Giving Thanks

by Pastor Mark Downey

There are multitudes (or should I say mixed multitudes) who have benefited from living in the U.S.A., but cannot or will not attribute those benefits to the Benefactor from whence all blessings flow.  In this message, I’d like to take a look at the history of gratitude in America; specifically the nature of Thanksgiving Day and how it has evolved.  There is something terribly wrong with a White nation that had a Christian beginning, but several hundred years later cannot express the same spirit of thankfulness. 

If we are nearing the end of this age, the so called church age, we should also know that the merchants of Babylon will consider the ‘souls of men’ to have the least value of anything, even below the merchandise of horses and chariots and slaves (Rev. 18:13).  How did we ever mutate to such a level of decadence and greed and ingratitude? 

The Thanksgiving holiday didn’t start in America.  It started in ancient times when our race, the men of Israel, were called three times a year to stand before God (Ex.34:23).  The feast of Tabernacles was the third and final time for gathering together.  It was the most joyous of the three festivals, a time of thanksgiving for all the fruits of the land that had been harvested.  Tabernacles reminded Israel of their dwelling in tents in the wilderness, but also pointed to the final harvest when God’s purpose for Israel would be fulfilled and that is the gathering of all the holy nations of a peculiar people, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood gathered unto the Lord.

The United States of Amorality

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

October 23, 2016

Scripture Reading: Daniel 8:23-25

The conjunction of witchcraft/Halloween with an election year, manipulated by a pornographic news media is the fruitful absence of a nation void of moral standards.

For those listening and not reading, amorality is one word, not two. If we were a moral nation, things would be much different. The word amorality means indifferent to or incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong; having no moral standards, restraints, or principles. One dictionary went so far as to say, “Humans... are amoral and what guides them is not any sense of morality but an instinct for survival.” Of course, we disagree with placing ourselves on the level of mere animals. We are the children of God and He gives us the means to flourish as no animal can do. We are the only race, by intelligent design, to experience the transformation of amoral to moral, from a carnal nature to a spiritual supremacist. I don't have that many more election sermons to do for 2016 as the fuse is burning quickly. I sent three copies of my open letter (in the second week of October) to the Trump Towers in Jew York City and we shall see if they shall stand or fall like the twin towers. The modern tower of Babel is reaching unto heaven, but there will never be enough steps to get there. In fact, the steps are going in the opposite direction, in which the foreseeable future is heaven's antithesis. It's appalling, that as we move closer to Election Day, the fabric of our society is interwoven with the religion of Halloween and the obsessive-compulsive hysteria of mainstream media whores rubbing America's nose in the pornographic smut of Jerry Springer politics. Our only hope is being transformed by the renewing of our racial consciousness.

Open Letter to Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Chairman, President and CEO
c/o The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Dear Mr. Trump,

I don't know where to begin, but I need to get your immediate attention. I've noticed there are innumerable “open letters” to you and for the most part they are all hostile and grubbing for their own special interest. This is not a hostile letter, but sent in the love of Jesus Christ. You have announced to the world that you are a Christian and that really doesn't need to be equivocated by denomination. I write to you as a pastor, politically incorrect patriot and presidential advisor in the tradition of colonial election sermons. My interest is the same as yours: to make America great again. This letter may be the most important thing you ever read in your lifetime, if it can pass through the filters of campaign intercessors and reach your eyes only. Actually, if it touches your heart to love the truth of God more than anything else, my one and only goal will be fulfilled.

Make America Hate Again

Sermon  notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Proverbs 8:13 - “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogance, and the evil way, and the fraudulent mouth, do I hate.”

You might agree with today's message and that would be alright. It's about time. Coming to the truth is sometimes on borrowed time after a lifetime of lies and that's called grace. It's coming to an understanding of unmerited favor. But, better late than never. God created time and there is “A time to love, and a time to hate” Eccl. 3:8. You either believe that as a Christian or you might as well be an atheist. Love without hate or vice versa is a nullification of the Gospels of Jesus Christ. America used to hate what most people today love. This is somewhat of an election sermon leading up to my open letter to Donald Trump (if he doesn't get killed). I must give credit where credit is due for today’s sermon title. Thank you Hillary Clinton for your hatred of us Americans who you consider “deplorable.” It's not just Trump supporters, but anyone who does not genuflect to the libertard agenda of anti-White and pro-global elitists is a stunning witness to mind control run amuck. For so much noose-worthy current events of a Jezebel anti-type (a New Testament parallel to the Old) having so much enigmatic health concerns, her mouth seems to be functioning like a high performance Denny Crane (that's a jewish lawyer with a messianic complex). Not only are those not voting for Hillary a basket of deplorables, which had to be a premeditated jingoism, but the same comedy writers side-swiped us with the jingo 'make America hate again.'

