Dissident Racism Part 2: Above the Fruited Plain

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Ezekiel 22:29-31

In the Divine Court of Justice our society holds the jew and their antichrist minions in contempt of Jesus Christ.  Why?  In the cultural war of the 1960's much of the Bolshevik agitation, such as civil rights, abortion, drugs, immorality, decadent art and music was in the name of 'free speech,' but now that these cultural Marxist have actually penetrated the upper echelons of government, they now elect to silence Christian voices who are exercising their free speech also, especially in the increasing realm of non-White violence directed against White people, the rampant consumption of drugs (legal and illegal) and the putrefaction of the moral climate. 

White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 3


William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 3, No Silver Bullet Week2

Part 3: Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide: No Silver Bullet.