The Future of Prophecy Part 1
by Pastor Mark Downey
Scripture Reading: I Cor. 13:4-10
If you recall, earlier this year, I did a series called 'Rebuttal to JVT,' and I mocked their promulgation of so called prophetic “blood moons,” the last of which was Monday morning on the 28th of September (2015). And what spectacular event fulfilled all the hoopla we've been hearing from prophecy experts for the last couple of years? Nothing, zip, zero, zilch. The Pope came to America and made a big Jesuit ass out of himself, addressing Congress for the first time ever and not once did he mention Jesus Christ! There is nothing in the prophets about the rank of Pope. Russia and China have vowed to fight ISIS, because they know Obongo is Commander in Chief of ISIS. There is nothing in the prophets allowing strangers, who are not our kin, to rule over us, unless the wrath of God is kindled and we get somebody like Barry Sotero as punishment. Maybe the Apocalypse has been canceled until the next blood moons in 2033. John Hagee, one of the most celebrated jewish stooges of the century, has milked this cash cow with his bestselling book rattling the cages of his followers, with the premise that “The coming four blood moons points to a world-shaking event that will happen between April 2014 and October 2015,” told reporters the day after the lunar lunacy, it meant, “an event of historical significance to the Jewish people is occurring or will occur.” Do you think he could be a little bit more generalized with egg on his face, in saving face? It's ironic that these prophecy teachers contend that it's the end of the world, when no such thing is taught in the Bible. Nothing in the prophets indicates the planet earth will cease to exist. Do you think he cares about God's Law for false prophets? And why are so many people fooled by fools? The blind lead the blind. The prophets were never respected because they went against the status quo.