Overcomers of What? Part 2

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:25-29

The end of the Church Age commences with the collapse of Mystery Babylon. It is this interim of time from the fall of our great enemies to the Second Coming of Christ that we “occupy till He comes” Luke 19:13. It's true that for the last 2000 years, the generation that followed the Apostles have had the wrong kind of occupation. The overcomers will rediscover the original intent of the 1st century command, which was not the establishment of a state church or a church state, like Mormonism in Utah or the Vatican, but rather an expansion of spiritual values in Israelite (White) societies. Nor did the parable imply that the “nobleman” (Christ) expected financial gain through usury from the nominal “ten pounds” that He gave His servants. In verse 14 it mentions citizens who hated Him and said, “We will not have this man to reign over us.” This, of course, are the jews who historically have made their wealth and power from the avarice of being the world's foremost temple moneychangers and control freaks of a born again Babylon. Why would Jesus tell His servants to do the same thing His enemies were doing? Well, He wouldn't. The overcomer will know that the word “occupy” did not mean the occupation of nations defeated by unjust and ungodly wars, such as the occupation of Germany by America since the aftermath of WWII. WWII was simply one of many jewish wars in which “The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force” Mt.11:12. The command Jesus gave His servants was spiritual and it's still in effect today. His servants could only be those who He identified as such: “But you, Israel, are My servant” Isaiah 41:8. The ten servants were the ten tribes of the northern house who became lost sheep. That's who Jesus said He came for (Mt. 15:24).

Overcomers of What? Part 1

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I John 5:4-5

In 1989 I attended the Scriptures for America Family Bible Camp in Colorado hosted by the late Pastor Pete Peters, along with approximately 400 other Identity Christians. This is back when our movement was burgeoning with new converts and unfortunately fringe elements. It was the first time I was introduced to the salient implications of the Christian overcomer. Peters started his message by asking the audience “Do you want to be an overcomer?” Prior to giving his evening sermon, I remember that day, questionnaires were handed out asking, “What do you have to have more than anything else to be an overcomer?” And he played a tape recording of people trying to answer that question also. A lot of people said faith or trust or Christ, but that evening Peters said “Nobody got the right answer.” That may have been because the question was asked tongue in cheek because his answer was so rhetorical in his sphere of sophistry. Then, as if he received lightning bolts from Heaven, he yelled out his answer... “You've got to have something to overcome!!!” Well, duh... yeah. I remember at the time, that after Peters embarrassed so many people, who did get it right with I John 5:4, that he needed to overcome his self-serving attitude. But, I'm grateful that he broached the subject, which decades later has become a spiritual imperative for the serious Christian. Obviously, it has not been taken seriously by churchianity, otherwise we wouldn't have the excessive amount of egregious problems to overcome compared to 1989. A deeper understanding of the overcomer is certainly racial in nature and the first thing you need to be, to be an overcomer, is that you need to be White. As I recall, I put down 'Israelite' on the questionnaire... crickets. That's what you need, your identity.

In my initial research, I googled 'overcomer' and the first website I went to had a book that was published in Nigeria. Evidently, a black Nigerian found something to overcome; maybe it was the White man and he dreamt of a Nigerian Jesus. Can a Nigerian change his skin or a leopard its spots (Jer. 13:23)? I modified it from Ethiopian, but it's the same principle. But, for our purposes, it's intriguing that the rest of the verse is wildly translated as to whether the negro can do good with such a track record of being evil. I'll give you two poignant examples of what I'm talking about; the first is from the KJV, which reads ...

Dallas Malice

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Revelation 18:23-24 - “And the light of a lamp shall not shine in you hereafter! And the bridegroom and a bride shall not be heard in you hereafter! Because your merchants were the great men of the earth! Because by your pharmaceuticals have all the nations been deceived!” And in her is found the blood of the prophets and saints and all those having been slaughtered upon the earth” CNT.

It's become rather self evident lately that Babylon is spiking the frequency of headline violence. By spiking I mean the addition of intoxicants into adult beverages. They are serving spiked drinks and drinks are on the house... of cards. 'House of cards' is an idiom going back to 1645 and means a tiered structure, plan, organization or argument built on a weak foundation or precarious balancing act with the slightest wrong move putting it in a constant state of imminent collapse if a necessary element is removed, which is often overlooked or unappreciated. What has been removed from our society? It is God. Have public and private schools fallen apart because of forced integration and the removal of prayer and our Bible? Only a blind fool could not see the spike in teen violence, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, illicit pregnancy and divorce. Even America's first dictator, Abe Lincoln, knew the consequences: “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will become the philosophy of government in the next.” it has. K-12 years of Marxist indoctrination has created a state-of-mind communist wrapped in red, white and blue mobocracy.

The religion of secular humanism is taught in the schools today whereby right and wrong, moral and immoral behavior, is a matter of a so called free will. Children are thus allowed to self-approve their lifestyle of sin. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” said an occult Satanist. But, the God of the White race said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6. Our children have been taught the philosophy to love all races and religions contrary to the Word of God. If a child today deviates from what the government deems correct, they are labeled with the 'hate' tag. They are nurtured to fear the government. But, the Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil” Prov. 8:13. Conversely, the fear of today's government is to love evil. The flip-flop of calling good evil and evil good is a clear and present danger.