Doctrines Index
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An alphabetical listing of all messages in the "DOCTRINES" category
Scripture Reading: Luke 22:35-38 “And He said to them, When I sent you without purse and wallet and sandals, did you lack anything? And they replied, No, nothing. Then He said to them, But now he having a purse must take it, and likewise a wallet, and he not having a sword must sell his coat and buy one. For I say to you that it is necessary for this Scripture to be fulfilled in Me, that also ‘He was reckoned with the lawless.’ For what is written about Me is reaching its fulfillment. And they said to Him, “Lord, look! Here are two swords!” And He said to them, It is sufficient.”
Forgive me for the alliteration (a series of words starting with the same letter) in our title. Perhaps a sequel could be Baal, Bongos and Babylon. The Titanic ship of Babylon keeps getting closer and closer to the iceberg of God. The Admiralty jurisdiction wants to confiscate all life preservers and life boats with the artificial storms of Marxist Dialectics. There will be some who jump ship into the great whore that sits upon many waters (Rev. 17:1, 15). They would rather surrender their souls to the final beast empire of prophecy than walking on water as Peter did momentarily. I'm waxing a bit poetic, but can you feel the crescendo of our times hitting the boiling point of Christians in the saucepan? The antichrists probably think of us as the frog, but don't want us jumping out of their century long conspiracy to boil us to death. They want voluntary compliance; for us to beg them to please turn up the heat. But be warned, the first breath you take after you surrender will not be the breath of life, but the polluted air of zombies. After so many years of senseless gun-related shootings, they envision the White Christian American to march down to their local police station and tell the Chief, “Please take my gun”. Hardly any of these sensational shootings make any sense and most have an uncanny pattern of coincidences, always aided and abetted by the mainstream jewish media. They very seldom tell the whole truth about a shooting and suppress revealing information that would suggest others were involved besides the lone nut. However, God goes so far as to say, “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth” Rev. 18:24.
Scripture Reading: Exodus 18:19-23
This is not a sermon about a person named Harvey Reichstag, but rather the conjunction of the worst ever US natural disaster (according to and the worst ever political arson fire. The recent hurricane in Texas and the German Parliament building set ablaze have a common denominator. In 2011 I wrote a sermon called “Katrina? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!” Six years later, we're seeing something. We're seeing a storm of devastation nearing 40 inches of rain and $200 billion in damages. In fact, we are seeing a slew of hurricanes. Both the hurricane(s) and the arson are not what they appear to be. Both exploitations are borne of political expediency for propaganda purposes. Both have an impact on national security. Both have a calculated future because of the evil inherent from the events. Both have an inevitable clash between Christianity and jewish communism. Both foment extraordinary extremism. Both have biblical implications. That may not be specific enough yet to draw some corollaries. So please allow me to explain if you can handle the truth. I say that because most people have been programmed to automatically close their minds to anything having to do with race, God and government; the latter two falsely euphemized as church and state. But, the walls of our minds were meant to be overcome. The Truth shall make you free from the barriers of disinformation.
Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
'The deification of man' is not about one man any more than “the man of lawlessness” is about one man. Anyone who plays God is a “son of destruction” and history is replete with examples. I’m not sure where to start this message, so let’s go to the beginning of Genesis where the thought is whispered to Eve, “Thou shalt be as gods” (Gen. 3:5). Such a deal! Regardless of what you think the tree of knowledge of good and evil was literally, don’t you think Adam and Eve (even if it was for a fleeting moment) thought of themselves as gods? Until, that is, they heard the voice of God say, “Where are you?” (Gen. 3:9). God, likewise, might be asking us the same thing, like “where are your thoughts; where's your head at?” And if we are honest, most of us would say, “O Lord, my mind is not where it should be.” God must have anticipated this problem from the very beginning (being that He knows the beginning from the end) that man would try to deify himself. So much so, that the priority of His Law has always been first and foremost, “Thou shalt not have any other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:3) and “Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Mt. 22:37). That is virtually impossible to do if you have the mindset to presume that you deserve some kind of deification for yourself, to be worshiped. You may not call it that, but should any one of us take it upon ourselves to judge what is right or wrong, that does not correspond to the Word of God, then that is the embryo of becoming a god.
