Giving Thanks

by Pastor Mark Downey

There are multitudes (or should I say mixed multitudes) who have benefited from living in the U.S.A., but cannot or will not attribute those benefits to the Benefactor from whence all blessings flow.  In this message, I’d like to take a look at the history of gratitude in America; specifically the nature of Thanksgiving Day and how it has evolved.  There is something terribly wrong with a White nation that had a Christian beginning, but several hundred years later cannot express the same spirit of thankfulness. 

If we are nearing the end of this age, the so called church age, we should also know that the merchants of Babylon will consider the ‘souls of men’ to have the least value of anything, even below the merchandise of horses and chariots and slaves (Rev. 18:13).  How did we ever mutate to such a level of decadence and greed and ingratitude? 

The Thanksgiving holiday didn’t start in America.  It started in ancient times when our race, the men of Israel, were called three times a year to stand before God (Ex.34:23).  The feast of Tabernacles was the third and final time for gathering together.  It was the most joyous of the three festivals, a time of thanksgiving for all the fruits of the land that had been harvested.  Tabernacles reminded Israel of their dwelling in tents in the wilderness, but also pointed to the final harvest when God’s purpose for Israel would be fulfilled and that is the gathering of all the holy nations of a peculiar people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood gathered unto the Lord.

Jesus Christ for President

by Pastor Mark Downey

November 13, 2016

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:6-7

I have given this sermon 5 times and each time I have changed the names of the guilty, a protected class, in the hope of cutting the strings between the puppets and the puppet masters. The only person that will make us stronger together and make America great again is Jesus, our Messiah. Once again, Republicrats have put on a good show. In fact, I've said for years that there should be a special division at the Academy Awards for politicians. In 2016, we have been subjected to the illusion that the election wasn't supposed to happen the way it did, contrary to Franklin Roosevelt saying, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” One thing is certain: a gullible and impressionable public thinks there's been a regime change. They are wrong. The jew is still racketeering according to the Protocols. Already, Trump is saying Obama is “a very good man.” I guess, the Donald never got my memo. I hope this is the last time I have to give this sermon. Jesus, come quickly.

In 1993 I brainstormed and engineered this idea of ‘Jesus Christ for President’ for the 1996 presidential election (between Clinton and Dole) in the now defunct Populist Party.  Every 4 years I bring up this interesting proposal with less and less interest from those who hear it.  I don't think there's ever been so much bitter rancor. America has been bankrupt for presidential leadership, the top position in the executive branch of government for decades.  This year’s election, in the year of our Lord 2016, is being touted as the most important one ever.  Actually, I've heard that one before. However, a contest between a witch and a wizard is no contest at all for White Christian Americans.  It’s the proverbial ‘lesser of two evils’ and we do not consent to be governed by evil.  Voting for the Hillary or the Donald would be giving our consent to the antichrists.  So please allow me to give you an overhauled history and analysis of what happened since 1993 to the present, followed by the positive joys of tribulation and our appointment with destiny.