Your Papers Please Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today’s Scripture reading is Ezekiel 13:16-23.  Ezekiel is talking about the smoke and mirrors of false prophets and their lying prophecies.  God puts these liars to shame through His divine judgment and making them the object of ridicule.  Shame on the political soothsayers and pundits who have been telling tall tales in recent weeks to the American people and the world.

I don’t know about you, but with each passing week I get the impression that there is an escalation in totalitarianism and a loss of control over our personal freedoms.  It’s just a continuous social erosion of one thing after another.  It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.  I’m just glad I’m not on that train.  I was going to title this message ‘Better Living Under Babylonian Bondage Through the Christian Faith’, but that was a bit wordy.  So I chose the often quipped cliché ‘Your papers please’,

Your Papers Please

by Pastor Mark Downey

In a police state you need documentation of who you are ...  but what’s more important is our identification in the eyes of God. 

Part 1: our God given right to travel; can the POTUS prove his citizenship?; killing Osama; the truth shall make us free. 

Part 2: no papers to preach; trust God, not the godless lying government; more on Osama and Obama.

Shake and Bake Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Isaiah 25 continues the thinking of the prophet from the previous reading in chapter 24, from Part 1 of this message, and that is: the foundations of the earth do shake (both physical and spiritual), and there shall be destruction and tribulation and if at first God does not get your attention, there’s more where that came from, and will come, until He is exalted gloriously, when God’s sovereignty confounds all religions and puts to shame the imperfect governments of man.  God can make a city a heap of rubble.  So too, when man desires to be like the Most High and flaunts his science to wipe a city off the face of the earth, we witness the mystery of iniquity i.e. man making himself God.

Shake and Bake Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

The recent developments in Japan give us a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘movers and shakers of the world’.  It used to mean people who initiate actions and get things done, but with one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, spawning a ferocious tsunami, killing thousands of people, my first thought was to put on my tin foil hat and consider whether or not this catastrophe was initiated by an act of God or the jewish conspiracy.  Either way, God is in control.  If God knows the beginning from the end, then everything that’s unfolding is predestined and that’s something comforting to know if you’re a Christian.  I have never had a gut feeling about an event having such prophetic overtones than what has happened in the last week. 

Most people would ask, “What jewish conspiracy?”  And I’d say, “The one they talk about all the time on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.”  Of course I’m being facetious, just the opposite is true, because the media is owned by the jews and they’re not going to be talking about how they conspire and lie (or should I say the Big Lie?).  I happened to be up March 11th at 2am when the events in Japan became ‘breaking news’ and it was as compelling as 9/11 was.

Shake and Bake

by Pastor Mark Downey

Analysis of one of the most massive earthquake/tsunamis ever recorded.

Part 1: the jewish conspiracy and Japan’s economy; the mysterious HAARP; global blackmail.

Part 2: prophecy says the human devils are going to be wiped out; an era of natural and unnatural disasters; the antichrists run HAARP.

The Serpent of Genesis

by Pastor Mark Downey

I have been Christian Identity since 1976, but I am not Dual Seedline.  I have read just about every expositor for this theory and have come to the conclusion that a bit of a theological shell game has been played upon the casual observer “at a glance.”  It is not (IMHO) the two seeds [sic] of Gen. 3:15 that carry this theory, but rather the idea of a supernatural being acting as the only adversary to God who created what we know today as jews.  Without this supernatural character, the whole Dual Seedline theory collapses.  I put the [sic] after the word “seeds”, because it is a poor translation from the KJV and suggests that spirit beings, otherwise known as angels, can arbitrarily change to physical beings, biologically having a reproductive capacity.  There is no biblical foundation for this assumption.  Within Dual Seedline itself there are variations of opinion as to what actually impregnated Eve.

The Temptation of Eve and Jesus

by Pastor Mark Downey

It is assumed that just because the words "Satan" and "Devil" are incorporated into the Masoretic text, that proves the existence of a literal supernatural being. However, if we probe a little deeper into Scripture to see who or what is the principle of temptation in the case of both Jesus and Eve, we will discover something that cannot be easily dismissed or passed off as mere coincidence. To understand what tempts man, we must search scripture for an answer (to see whether it is a personification of evil called "Satan" or something else). I believe the answer is found in I John 2:16 which says, "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." The "Satan" or "Devil" is not mentioned as having anything to do with "All that is in the world." What this tells us is that all temptations of evil are of this terrestrial world.

The Madmen of Gadera

By Pastor Mark Downey

Jesus said, “Think not that I came to destroy the Law or the prophets” Mt. 5:16.  He was referring to the veracity of the Old Testament, which we call the Scriptures.  When the New Testament refers to the Scriptures, it is pointing to the Law and the prophets.  Therefore, the Old Testament establishes the truth about demons and/or evil spirits and the laws pertaining to them.  However, what Jesus told us not to think about or consider has been thought about and considered.  People have destroyed the laws against idols and idolatry through a change in language and culture. 

It can be shown quite convincingly that the demons and evil spirits of the Old Testament were nothing more than mere idols.  I Samuel is a good example of these terms being interchangeable through the experiences of King Saul.  Revelation 9:20 also equivocates “The works of their hands” with “devils” or “demons”, rather than supernatural entities.  At the time of Christ, the pagan belief in demons was rampant and even Israelite societies were rife with sacrificing to idols.  It was a perfect time for the arrival of the Messiah to pop their pagan bubbles.  It was a time in which Israelites thought they were worshipping the one true God of Israel when, in fact, they drifted far away from the original worship their patriarchs practiced.

Sword of the New Covenant

by Pastor Mark Downey

The invention of the sword goes back to the early Egyptians around the time of the Bronze Age, which was about a thousand years after Adam.  I believe metallurgy was a gift from God to the White race.  Two identification marks (and there are over 100) of Israel would be great agricultural wealth and land having an abundance of minerals.  Deut. 8:9 covers both aspects, “A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness… a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou may dig brass.” 

Swords developed gradually from the scythe, a farming tool used to harvest grain.  But where did the White man get the idea for a sword?  I think it’s interesting that God introduces the first recorded weapon of war in the Bible, not man.  If you recall Adam and Eve being driven out of the Garden of Eden, God placed the “Cherubim and a flaming sword that turns every way to guard the way to the tree of life” (Gen. 3:23).  The idea of a sword then is to protect something.  In early usage, the sword, no doubt, defended their source of life, their gardens, from outside threats. 

If you look up the word ‘sword’, you’ll find the Hebrew word ‘chereb’ (#2719), which comes from 2717 meaning ‘to parch (through drought)’, supporting the word chereb, which means drought, having a secondary definition of ‘a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect), as well as 2717 saying, ‘by analogy, to desolate, destroy, kill.