You Eat What You Are Part 2
by Pastor Mark Downey
December 2, 2012
Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36:21-29
Today’s Scripture reading from Ezekiel just goes to show you how unworthy we are as a people and how great God’s mercy is. The atheist and the unbelief of a professing Christian rationalize that God does not see our unrighteousness; otherwise the God of Creation would clobber whole cities with a loud voice from Heaven. Little do they realize that in this life, He is always revealing His divine character and purpose upon the earth. The Lord gives us time between Katrina and Sandy to repent and change. This begins at the center of our motivations, in our personality. If we are not Christ-centered or have “the mind of Christ” (I Cor. 2:16), we are not eating right, we have an unhealthy diet, we have an unclean spirit i.e. a motive that is not from Christ. It’s the religion of self and if you want to blame anything for your sins, that’s called a scapegoat and goats are unclean, to be separated from the sheep. When we’re not on the same wavelength of God’s will, He will often intervene and interrupt our regularly scheduled programming.