Acquired Identity Syndrome Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Acts 26:9-23

It occurred to me that I make transitions from sermon to sermon most of the time.  I don't consciously think ahead of what those stepping stones will be and just let the Holy Spirit lead.  Well, the Spirit lead me to an unusual news story on ABC's 5-14-15 Nightline program about Acquired Savant Syndrome, which is something brand new and different than Savant Syndrome (most often associated with autism); the difference is that one isn't born with the condition.  My last sermon dealt with the conundrum that there is no silver bullet that will automatically cause someone to see the light.  The aforementioned syndrome got me to thinking that there may not be any seeds of man's doings that can be planted in the minds of our race without the Lord's doings to germinate that seed and bring it to fruition.  So what would be that divine stimulus that would trigger an imperishable acceptance of Israel's true identity?  Before I attempt to answer that, let me relate to you the news story that may lead us to the rest of the story. 

Acquired Identity Syndrome

by Pastor Mark Downey

A deep probe into the thesis of why people reject the Word of God concerning race and jewry and what it takes for any White person to accept their true biblical identity.

Part 1:  The trauma of experiencing a personal paradigm, such as Paul on the road to Damascus, brings our world view into God's perspective of reality.  Our former mentality of what we think is normal is shown to be aberrant to God's will.  It is the proverbial shock whereby we see the light.

Part 2:  A study of Daniel being thrown into a den of lions; the promises of God; the conflict of thrones and how these things relate to the First Advent of Christ and the Second Coming.