Universalism On Trial - Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture reading:  Matthew 13:11-15

The word ‘catholic’ means universal.  The word ‘catholic’ is not synonymous with Christian.  The word Christian should never be associated with universalism, except in terms of finding it guilty of spreading universal confusion.  Babel means confusion and the universal Catholic church is rooted in Babylon.  If we were to put universalism on trial, its public defender would be its progenitor, the Roman Catholic Church and much of judeo-churchianity.  The prosecuting attorney for the case would be the Christian Identity message.  The presiding judge would be none other than Jesus Christ and His jurisdiction would be the Law/Word of God as found in the Holy Scriptures.  What crime has universalism committed that would warrant a trial and prosecution?  Well, there are many and it could easily be a 10 count indictment or 20 or 30.  But our hope is to convict it forever.  This sermon will be somewhat like a Grand Jury on a fact finding mission to determine if any laws have been broken and if it should go to trial.  Let us understand what universal is and what it represents.

The Agony of a White Bride

Author unknown

When a White girl marries a Negro, her sun of life goes down;
glaring spots of sin appear on her wedding gown.
White and Black men stand aghast, while viewing this strange role
and mutter "they will wreck themselves, and damn each other's soul."

They know a carnivorous bug has crept into her brain
and she gave away her self respect, which left her half insane.
Now all her racial pride has flown beyond redemption's fold,
and she begins life's saddest tale that ever was told.

The White Man's God

by Pastor Mark Downey

Usually it's the heathen that refer to 'the White man's God', accompanied by primitive contempt and prejudice. This is understandable, being that the Bible has a few choice things to say about heathens. But why is it that you hardly ever hear White people refer to their God in a racial context? The Bible itself is racist in context. God is a racist, being that He created everything after its own kind and never sanctioned crossbreeding or mongrelization. In fact, "This (Bible) is the book of the generations of Adam" (Gen. 5:1).

Power in the Blood in the Face

by Pastor Mark Downey

It's a longer than usual title, but I want to bring together the old hymnal theme of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary for our redemption and the often cited Strong's description of Adam. Awhile back I did a message on Halloween, and pointed out the macabre nature of this pagan holiday with its preoccupation with blood and gore. It makes me wonder why blood is given such a bad rap; why the association with horror? Maybe it's shed blood, or that bloodshed is death. Maybe it's our racial heritage of sacrifice for the atonement of sins, which was finally nailed to the Cross. The positive aspect of blood is that, "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11). That means all life, including man and animals. The good news is that we don't sacrifice people for the atonement of our sins, save but for one man ... Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb of God.

False Brethren

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:4

This subject needs its own sermon, especially in light of what we’ve been talking about lately regarding the church world as well as our own movement.  The phrase ‘false brethren’ is only found twice in the New Testament and I’d like to give a richer understanding of what these personalities entail.  We’ve heard of false prophets, false apostles, false witnesses and false teachers, but what exactly constitutes false brethren?  The mainstream churches have terribly desecrated the biblical meaning of the word “brother” with a Masonic substitute, ‘the brotherhood of man’, implying a restoration of a multicultural Babylon.  And indeed, Mystery Babylon is infested with brethren who are not true to their own race and the ancestral faith of their fathers.

The Mind Control of Obama Nation

by Pastor Mark Downey

This will be a theocratic dissertation on the saturation/marketing and brainwashing leading up to the 2008 presidential elections. Never before has there been such intense daily coverage of republicrat losers vying for the so called “highest office in the land” nor exorbitant record millions of dollars being spent to mold your mind like silly putty. Some ‘change agent’ think-tank came up with an evil stroke of genius to plant the idea of a negro occupying the Oval Office at about the time Americans were Bush whacked with a second term of the lowest rated president ever in the history of polls. Is it just a coincidence that George W. Bush is portrayed as a mix of buffoon and war criminal and that anybody would be better than this politically challenged psychopath? Will future generations read in disbelief about this time in history where the Republicans best shot was a Manchurian candidate with the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s?