Scripture Reading: James 1:5-8
When you force the combining of good and evil, what do you get? You get the double mind. When you allow non-Whites to have their spaces, their neighborhoods (in which no White person dare walk down the street at night), their own schools and colleges, student unions and race-specific grants and funding, affirmative action just for them in employment, their own racial caucus in Congress, their own TV channel, etc, the modern liberal calls it good. But when any White group wishes to do the same thing, as a matter of culture, identity and benevolence, it's called racist and evil. Welcome to America, the land of dialectical materialism, which early proponents of jewish communism made the centerpiece of their political philosophy. Rabbi Karl Marx asserted that only material things can be reality and thus denying anything spiritual, especially the reality of a White Christian's mind or soul. In his jewish mind, he thought all change happens through the conflict of opposites and is motivated by revolution, thus a forced means to an end, regardless of the spiritual considerations. This can be seen in the social engineering between men and women, children and parents, left wing democrats and right wing republicans, blacks and Whites, Christians and antichrists etc. When you combine good with evil you get the synthesis of chaos. In theory, it is believed that the mechanics of chaos can destroy Christianity.
Scripture Reading: II Cor. 4:1-6
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Madison Square Gardens for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing in this corner, the reigning world champion from Jew York City... Pessimism. And in the other corner, the contender hailing from New Jerusalem... Optimism. Well, you know I'm hamming it up a bit, but I wanted to convey the great fight before us. This is 2017, which could be called the year of the epic brawl between Jacob-Israel and Esau-Edom. Today is March 19th and in four days (3-23-17) we will begin to launch the first rounds of firepower in spiritual warfare against the pride and haughtiness of the Mainstream Media followed by 39 other days of unrelenting imprecatory salvos heard in the Court of Divine Justice, which of course is much higher than the Supreme Court, because it is adjudicated upon by Almighty God. It's going to be one hell of a main event. For the good and faithful Israelite, it's all positive Christianity. It don't get any better than that. I have gotten nothing but affirmation for our imprecatory campaign. Nobody in Christian Identity is whining about how it's going to get worse. Well, maybe for the jews and their shabbez-goy things aren't working out as they thought they would under the Protocols of Satan.
For those who say it's going to get worse before it gets better, let me just say, "Give me a break." I just find doom and gloom boring. Conversely, I find David's well placed sling shot between the eyes of Goliath exhilarating and inspirational. Indulge me for a moment while I paraphrase Mt. 24:5: "Many shall come yapping their mouths as some kind of expert giving Christianity lip service… and shall deceive many (causing our people to err)." It occurs to me that those who heed the Lord's warning and avoid babbling buffoons must be what constitute the Remnant, who sees things in an entirely different perspective than most people.
Surrender to the enemies of Christ is not in the vocabulary of onward Christian soldiers. The only thing we surrender is our hearts and minds to the will and purposes of our God. Every now and then I hear of somebody in our movement who throws in the towel, thinking the battle is lost, this generation is lost, and our people have lost their minds and thus any hope for the future. What they usually don’t consider is that our people have lost their spiritual direction and moral compass. We are appropriately called the lost sheep of the house of Israel. But that does not mean the Holy Spirit has disappeared. It just means our faith is temporarily waning in the fog of Babylon. We're going to clear things up.
Scripture Reading: I Peter 4:12-14
Have you ever heard the phrase 'it's gonna get worse before it gets better'? Of course you have. They've pounded it into our heads more times than the number of McDonald's hamburgers ever made. Speaking of which… have you heard about this documentary movie called 'Super Size Me'? It's about this guy that lives on a McDonald's fast food menu for one month. I guess you could call it the 'Golden Arches Diet'; nothing else but Big Macs, Eggs McMuffins, Chicken McNuggets and greasy fries. This gentleman, being under medical supervision, was almost hospitalized near the end of his little experiment. But, it just goes to show you that things can get worse depending on what you put into your body, mind and spirit. Like junk food, we can feed our heads with mindless mantras of doom 'n gloom.
