The Shining Light of Glory Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Luke 11:33-38

Now that we've covered this subject from the Old Testament (which conceals the New Testament) we will move into the New Testament (which reveals the Old Testament). Smoke, fire and light have been referred to, and if I could relate these metaphors to you, they would represent the Word of God as smoke, the Holy Spirit as fire and Jesus Christ as the Light.  They are all interconnected to Israel.

Well, where is the Shining Light of Glory today?  With so much darkness in the world, how can there be any light?  If there is a false light or harmful radiation impersonating the Shining, then there likewise must be a false baptism.

The Shining Light of Glory Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Psalm 4:1-8

As you may have noticed, we are not looking at ordinary light, we looking at biblical light.  We first started in Genesis and are going straight through the Scriptures to expand our understanding of this subject as it dovetails with the concept of baptism.  I do not mean the denominational ritual of full body immersion in water that corresponds to the practices of ancient pagan cults.  I do mean the baptism or full mentality of immersing ourselves in the Word of God as it relates to the shining light of glory.  It does not rain on a bright sunny day and neither does the darkness of evil prevail when there is a shining light of God. 

The Shining Light of Glory Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 60:1-5

'The Shining' is the title of a weird novel and movie by jewish author Stephen King, but we're not interested in mystically demented literature or movies.  However, we're going to be looking at the fantastic, spectacular and wonderfully brilliant subject of biblical light.  Why?  Because the Scriptures have such a rich reference to not only literal light, but figurative light as well.  I've prayed for the light bulb in my head to be turned on, so that the message God wants us to see is seen. I want to shed light on seeing the light.  How often do we hope that people with whom we’ve planted the seed of Christian Identity will see the light?  Not for our sake, but for theirs.  Why is it important to have light?  So that we're not in the dark?  Naturally, there is the issue of race and poses the question of why did God create light and dark races.  And even if you don't believe in God, why did they evolve as such?  If there was just a “human race,” why not one uniform skin pigment and behavioral traits?  I believe the Bible offers us an explanation. One of the peculiar revelations of this message is that light and the New Testament baptism are very similar.  I don't think the other races can be baptized, and by that, I don't mean getting wet.  I don't think the other races can see the light as we do, so as we go along, try to replace the word light with the word baptize.  I think you'll see some interesting parallels.

The Shining Light of Glory

by Pastor Mark Downey

Shining Light of Glory booklet coverLight is God and His word dispels the darkness.  Darkness is ignorance of His word.

Part 1:  Definitions of light and examples of Old Testament light as metaphor and literal.  Different kinds of light explored in the book of Job.

Part 2: Where there's smoke, there's fire and where there's fire, there's light. But some people want to throw water on the shining of God's glory, as we learn more lessons from the Old Testament prophets. We examine the poetic books of Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and discuss how we live each day to the glory of God as a manifestation of the shining light of glory.

Part 3: Summing up the proposition that light, water, radiance, cleansing, repentance, baptism, purification, separation, glory and other revelations of biblical awareness all have a common denominator giving the Christian a direction towards finding the truth.

The Catholic Menace Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Mark 12:1-12

This is the final installment of ‘The Catholic Menace’ although the damning evidence could go on and on.  It makes one wonder with astonishment how anyone having the racial ability to hear the voice of Jesus Christ can follow a religion of “Fathers.”  “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven” Mt. 23:9.  Some children call their father “papa” and that’s not forbidden, but the papacy insisted upon calling their “bishop of bishops’ the Pope and a substructure of Father-Priests.  But the word "father" also denotes authority, eminence, superiority, a right to command, and a claim to holy reverence. In this sense it belongs eminently to God, and is not a right of men.   White Christians are equal coworkers in the vineyard of the Lord and only God has supreme authority.  Catholics have done much to consolidate church power, but very little to advance the Kingdom of God; Daniel prophesied of an antichrist kingdom that would “Change times and laws” (Daniel 7:25) and Bible scholars have identified this fourth beast as the Roman Catholic Church, that will “Speak great words against the Most High.”  Hey, Israel’s calendar is gone, but we got a catholic Christmas.