Why We Hate Jews Part 3
by Pastor Mark Downey
Revised March 24, 2013
Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:14
The baby boomer generation, if they were raised in Christian homes, were taught “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” but ‘Thou shalt not race mix” was nowhere to be found in the Ten Commandments, even though it’s right there. In the 1950’s racial matters were taking on a new perspective from influential jews. It was a given at that time that God made White people distinct from all the other races of the earth and that He separated us by kind and geography. The jews had to influence the pulpits of America to influence the people into a new way of looking at other races. That influence was egalitarian, meaning racial equality and “Love thy neighbor” took on a whole new dimension by redefining biblical terms that pertained only to Israel, the people of the Bible.
The conceptual contrast can be seen between our own Bible and the jewish Talmud. Lev. 19:18 says, “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear a grudge against the children of thy people, but shall love your neighbor as yourself.” The context is racial i.e. “Thy people.” The jewish Tanach, on the other hand translates it quite differently, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen, love your fellow as yourself.” The context is now geographical and eliminates “neighbor” as your own kind.
The divinity of Jesus Christ is hated by the jews, because His genealogy, back to the first White man, Adam, was a seedline of racial purity. The genealogy of jews is an ancestry of mingled seed whether it is traced as far back as Cain or to Esau or to Eastern European Ashkenazi jews, whom 95% of jewry are connected to and come from the Turko-Mongol Khazars of the 9th Century AD.