The commonly accepted perceptions of doom and gloom is examined in contrast to Christian principles of hope and blessings. Victory over pessimism and how God's plan for the ages spells defeat for the enemies of Jesus Christ.
Part 1: The commonly accepted perceptions of doom and gloom is examined in contrast to Christian principles of hope and blessings.
Part 2: Optimism's victory over pessimism and how God's plan for the ages spells defeat for the enemies of Jesus Christ.
Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:25-29
The end of the Church Age commences with the collapse of Mystery Babylon. It is this interim of time from the fall of our great enemies to the Second Coming of Christ that we “occupy till He comes” Luke 19:13. It's true that for the last 2000 years, the generation that followed the Apostles have had the wrong kind of occupation. The overcomers will rediscover the original intent of the 1st century command, which was not the establishment of a state church or a church state, like Mormonism in Utah or the Vatican, but rather an expansion of spiritual values in Israelite (White) societies. Nor did the parable imply that the “nobleman” (Christ) expected financial gain through usury from the nominal “ten pounds” that He gave His servants. In verse 14 it mentions citizens who hated Him and said, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” This, of course, are the jews who historically have made their wealth and power from the avarice of being the world's foremost temple moneychangers and control freaks of a born again Babylon. Why would Jesus tell His servants to do the same thing His enemies were doing? Well, He wouldn't. The overcomer will know that the word “occupy” did not mean the occupation of nations defeated by unjust and ungodly wars, such as the occupation of Germany by America since the aftermath of WWII. WWII was simply one of many jewish wars in which “The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force” Mt.11:12. The command Jesus gave His servants was spiritual and it's still in effect today. His servants could only be those who He identified as such: “But you, Israel, are My servant” Isaiah 41:8. The ten servants were the ten tribes of the northern house who became lost sheep. That's who Jesus said He came for (Mt. 15:24).
Scripture Reading: I John 5:4-5
In 1989 I attended the Scriptures for America Family Bible Camp in Colorado hosted by the late Pastor Pete Peters, along with approximately 400 other Identity Christians. This is back when our movement was burgeoning with new converts and unfortunately fringe elements. It was the first time I was introduced to the salient implications of the Christian overcomer. Peters started his message by asking the audience “Do you want to be an overcomer?” Prior to giving his evening sermon, I remember that day, questionnaires were handed out asking, “What do you have to have more than anything else to be an overcomer?” And he played a tape recording of people trying to answer that question also. A lot of people said faith or trust or Christ, but that evening Peters said “Nobody got the right answer.” That may have been because the question was asked tongue in cheek because his answer was so rhetorical in his sphere of sophistry. Then, as if he received lightning bolts from Heaven, he yelled out his answer... “You've got to have something to overcome!!!” Well, duh... yeah. I remember at the time, that after Peters embarrassed so many people, who did get it right with I John 5:4, that he needed to overcome his self-serving attitude. But, I'm grateful that he broached the subject, which decades later has become a spiritual imperative for the serious Christian. Obviously, it has not been taken seriously by churchianity, otherwise we wouldn't have the excessive amount of egregious problems to overcome compared to 1989. A deeper understanding of the overcomer is certainly racial in nature and the first thing you need to be, to be an overcomer, is that you need to be White. As I recall, I put down 'Israelite' on the questionnaire... crickets. That's what you need, your identity.
In my initial research, I googled 'overcomer' and the first website I went to had a book that was published in Nigeria. Evidently, a black Nigerian found something to overcome; maybe it was the White man and he dreamt of a Nigerian Jesus. Can a Nigerian change his skin or a leopard its spots (Jer. 13:23)? I modified it from Ethiopian, but it's the same principle. But, for our purposes, it's intriguing that the rest of the verse is wildly translated as to whether the negro can do good with such a track record of being evil. I'll give you two poignant examples of what I'm talking about; the first is from the KJV, which reads ...