Is Revolution Christian? Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

I should probably clarify the difference between a rebellion and a revolt.  It’s always a revolt when anyone resists the existing establishment – such is the nature of propaganda.  The same idea is conveyed today by calling someone a “terrorist” or “enemy combatant”, which are loophole terms to circumvent the Geneva Convention in the use of torture and most assuredly God’s Law of warfare. 

Rebellion is usually in the sense of an individual and thus a ‘rebel’, whereas a revolt is a collective rejection of authority.  Rebellion suggests treason against lawful authority.  The idiosyncrasy of these terms seems to get blurred when traitors usurp lawful authority and become the establishment.  I Samuel 15:23 uses the word ‘rebellion’ rather than revolt and it likens it to the sin of witchcraft.  The Hebrew word for rebellion means bitterness and is directed against God.  The same passage ends by saying, “Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee from being king.”  It’s not the same thing as ‘resistance to tyranny.’  This begs the question: do we obey God by resisting tyranny?  The American Revolution was fought under the banner of this concept.

Is Revolution Christian? Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

I once heard a tax protester say that there needs to be a tax revolt, because taxes are so revolting.  If only Jimmy Durante were around today, he could look in any direction of the political spectrum and say that classic line, “What a revoltin’ development this is.”  Our founding fathers said, “No taxation without representation.”  Did Jesus pay taxes? 

We have an important object lesson in Mt. 17:24-27 where Christ and Peter are in Capernaum and a tax collector comes up to Peter and asked him if his Master pays tribute.  We can deduce from these passages that the annual collection had its origin in the maintenance of the Temple and thus an ecclesiastical tax, but over time had become a civil tax of earthly kings.  This tax was voluntary, but expected to be paid or in modern terms “voluntary compliance’.  Isn’t it strange that they would put people in jail for not volunteering? 

Is Revolution Christian?

by Pastor Mark Downey

The question of whether or not Christians can or should revolt is answered.

Part 1:  Jesus' teaching on taxation; revolution defined; the principle of revolution applied to the government; revolution as a spiritual movement.

Part 2:  Unauthorized rebellion is a recipe for tyranny; Paul, Carodoc and Boadicea; we cannot be free without Christ; Rex Lex and Lex Rex; the circle of life.

Jewish Ritual Murder

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today’s message dovetails with Pastor Elmore’s sermon entitled ‘Murderers’ (8-28-11) and comes from a series I did several years ago called ‘Why We Hate Jews.’  Nothing I have written has gotten a more vitriolic response from jews and judeo-Christians than this one, due to the fact that jewish ritual murder is indelibly part of the historical record; as much as they would like for it to disappear down a memory hole.  Martin Luther was an outspoken critic of not only the church, but even more vociferous of the synagogue in which he said in his book ‘The Jews and Their Lies’, “They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children… The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.

Spirit Steady – Combat Ready Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

In Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, a well known classic line stated, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  I’ve been hearing for years that these are trying times and that it’s an exciting time in which we live.  I’m guilty of repeating these clichés, but I don’t find it very exciting when my patience is tried.  Nevertheless, Scripture saith, “Tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3).  So, men and brethren, what shall we do? 

We live in a day and age in which there are some very smart and wise people as well as despicable idiots; the best and the brightest vs. the worst and the dullest.  We live in an era of true believers and also rancid atheists.  It is a winter of freezing blizzards and a summer of scorching drought.  We put all our cards on the table, yet have nothing to wager – nothing to win and nothing to lose.  Millions think they will be raptured off to heaven and millions resign themselves to the pits of hell.

Spirit Steady – Combat Ready Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country is doing to you.  Josiah did what we should be doing and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.  Back in the Pacific Northwest there was an incident of White high school football players taking their chainsaws to a sacred Indian totem pole.  The media was aghast, but I got on cable access TV in Seattle and lavishly praised the boys for a job well done and told the story of Josiah.  The Zionist Occupational Government doesn’t want you poking your nose into their business of running and ruining your life through the worship of Baal.  Do you really think that polls, surveys or even elections have any basis in reality anymore?  We only have the illusion that our opinion and choices are relevant.  If they cared one iota about what we think, they would not be trying to kill us ever so softly with the spiritual warfare of an antichrist Babylon.  If they could get away with it, they would have sharp and shiny guillotines in every town square in America and heads would roll.  Believe it or not, this is already a national Public Law called the Noahides. 

Spirit Steady – Combat Ready

by Pastor Mark Downey

A look at our spiritual and physical demands required from God. 

Part 1: A fair and balanced examination of spiritual warfare; how to deal with an increase in knowledge; preparing for the harvest. 

Part 2: The antichrist enemy is prepared to destroy White Christians; ungodly economics of Babylon; being in agreement with God is a release of sin/debt; arming ourselves with the Word of God.

Taking Command of a Pure Language

by Pastor Mark Downey

Zephaniah 3:9 speaks of a "pure language" and I believe that language to be English. The reason given is that we may "serve Him with one consent." David prayed in his songs to the Lord, "Let the words of my mouth…. Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord" Ps. 19:14. Therefore, it should be a no-brainer to anyone who believes in God that the way we communicate with each other should be different from those who don't believe in God. Ezekiel prophesied of a future priesthood who would teach our people, "The difference between the holy and the profane" (Ezek. 44:23). Indeed, we have preachers today who utter profanities in both common colloquial and figurative abominations under the guise of God's Word.

There are two types of Christians in the public eye. The first is the ugly iconoclastic stereotype, which is the media generated hypocrite coined "Judeo-Christian". This is a well-deserved oxymoron that mixes the holy with the profane. The second is a lesser known Christian without any hyphenated abominations and reflects the valiant culmination of past generations, which is the racial tradition of chivalry representing the nobility of Christian ideology and living a life of dignity and honor. A foul mouth is more likely to come from the judaized mentality than a mind that has been kept clean of filth. It is a refreshing observation that most converts to Christian Identity, converse without a defiling spirit; although there is a residual worldly element that thinks cussing is cool.

Your Papers Please Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today’s Scripture reading was Proverbs 4:14-23 and apparently Esau-Edom partakes of a communion of sorts, “Eating the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence” (v.17).  I’m reminded of John’s vision in Rev. 17:6, “And I saw the woman [Mystery Babylon] drunken with the blood of the saints and… the martyrs of Jesus.”  What they commune with is the Babylonian Talmud and hang on every word that proceeds from the mouth of their vile rabbis.  A rabbi is a jew who is proficient in twisting and convoluting the intent of God’s Word.  Evidently, those who enter the path of Talmudic wickedness can’t sleep until they’ve done some mischief and cause people to fall and stumble (v.16). 

The current events of this past week are more confirmation of the dialectics of a created solution to satisfy a created problem, which produces the desired result.  What is that result?  A stumbling block to perceive reality.