Positive Christianity - Part 3

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 2:2-4

A lot of money goes into winning hearts and minds for either good or evil intentions.  Propaganda was historically an unbiased term for the art of persuasion.  I've quoted the one statement of Karl Marx so many times, because it drives home the point that if one doesn't play fair with the facts, one can produce an emotional rather than rational response to the evidence presented.  Marx said, “Take away the heritage of a people and they are easily persuaded.”  It's like selling an ice cube to an eskimo.  The jews got so good at stealing the heritage of the White race, that they assumed their biblical identity as “Israel.”  In our divine quest to reawaken our people with the Christian Identity message, it is incumbent upon us to rectify the monster lies of jewish disinformation if we are to have any heritage at all.  In George Orwell's book '1984,' the deception became a fait accompli and all that was left for the totalitarian hierarchy was to maintain it.  A good example of something that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it, is 9/11.  And the same modus operandi has been at work reinventing Jesus Christ and Adolf Hitler, because of theology and race.  The churches are complicit.  The method of persuasion was turned into high gear, lest the adversaries of God fail to maintain their facade and subsequently lose their grip; a death grip, on the society they've enslaved.

Hitler understood that German culture was being transformed by an ugly and perverse movement that would take away their heritage and replace it with an alien idolatry that would ruin Germany.  And it almost did.  White Christians do best among their own kind, provided their Christianity is positive and not universalist.  It encourages the servant race of God to not only hear the Word, but to do the work in spite of possible suffering.  In times of adversity, our worry shouldn't turn to fear, because our faith gives us the courage of our convictions.  Our alien enemies are without a prayer if we cannot be diverted from our divine calling.  “