very concept of American law to a plethora of executive orders and a pathway to antichrist totalitarianism.  Obama cares?  Since 2009 there has been a trance formation of America violating Deut. 17:15.  It's a negro world (an Obamanation) brought to you courtesy of the White man's sins.  The success of multicultural hegemony has literally put the mutts in charge; they have become the head, and we have become the tail. 

Who Am I?

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Matthew 16:13-17

A patient is in a hospital bed coming out of a coma from a head injury; as his vision begins to focus, seeing doctors and nurses he says, “Who am I?”  As soon as I decided on this sermon title, I read a description of a movie in the TV guide that said, “An amnesiac struggles to remember who he is while getting experimental therapy at a facility for the terminally ill.”  This is a fascinating question, because there are so many answers.  One could say their name, their religious affiliation, their nation of birth etc.  We very rarely bump into other Identity Christians, but it happened to me once when I walked into a little T-shirt shop and the proprietor asked me, “Do you know who you are?”  And I said without hesitation, “I’m an Israelite” and he just about fell off his chair.  Nobody identifies themselves racially these days, because it’s not politically correct.  In fact, to announce yourself as a Christian Israelite, hardly anybody would know what you’re talking about.  And if you don’t eat pork, surely you’re some sort of converted jew.  Oh, if our people only knew who we really are.  Our race has sustained a traumatic head injury and collectively we suffer from spiritual amnesia.  Thousands of denominations experiment on your mortal soul; their dead churches even plaster the words ‘life’ and ‘living’ on the front edifice.  But, it is our faith that restores the focus to clearly remember who we are while we’re alive.  We are “the children of God” who hath been quickened, becoming the mature “sons of God” and “heirs of the promise

The Inspired Word Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Isaiah  55:7-11

We’ve covered quite a bit of territory concerning the writing of Scripture from men who were inspired by God to convey the Lord’s unadulterated thoughts as to which way we should go in this life.  It’s been referred to as an owner’s manual, which is appropriate for ‘heirs of the promise.’  The will of God is bequeathed to certain beneficiaries, but they must follow the instructions of the will in order to inherit the Kingdom of God.  I have a bookshelf and a corner of it occupies a stack of owner manuals.  If I were to confuse my chainsaw manual for my horizontal freezer manual, it might be a cold day in hell before I ever find the pull chord, between the frozen chicken thighs and lamb chops.  Well, isn’t that just silly? 

One of the last things that we are warned about in the Bible is Rev. 22:18-19, “I testify to everyone who hears the prophetic words of this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book.  And if anyone takes away from the words of this prophetic book, God will take away his share of the tree of life and the holy city, written in this book.”  If God hadn’t anticipated that our owner’s manual would be convoluted with the uninspired thoughts of other gods and mortals, this passage wouldn’t have been necessary.  The wicked have changed the will of God to include other beneficiaries.  And the true heirs have been obscured from knowing that the owner’s manual pertains to them exclusively.

The Inspired Word Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 23:18-27

A friend of mine recently said, “Politics is completely corrupt and will not save us” and I would agree and add that it would not have been possible for the political morass to reach such depths of depravity unless first the religious leaders of the land polluted the very Word of God and the people loved to have it so (Isaiah 5:31).  The prophet Jeremiah leveled stinging reproofs at his contemporaries and aptly applies to the modern pulpit as well, which will not save us.  It’s a serious thing to mess with the inspired word of God, as the Word itself warns, “Is not My word like as a fire?  Saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?  Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the Lord, that steal My words every one from his neighbor” Jer. 23:29-30.  God inspired Jeremiah to write to His people because, “They have forsaken My law… and have not obeyed My voice…But have walked after the imagination of their own hearts… I will scatter them among the heathen… I will send a sword after them” Jer. 9:13-16.  Should we think that history will not repeat itself?  Today, the heathen are scattered among us and their weapons are directed at Whitey.