The Race Traitor Blossoms – Part 2

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: II Timothy 3:3-5

Let's start with a word study. Contained in today's Scripture reading we find two words in bold type, when combined, constitute the race traitor. The opposite of unholy is holy and the Greek word for holy (as in “holy nation” in I Peter 2:9) is hagios (#G40) and physically means pure. The Greek word for unholy is anosios (#G462) and the judeo church has deracinated (removed the racial import) and given it an implied generic meaning of impious or wicked. What these impious race traitors in churchianity ignore in the same Strong's Concordance citation is a reference to #G3741 hósios, which says, “reverence for what should be hallowed – properly, utter disregard of what is sacred, i.e. willful (arrogant) disrespect of the things of God”. Christ told Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me, because you are not thinking about the things of God, but the things of men” Mt. 16:23. In other words, the things of man, which have an utter disregard for the things of God, are satanic and they affect us adversely. You are an adversary or satan of God if you're a traitor to Israel, because the people of God are the things of God that matter the most. Things have a cause and effect, blessings and curses. So naturally, the race traitor curses us and that's what Paul is warning us about; when the treason against true Israel happens, there will be “terrible times” and they may be pious, “having a form of godliness, but denying its power”, but in reality, they are “unholy” and “traitorous”.

The Race Traitor Blossoms – Part 1

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Numbers 25:6-8

This is a sequel to the recent sermon 'It's the Betrayal, Stupid' and a companion piece to 'Going Dark', 'The Ungodliness of Being a Coward' and several others that point out the enemy in our midst turning exponentially wicked. Jesus said, “Because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of it, the world hates you” John 15:19. A rule of thumb when it says to “love your enemies” means your own kindred, not the mongrel enemies of God. However, a race traitor, as in the story of Phinehas, forfeits his life by violating the Divine Law and bringing God's wrath upon the Israel people. Because of this race traitor in Numbers 25, the sanctity of racial purity was being compromised and brought forth the “fierce anger of the Lord” (verse 4). Today, no one is weeping when a race mixed couple walk through the entrance of a church flaunting their fornication. In our Scripture reading today, Phinehas killed a race traitor and God gave him a “covenant of peace” (Num. 25:12). That may sound weird to judeo's, but they only read the warm and fuzzy parts of the Bible. They don't read “everyone was weeping” because of an immoral union. Wolves in sheep's clothing are race traitors, not shepherds.

Phinehas stayed the plague, but nevertheless 24,000 Israelites died of the plague (verses 8-9) and there is no difference today in the cause and effect of race mixing. The woman from Midian was not White. Israel got the command at Sinai to be a separate and holy people. “Now if you will obey Me and keep My covenant, you will be My own special treasure from among all the nations on earth; for all the earth belongs to Me; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” Ex. 19:5-6. I Peter 2:9 confirms and defends the Old Testament mandate for racial purity: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light”. Holy means pure and generation means race. Thus, racial purity. A race traitor is a White person who defies God's Law pertaining to race. Non-Whites were never given the Law, so they had no need for the God of biblical law.

The Race Traitor Blossoms

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

A look at the extreme left and right and how they betray the White race because of biblical ignorance.

Part 1:  The enemy from within true Israel is growing exponentially.  We begin to unravel the dialectics of Charlottesville and identify who are the violent ones. 

Part 2:  A word study on Bible race traitors as it relates to the so called alt right and their fiasco in Charlottesville.  An anatomy of the car ramming death.  Proof that the principles of the Protocols are now in full bloom.

The Christian Identity Vision

William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program for 2-6-2016 and 2-20-2016

with Bill Finck and Mark Downey

Subject:  The Christian Identity Vision

Pastor Downey joined William Finck for 2 Internet radio programs discussing an important imperative for Christian Identity: which is to maintain the integrity of our primary mission.

We are missionaries to the White race and none other to provide the racial message of the Bible and dispelling the frequently asked question “Can the other races be saved” and “what is their destiny.” Without the vision that God gives our race, we will perish in these last days, if we don't understand that biblical salvation that pertains only to whom Christ came for i.e. the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

These programs will equip the White Christian student of the Word with the proof of who and what will be destroyed. We identify the recipients of Salvation and destruction with a plethora of Scriptures. After listening to these programs, there will be no doubt that we must overcome every aspect of universalism and develop a mature racial consciousness in Christ; lest God, as the last sentence of the Old Testament warns, “come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6). Christian Identity is the preservation of the White race through Christ, proclaiming the Good News that the destroyers will be destroyed. But without righteous theological objectives, the status quo will worsen. We present God's plan for His people and victory.

Dissident Racism: Christogenea Saturdays Radio Show

William Finck’s
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  Dissident Racism

Pastor Mark Downey joined William Finck of for 2 online radio programs in October 2015 discussing his recent series on 'Dissident Racism'. Many additional comments and insights were added to the subject to elevate the racial consciousness of our people.

