Bad Ideas Are Not Fair

by Pastor Mark Downey

A superficial expression used to gloss over the iniquities of the world is ‘life aint fair’. Joe Sixpack, an American icon, crying in his beer, confronting his next door neighbor, exclaims, ‘”You got my daughter pregnant, killed my dog, ripped off my life’s savings and burned down my house! I thought you were my friend.” To which the rather smug perpetrator replied, “Hey man, life aint fair.” The purpose of this message is important because it reveals the consequences of departure; leaving ‘The Way”, as the 1st century apostolic church of Christianity was called, and drifting towards “the way of the heathens” as has been adopted by the apostate church of darkness.

Our God of the Holy Bible created life on earth and He called it “Good.” It was the best idea ever with a perfect system of law and order. Shortly thereafter, well, I guess you could say, ‘there goes the neighborhood’.

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today there are many people who are advocating what is known in Scripture as ‘Baal Worship’ either knowingly or unwittingly, the latter being predominant.  Our people don’t know what it is, don’t understand its ulterior motives or even recognize it when they see it.  It’s like a cancerous disease manifested in many different symptoms, which the average Christian cannot detect without trained eyes. 

The Illusion of Free Will

by Pastor Mark Downey

How often do we hear someone say, “God gave us a free will”? What they usually mean is that they have freedom of choice. Free will and choice are two different things. In Romans 7:17 Paul says it wasn’t him making the choice: “Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” If he’s making choices at the behest of a “law of sin” that has been put within his “flesh”, but not of his doing… where is the ‘free will’ here? I had to think long and hard about composing this sermon, so bear with me.

God's Existence

by Pastor Mark Downey

Man has been groping with the idea of God since God revealed Himself to man. Man has been struggling with the idea of God because man demands empirical evidences for his five senses. Otherwise, in their finite minds it is incomprehensible to accept the infinite. However, does it make sense for an infinite entity, such as God, to be anything other than beyond the realm of our finite senses? Such an idea of God existing in the natural world as man does, therefore precludes the idea of a supernatural existence of God above and beyond man. Why then do some men accept the existence of God while others do not?

On Hallowed Ground

by Pastor Mark Downey

They say the key to real estate is location, location and location (in that order!) An old saying about ineffective Christians is that 'they are so heavenly minded, that they are of no earthly good'. So where on earth are Christians today?

If we are no longer a Christian nation, we must be on someone else's property. At one time we could say this is God's country, but history shows us how title to lands can fluctuate. God said the land is His (Lev. 25:23). It can't be sold for ever, but it can be given (Gen. 13:15). But what the Lord gave can also be taken away (Job 1:21).

The Name Game

by Pastor Mark Downey

For some time I have been asking my fellow Christians the question "how well do you know God?" Today, I would like to ask the question "how well do you know the NAME of God?". In this message, Lord willing, I'm going to contest the 'sacred name' issue. Is it wrong to call God . . . God? or our Savior Jesus Christ? Some say it's all wrong.

Before I go any further, I want us to remember a very important fact, and that is the antichrist jews hate the name of Jesus Christ above and beyond all other names. Their animosity is so woven into Judaism that their subversions have become the fabric of Judeo-Christianity, an oxymoron created by the rabbis. Their gambit into so-called 'sacred names' has become a game of fraud. I came to understand the truth that the White race is Israel some 25 years ago. By the early 1980s, I started hearing this so called sacred name business, and even then it rubbed me the wrong way because it sounded jewish. But like so many other impressionable Israelites, I too, started using these names that we were told were the pronunciations of ancient Israel. But there was this nagging childlike disbelief that questioned its usage.

Separation of Church and Hate

by Pastor Mark Downey

This message is dedicated to our Christian Israel mothers wherever they may be; being that today is Mother’s Day, May 9, 2010. Motherhood has been under attack for a long time by the enemies of Christ. I hope and pray that this message will be a comfort and a beacon of light for mothers who know better than anyone else, that their noble stature and esteemed honor has been undermined and usurped. May our mothers once again return to the position that God elevated them to.

After church a few weeks ago we went to a restaurant and in the parking lot we saw a bumper sticker that said ‘Separation of Church and Hate’ in the rainbow colors of Sodom and Gomorrah. These two ancient cities pale in comparison to modern San Francisco and Washington D.C. (district of corruption). I got the feeling that this bumper sticker was directed against folks like us whom radical leftists like to label as ‘hate groups’; probably the same kind of degenerates who whine about ‘separation of church and state’, which is a euphemism to remove God from government.

Katrina? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!

How many of you have heard that 'seeing is believing'? If a hurricane has an eye, can it see where it's going? Well yes, if there's a conspiracy to manipulate the weather by man. Weather is understood about as much as a nit-wit who talks about "cognitive dissidents." Of course, it's dissonance, but why bother with details. A cloud is just a cloud right? But where do clouds come from? God or man? The ugly truth is that man is playing God and there should be more dissent over the dissonance.

Going Dark; Coming to the Light

by Pastor Mark Downey

The ramifications of the church going apostate; falling away from God's law.

Part 1 "Going Dark":  Social and biblical aspects of what the metaphor of darkness implies from the historical record to current events; the jewish complicity of generating ignorance and decadence contributes to the demise of White civilizations.

Part 2 "Going Lite":  Another Gospel and another Christ diminishes the genuine Gospels and the true Christ by removing the seriousness, substance and complexities of Scripture.  Take to its logical conclusion, the Lite Church and/or Christian leads to physical and spiritual defilement.  New revelations about the brain reveal our relationship with God.