The Energy of Error

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: II Thes. 2:10-12

From the KJV we read about “strong delusion” and that was my original title for this message.  However, upon reviewing other translations, instead of the word ‘delusion’ was the word ‘error.’  The Ferrar Fenton read “the energy of error”; the Christogenea NT read, “an operation of error” and still others said, “a working of error,” “a deluding influence,” and “a misleading influence.”  I wondered how could there be such a disparity of terms and what are these verses really talking about.  It obviously has something to do with the contest between truth and lies.  Common sense here tells us that the best safeguard against error or more poignantly the delusion (the mental condition in which you believe something that is not true) is “the love of the truth.”

The Perfect Sermon Part 4

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Romans 8:28-31

I have used the phrase ‘God’s plan for the ages’ many times, but have not expounded upon it before.  So I thought today would be the perfect time to talk about it.  If we have a perfect God, then He must have a perfect plan.  Thus far, we have learned what it means for the White race to “Be ye perfect,” to be ‘White Supremacists’ and to believe in the perfect incarnation of God in Jesus Christ.  From today’s reading in Romans 8, we can surmise that there is a perfect orchestration of events as they unfold throughout history and our own lives, that give us a glimpse of Paradise, where God’s Kingdom was a done deal for the first man or Adam, which 6,000 years ago (more or less) did not include other races (they have never qualified as Adam-man).  So Paradise was basically an all-White society by Intelligent Design and it was not without a purpose.  Although since that time, it has been obscured and driven in all the wrong directions away from God’s intent.  That’s because Adam-man has not always loved God with all his heart or responded to a divine calling.  God is perfect by way of His promises, none of which have ever been broken.  Prophecy is another element to convince His people that He is the only entity in the universe that can perfectly predict the future. 

When the Fall of Adam happened, Paradise ended.  Some Bible expositors wrongfully conclude that we are born into sin using a verse like Psalms 51:5, “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me” where congenital depravity is implied.  However, David is saying that he was born into a sinful environment, not that he was a sinning baby from the get-go.  We are all born into a sinful fallen world by Adam’s disobedience, but there’s more to the plan.  “By the obedience of One [Christ] shall many be made righteous” Romans 5:19.  Now that’s Good News!

The Perfect Sermon Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I John 5:7-8

I’ve never picked an interpolation, a spurious addition to the biblical text, for the Scripture reading before, but a combination of things warrants a review of what should have been learned in church kindergartens when we learned to count with our fingers.  We have had some dynamic guest speakers in the last few weeks.  Dr. Blanchard said that America, for all intents and purposes, is dissolved and we can thank the apostate church prostituting itself for the almighty state.  And then, Pastor Brian Jones gave us a sermon about ‘Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain,’ which was much more than just cussing.  That Sunday, we sang the old hymnal ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ containing the 3 in 1 gods of the iconic dogma of the Trinity with the lyrics “God in three persons, blessed Trinity.”  It’s ironic that another stanza says, “there is none beside Thee [in reference to Isaiah 45:6], Perfect in power.”  This song has always bothered me, because it’s based on the catholic lie and manmade invention of the Trinity, a word and concept that is not to be found anywhere in the Bible.

The Perfect Sermon Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Ephesians 6:13-19

Once again the Holy Spirit has brought someone else’s commentary to bear fruit on our understanding of perfection with Paul’s description of the armor of God and specifically verse 19 with the phrase “the mystery of the gospel.’  The brother said this, “Paul was explaining how the scriptures in his day had been manipulated to hide the one fundamental principle of the message from God's word. Paul flatly said he was chosen to reveal this mystery to the nations of Adam. Almost nobody in the Identity movements know, or can say whaft this mystery is, because it was sealed up again until the latter time:  Paul tells us this mystery is so important, it is the ONE thing a believer must learn and believe in order to a) be "established in the faith," b) be "made complete in Christ." Conversely, if one doesn't know this mystery, he IS NOT established in the faith, and he IS NOT complete in Christ. So this mystery is very important.  What is this Mystery Paul is teaching? This means that today, nobody or virtually nobody, is established in the faith of the apostles and prophets, because nobody, that I have found, can state what the mystery is when asked.”

Well, maybe he hasn’t asked that many people in Identity, most of whom believe we are in the latter days, but allow me to offer a ‘perfect’ explanation.