Dissident Racism Part 4: The Currency of God

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 51:1-7

Currency is not just a medium of exchange in circulation, the love of which is evil, but is also a continued course of a public belief passing from person to person and from age to age that has a long standing quality of common sense.  The biblical continuum is particular to the White race.  Christian Identity actually goes back to Paul preaching to his kinsmen “according to the flesh [their race]” Romans 9:3.  Neither Paul or any of the Disciples and Apostles ever took the Good News to racial aliens, because Jesus told them not to go to the heathens, but “rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Mt. 10:6).  Unfortunately, racism does not make sense to a majority of our people today because the quality of its foundation is off-course and the common perception of race is going in an evil direction. The evil is considered good and the goodness of racism is spoiled conceptually with universalism.  In terms of real life, this translates into chaos and violence, much to the disdain and contempt for the Laws of God.  Dissident racism, as I have tried to explain in this series of messages, is biblical and established on the foundation that race is a key factor in understanding Scripture.  Therefore, this message is approved by God and is the currency of God that has kept the White race from going extinct for about 6000 years, when God created the first White man, Adam.  It has been shown that God has a plan for the ages for the descendents of Adam right up to the present day.  And it's not something you hide “under a bushel.”  The racial message of the Gospels is like a “lampstand in order that those entering in would see the light” (Luke 11:33).  We're going dark at this time, racially and spiritually, so it is imperative that we stand as proud White Christian Americans, obeying God rather than jews.  The culture war conducted by antichrists is targeting our heritage and our destiny.

Dissident Racism Part 3: Of the Stars and Bars

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: John 16:12-15

In a world where nothing seems to matter anymore, especially the truth, why is the recent soundbyte 'Black Lives Matter' going viral?  Why is it taking such an extreme racist position while bemoaning racism?  The truth of the matter would seem to imply that 'black low lifes matter' or conversely 'White Lives Don't Matter.”  To the world of pornographic infomercials, 'size matters' and the public air waves controlled by the “prince of the power of the air” jews, inundate living rooms with little children hearing a steady mantra of “Viagra” and “Cialis.”  If race is such a tender ultra-sensitive issue demanding meaningless words like 'respect' and 'dignity,' then you would think that the cultural assaults on Christianity perpetrated by the same tribe of professional race-baiters would not rub the nose of decent White Christian Americans in their smut.  It's not a two way street.  Is it that hard to figure out, that an enemy of the White race has a completely different criteria for what really matters most? 

Dissident Racism Part 2: Above the Fruited Plain

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Ezekiel 22:29-31

In the Divine Court of Justice our society holds the jew and their antichrist minions in contempt of Jesus Christ.  Why?  In the cultural war of the 1960's much of the Bolshevik agitation, such as civil rights, abortion, drugs, immorality, decadent art and music was in the name of 'free speech,' but now that these cultural Marxist have actually penetrated the upper echelons of government, they now elect to silence Christian voices who are exercising their free speech also, especially in the increasing realm of non-White violence directed against White people, the rampant consumption of drugs (legal and illegal) and the putrefaction of the moral climate. 

Dissident Racism Part 1: In a Crowded Theater

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I Cor. 2:12-13

THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.,  today, is out of order with God and that is why I bring forth this message of dissident racism, to stand our ground in the authority of Jesus Christ, come what may.  Any law of the beast that suppresses White Christian America is against God.  The free speech of Christian America is a God given right.  Dissent is essential for any society to remain free of tyranny.  Racism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of God's chosen race. 

Dissident Racism

by Pastor Mark Downey

The necessity for Christians, especially Identity Christians, to learn and voice the will of God as watchmen on the wall to preserve True Israel.

Part 1:  "In a Crowded Theatre":  The free speech of Christian America is a God given right.  Dissent is essential for any society to remain free of tyranny.  Racism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of God's chosen race.

Part 2:  "Above the Fruited Plain":  Current events in Charleston, South Carolina and the banning of the Confederate battle flag is the inertia for cultural Marxism going ballistic against White Christian America.

Part 3:  "Of the Stars and Bars":  The disconnect between the viral meme 'black lives matter' and the pronouncement of Jesus Christ as to whose lives matter to Him.  The desperate measures being taken by the real slave masters in the end times are explained.

Part 4:  "The currency of God":  Paying attention to divine instruction and acting upon them determines the destiny of the White Race.  Our natural course through history is based on genetic memory or lack thereof.  Babylonian slavery vs. biblical slavery.

Christogenea Radio Talk Show:  In October 2015, Pastor Downey joined William Finck of for two online radio programs discussing his recent series on 'Dissident Racism'. Many additional comments and insights were added to the subject to elevate the racial consciousness of our people.