Racial Issues of the Bible

Interview with Pastor Downey

I was recently given the opportunity to give a Christian Identity response to a bible college project on racism. Specifically, I addressed some of the comments made at the Kinsman Redeemer website. Many of the questions go directly to the core message of race in the Bible. Most of these students are probably hearing the focus of Identity for the first time. We therefore ask our friends in the Christian Identity community to pray that the planting of these seeds finds fertile ground and will grow with God's blessings.

The Old Man: Dead on Arrival Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

“Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed” Romans 6:6.

Question: do you know what is worse than a wicked young man? Answer: a wicked old man! Why? Because he has had a lot more practice. The Bible is about winners and losers. Christianity is about victory. There are two races in Scripture. The first is the White Adamic/Israelite race. The second is the contest in which the White race must cross the finish line. We are a chosen race in a race to obtain a prize. Our race has two movements competing against each other. One is secular and the other is spiritual. There are two different prizes. “Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible” I Cor. 9:25.

From time to time, I get comments from brothers and sisters in Christ that Christian Identity does not preach the Gospels or fundamental teachings of salvation. And that’s usually true, because so many of us came out of the denominations that did fortunately teach us these things. But, we have a new generation that is unschooled in these basic understandings and so it behooves us to review our basic Christian responsibilities from an Identity perspective. So, this sermon is for both young and old

Prophets vs. Profits

by Pastor Mark Downey

In this day and age we hear a lot about the future. In fact, futurism has become a big business for not only religious opportunists, but secular interests as well. There is altogether too much disinformation regarding the parameters (elements whose values characterize a member of a system) and perimeters (a boundary line protecting an area) of what a prophet entails. Nowadays anybody can call themselves a prophet and not have the character or limitations of this vocation, whether temporary or during a lifetime, and may be outside the realm of what constitutes the job description. One can declare themselves a prophet with impunity, because there is no law against it, except God’s Law, which unfortunately is not enforced these days by the body politic. Conversely, lawless accusers can enjoy their day of calumny labeling someone a false prophet without much reality to the accusation.  There are three basic prerequisites which mandate a prophet ...

Come Out of Her, My People

by Pastor Mark Downey

"And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. 18:4

This is perhaps one of the most profound utterances in John's Revelation. It contains the racial message of Christian Identity that the White race i.e. Israel is God's people. We always have been and always will be His people. But, we are commanded to come out of her, which is alluding to Mystery Babylon in chapters 17 and 18. Mystery Babylon represents the culmination of filthy state sanctioned religious, political and economic systems of death.

What is it that we should come out of?

Unity Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

A lot of Christian Identity pastors have lamented a common concern about divisions, disfellowshipping, little wars over doctrine and a general climate of disunity, which I’m sure makes the ADL and SPLC quite pleased.  I’m of the opinion that the only thing we need to concern ourselves with is the identity of who we are and if we are who are, then the jews must be somebody else.  This is just my opinion, but in the late 1980’s CI was becoming a very populist movement and this phenomenon alarmed our enemies so much, that they took countermeasures, just like we’re seeing with the undermining of the Tea Party movement today.  I think it’s probably a combination of well meaning judeo-Christians who saw the truth of who the White race is according to the Bible, but were compelled to drag their denominational baggage into our movement, thus creating endless debates.

Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up? Appendix B: Identification Marks of Israel

by Pastor Mark Downey

In John 10:38 and 20:29-31 Jesus, in essence, told them even if you don't believe His simple proclamation and doubt His Word, believe the works (signs and miracles) that you may know He is the Son of God. Likewise, being consistent with Jesus' reply for proof, the true identity of Israel can only be claimed by those who fulfill the signs or marks, not just taking somebody's word for it.  A list of 100 identifying marks of Israel that have been fulfilled by the Anglo Saxon and kindred people and not by the jews

Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up? Appendix A: Is White Supremacy Scriptural?

by Pastor Mark Downey

It is curious as to how this expression 'White Supremacy' has become such a bugaboo, how it invokes images of some sort of exaggerated cult and how the average citizen reacts to the utterance of this phrase. We know the enemy perverts language and is the author of confusion, therefore it would behoove us to research words that are so loosely bandied about that are causing us so much trouble. From my original 1847 Webster's dictionary, the definitions of the following words: Supremacy - state of being supreme or in the highest station of power; highest authority or power; as the supremacy of the king of Great Britain; or the supremacy of parliament. Supreme - highest in authority; holding the highest place in government or power.

Will the Real Armageddon Please Stand Up? Volume II

by Pastor Mark Downey

Misnomers and False Interpretations

The controversy is between two schools of eschatology (study of the end times); that of the historicists and futurists. The former, as the name implies, explains God's Word in sacred and secular history, both of which is His Story. The Protestant reformers understood correctly, events that had come to pass fulfilling the veracity of scriptures. On the other hand, the futurist disregard the past and place the works of God in the distant future.

Other topics covered in this volume: Migrations; Judgements of Israel; Regathering of the Lost Tribes; The Kingdom