An Identity Rebuttal to Jewish Voice Today Part 1
by Pastor Mark Downey
On a recent visit to a new dentist for the first time, I noticed a pile of sample magazines called JVT, which is Jewish Voice Today. I don't believe the doctor is jewish, but to carry such a magazine is truly judeo-Christian (in contradistinction to Christian) and perusing the magazine, I quickly found out that it was Messianic. In other words, it is jews who have supposedly converted to Christianity. However, under the veneer, they have converted to nothing and are vicariously teaching judaism to gullible Christians and definitely promoting a Zionist agenda. There is no visible Cross of Calvary, but the six pointed star of Molech is pervasive. Within their logo is a stalk of what appears to be wheat, but is more likely a tare which impersonates wheat and is straight, rather than curved and bowing from it's bounty of grain. Now slick full-color magazines like this are not cheap to publish, but they seem to have a plentiful cash flow; and I'll tell you why in a moment. They even have their own TV show called the 'Jewish Voice' as if the media monopoly run by jews needs more jewish voices. They are in all the social networks and don't have to worry about being banned or censored like an Identity Christian. The president and CEO is Rabbi Jonathan Bernis (not pastor, not reverend, not bishop; none of the Christian appellations), headquartered out of Phoenix, Arizona. The reason I'm rebutting this organization and why it's important to White Christians is because the 'Jewish Voice Ministries' is a religious predator that preys upon God's true chosen people. To say there's been a case of mistaken identity is a gross understatement; the claim that jews are descendants of Jacob-Israel is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind. There's no mistake about identifying the Big Lie of jews. We're going to take a look at the current Nov./Dec. issue and some other things from their website.
An Identity Rebuttal to Jewish Voice Today
by Pastor Mark Downey
Part 1: JVT is Jewish Voice Today Ministries International, which is the quintessential wolf in sheep's clothing, although it cannot mask its face or motives from the discerning and watchful eye of Christian Identity.
Part 2: The two witnesses of the parable of the husbandmen and Psalms 83 clearly show how Edom, in the guise of Messianic jews, are diabolical adversaries to God and true Israel.
Part 3: The extent of the jewish impersonation of Israel through manipulation of scripture and media.
Part 4: This message delves into the extent of the jewish conspiracy. There's nothing that will separate us from the love of God.
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With Jews We Lose
by Pastor Mark Downey
The word 'jew' is the most confusing word in the Bible and it's because of those who call themselves jews who want us confused. They invented the word and we're stuck with it, like it or not. Had Rev. 2:9 been honestly translated, you would read it as Judean or Judahite, signifying only one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the tribe of Judah. Therefore, John is revealing to us the blasphemy of an entire group of people known as jews impersonating something which they cannot legitimately claim i.e. the tribe of Judah. The interpretation of this verse is not talking about any other group of people in the world today except those who call themselves jews and play this scam of assuming a false identity. John says they are “the synagogue of satan.” There is only one religion in the world that meets in a synagogue and that is judaism, attended by jews. Because of this insidious identity theft, John characterizes them as satanic; the very adversaries of God on earth today. It can only be a losing proposition when the bona fide tribe of Judah and hence all twelve tribes of Israel are deprived of their biblical identity. And the truth becomes even more astounding from a Christian Identity perspective when we correctly identify the tribe of Judah as Germany, which in times past meant “genuine” as applied to the Scythians i.e. Israelites who were dispersed from the Assyrian captivity and migrated into the territories of Anglo Saxon Europe. The Saxons were descended from the Sacae of Scythia, and their name meant 'sons of Isaac.' The propensity of jews to name their children after biblical characters to give the impression that jews were somehow connected to God's chosen people was convincingly argued against with the advent of Adolph Hitler and the express Christian character of the German people. The jews couldn't possibly be a holy people with their track record of being a profane and vile people whom God said He would have indignation against them forever (Mal. 1:4). When you hear the phrase “den of vipers,” that's who it's talking about... jews. “Ye shall know them by their fruits” Mt. 7:16. The majority of people today believe jews are Israel, not because it's the truth, but because of the enormity of outrageous jewish propaganda.
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