Talking, Walking and Racing
by Pastor Mark Downey
December 14 and December 28 2014
Scripture Reading: Jonah 1:12-17
Men and brethren, what shall we do?” For years I've been trying to answer that question, because inquiring minds want to know. Just because somebody puts forth a 'call to arms' does not mean it's time. Some say there needs to be a tax revolt, being that taxes are so revolting. Like so many other young men in their 20's, I was ready to bear arms in the early 1980's and overthrow the jewish nemesis; having come to the knowledge of their true identity and mine. But, God had other plans. You know something is wrong when Pharaoh demands the slave get their own straw to make bricks. You know something is wrong when Congress is going to cut military pay and veteran benefits, but they're going to extend amnesty to alien lawbreakers, giving them free citizenship and financial freebies. Ask yourself, is this the America you grew up in or want your children's future to be?
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Walking the Walk
William Finck’s
Christogenea Saturdays 12/6/2014
with Bill Finck and Mark Downey
Subject: Walking the Walk
Part 3 of Christogenea Saturdays' series "Walking the Walk"'. A conversation with Pastor Downey and William Finck centering on Christian order and historical, biblical and current perspectives of government.
More on this subject with written text: Walking, Talking and Racing
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An Identity Rebuttal to Jewish Voice Today Part 2
by Pastor Mark Downey
Scripture Reading: Psalms 83:1-6
What is it that jews have against us, against Jesus Christ and His followers, which for the last 2000 years have been White people? I believe it's the ancient conflict between Jacob Israel and his brother Esau Edom, who forsook and sold his birthright and now wants it back. Their father Isaac was tricked into blessing Jacob and likewise today's Edomite jews are tricking the world into believing they are Israel. What most people don't realize is that the jews want to rule the world and it's to the exclusion of Christ and Christians, White Christians specifically. In case you haven't noticed, the bipolar jewish/muslim Obama regime has had a grudge against Christians since taking his Masonic oath of office, taking overt measures, especially in the military, being the commander-in-thief. For all intents and purposes, Obama is a puppet of the jews, in spite of the dialectic parlor games, if one has eyes to see the enemy within.
There have been many explanations and hypothesis' as to why the “Prince of peace,” the “Prince of life,” the “Word of life,” the “Light of the world,” the “Author and finisher of our faith” was crucified. In two words it was 'sour grapes,' which is to say an expression of disdain for something one covets but cannot have. Such was the prophetic parable of the vineyard in the first three gospels. Jesus gave this lesson just a week before His death on the Cross. Matthew's version (21:33-46) is slightly different than Luke (20:9-19) and Mark (12:11-9), citing Isaiah 5:1-2, “Now I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard on a rich and fertile hill. He dug it all around, removed its stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. And He built a tower in the middle of it. And also hewed out a wine vat in it; Then He expected it to produce good grapes, But it produced only sour ones.” What was the problem?