Update on Pastor Downey

Pastor Downey is currently recuperating in N. KY and having his ups and downs as is expected. The oils seem to be breaking down the size of the lung tumor, as his voice has improved somewhat, but it is still impaired. He is not experiencing any pain. His appetite has decreased and he is still weak, but we are working on improving his appetite and strength. We will know more about the effectiveness of the oils when we get another chest x-ray in the next couple weeks. We continue to work his lymph nodes by jumping on a rebounder while he sits. As he regains his strength, he should be able to exercise more and get back to his duties. Natural healing can be a slow process, and we knew that coming into this fight. We know that God holds us in the palm of His hand and His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We thank those who have donated, sent cards and letters of support and volunteered time and expertise to assist in Mark's recovery and care. We ask for your ongoing prayers and continued financial support.

Update on Pastor Downey

Pastor Downey is currently recuperating in N. KY and having his ups and downs as is expected. The oils seem to be breaking down the size of the lung tumor, as his voice has improved somewhat, but it is still impaired. He is not experiencing any pain. His appetite has decreased and he is still weak, but we are working on improving his appetite and strength. We will know more about the effectiveness of the oils when we get another chest x-ray in the next couple weeks. We continue to work his lymph nodes by jumping on a rebounder while he sits. As he regains his strength, he should be able to exercise more and get back to his duties. Natural healing can be a slow process, and we knew that coming into this fight. We know that God holds us in the palm of His hand and His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We thank those who have donated, sent cards and letters of support and volunteered time and expertise to assist in Mark's recovery and care. We ask for your ongoing prayers and continued financial support.