The Perfect Sermon Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:44-48

I don’t mean for the title to sound pretentious, but this is a Bible study on perfection.  To assuage any misapprehensions and to state my case early, I won’t be talking about sinless perfection, for “If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us” I John 1:10.  In today’s reading of Matthew, the point in question is not the sinlessness of God or His Creation of supernatural perfection, but rather our growth into a maturity of godliness; not to be Christ, but to be like Christ.  We’ve seen the bumper sticker ‘We’re not perfect – just forgiven.’  If we were perfect, there would be nothing to forgive.  So what does it mean to be perfect like God?  Do we become gods?  God forbid, that would be the deification of man and there is only one God in Christianity, “There is none else” (Isaiah 45:5).  Obviously, God knew the future and made the #1 commandment to preempt anyone, “Who is opposing and exalting himself above everything said to be a god” (II Thes. 2:4) with “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:2). 

I’m going to show you that we have the capacity to be perfect and that we should have a healthy desire for it, since God requires it of us.

The Perfect Sermon

by Pastor Mark Downey

The Perfect Sermon booklet coverPart 1:  This is a Bible study on perfection and what Matthew 5:48 means by "Be ye perfect".  The perfecting of Israel is the preparation of the heart for living in the Kingdom of God.

Part 2:  An explanation of "the mystery of the gospel" (Eph. 6:19); examination of "White Supremacy"; and how love will make a Christian perfect.

Part 3:  Our perfect God of Israel is not the god of Trinitarians.  A thorough debunking of the Catholic-jewish-Masonic Trinity and the interpolation of I John 5:7-8.

Part 4:  The phrase 'God's plan for the Ages' is expounded upon and further illustrated with God's original twelve signs of the zodiac.

The Joys of Tribulation

by Pastor Mark Downey

I no sooner commenced to sitting down with a yellow legal note pad to write down this message, when a bird in the backyard began squawking. I wondered, "What's his problem." It sounded like some kind of warning, rather than the happy chirping of an early bird catching a worm. Perhaps another animal was encroaching upon his meal.

I love how the Holy Spirit works. Before I began to write anything about tribulation, the sounds of God's creation gave me a sermon example from the get-go. Through this otherwise mundane morning activity of nature, it came to my mind of a situation we had last year in our driveway.

The Shining Light of Glory Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Luke 11:33-38

Now that we've covered this subject from the Old Testament (which conceals the New Testament) we will move into the New Testament (which reveals the Old Testament). Smoke, fire and light have been referred to, and if I could relate these metaphors to you, they would represent the Word of God as smoke, the Holy Spirit as fire and Jesus Christ as the Light.  They are all interconnected to Israel.

Well, where is the Shining Light of Glory today?  With so much darkness in the world, how can there be any light?  If there is a false light or harmful radiation impersonating the Shining, then there likewise must be a false baptism.

The Shining Light of Glory Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Psalm 4:1-8

As you may have noticed, we are not looking at ordinary light, we looking at biblical light.  We first started in Genesis and are going straight through the Scriptures to expand our understanding of this subject as it dovetails with the concept of baptism.  I do not mean the denominational ritual of full body immersion in water that corresponds to the practices of ancient pagan cults.  I do mean the baptism or full mentality of immersing ourselves in the Word of God as it relates to the shining light of glory.  It does not rain on a bright sunny day and neither does the darkness of evil prevail when there is a shining light of God. 

The Shining Light of Glory Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 60:1-5

'The Shining' is the title of a weird novel and movie by jewish author Stephen King, but we're not interested in mystically demented literature or movies.  However, we're going to be looking at the fantastic, spectacular and wonderfully brilliant subject of biblical light.  Why?  Because the Scriptures have such a rich reference to not only literal light, but figurative light as well.  I've prayed for the light bulb in my head to be turned on, so that the message God wants us to see is seen. I want to shed light on seeing the light.  How often do we hope that people with whom we’ve planted the seed of Christian Identity will see the light?  Not for our sake, but for theirs.  Why is it important to have light?  So that we're not in the dark?  Naturally, there is the issue of race and poses the question of why did God create light and dark races.  And even if you don't believe in God, why did they evolve as such?  If there was just a “human race,” why not one uniform skin pigment and behavioral traits?  I believe the Bible offers us an explanation. One of the peculiar revelations of this message is that light and the New Testament baptism are very similar.  I don't think the other races can be baptized, and by that, I don't mean getting wet.  I don't think the other races can see the light as we do, so as we go along, try to replace the word light with the word baptize.  I think you'll see some interesting parallels.