I Love to Hate

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Romans 13:10-12

This is a message guaranteed to irritate politically correct liberals or even kosher conservatives who pretend to be defenders of a moral culture, when in fact, both contribute to the decadence and corruption of society.  My original title was “A Time To Hate' from the book of Ecclesiastes and then changed to 'Hate Is A Family Value,' but I decided to settle on the proactive title 'I Love To Hate,” because it's self explanatory (which I'll explain in a moment) and logical.  It would be a contradiction to say I hate to hate.  That's like Bill Clinton saying, “We will not tolerate intolerance.”  Let me say from the onset that there's nothing wrong with hate unless someone comes along and redefines it to mean something malicious, malevolent, sadistic or satanic etc, which is exactly what totalitarians do in a dictatorship; they can make words mean whatever they want; and it becomes a war of words.  Thought PoliceOrwell exemplified this in his classic novel '1984' with three slogans: war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.  If they make sense, you're either a master of doublethink or have stopped thinking altogether.  The last thing a dictatorship wants, is it's subjects hating what the regime wants you to think.

Are White Christians Blessed or Cursed By the Jews?

by Pastor Mark Downey

Are we, White Christians, Blessed or Cursed By the Jews, according to Genesis 12:3?

"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee."

There is a multitude of wolves in sheep’s clothing who have played the part of Judas Iscariot (for 30 pieces of silver) that promulgate the Big Lie that Jews are God’s chosen people. They go under the auspices of Judeo-Christian or Christian Zionist as if true Christianity needs to be hyphenated or affixed to another religion; one that is especially hostile to Jesus Christ. In fact, the modern Jews are descendants of the Pharisees, the evil figs of Judah who should never be confused with the good figs, and were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, admitting that, “His blood be on us, and on our children” Mt. 27:25. And indeed the Jewish mindset is anathema towards Christ to the present day. 2000 years of antichrist perfidy has followed the Jews wherever they go.

It might come as a shock to some mainstream church-goers that there were no people at Mt. Sinai who called themselves “Jews” or the Bible ever calling Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a “Jew.” One of the 12 sons of Jacob became the tribe of Judah and all 12 tribes collectively became known as Israel. They were known as Hebrews, not Jews.

Why We Hate Jews Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Revised March 24, 2013

Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:14


The baby boomer generation, if they were raised in Christian homes, were taught “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” but ‘Thou shalt not race mix” was nowhere to be found in the Ten Commandments, even though it’s right there.  In the 1950’s racial matters were taking on a new perspective from influential jews.  It was a given at that time that God made White people distinct from all the other races of the earth and that He separated us by kind and geography.  The jews had to influence the pulpits of America to influence the people into a new way of looking at other races.  That influence was egalitarian, meaning racial equality and “Love thy neighbor” took on a whole new dimension by redefining biblical terms that pertained only to Israel, the people of the Bible. 

The conceptual contrast can be seen between our own Bible and the jewish Talmud.  Lev. 19:18 says, “Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear a grudge against the children of thy people, but shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  The context is racial i.e. “Thy people.”  The jewish Tanach, on the other hand translates it quite differently, “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your countrymen, love your fellow as yourself.”  The context is now geographical and eliminates “neighbor” as your own kind. 

The divinity of Jesus Christ is hated by the jews, because His genealogy, back to the first White man, Adam, was a seedline of racial purity.  The genealogy of jews is an ancestry of mingled seed whether it is traced as far back as Cain or to Esau or to Eastern European Ashkenazi jews, whom 95% of jewry are connected to and come from the Turko-Mongol Khazars of the 9th Century AD.

Why We Hate Jews Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Revised March 10, 2013

Scripture Reading:  Revelation 22:14-15

Lies:  Kol Nidre

We've been lied to, as the real meaning of the word 'devil' in Scripture has been misinterpreted as some kind of malevolent spirit-being or biped monster.  The devils are two-legged for sure, but there's nothing supernatural about people who lie for a living. The Greek word for the New Testament devil is diabolos and simply means false accuser, calumniator and slanderer.  Nowhere is it used of a superhuman-being tempting men to sin.  When Jesus spoke of the Pharisees being of their "father the devil," Christ was speaking figuratively of the parent corporation "Babylon" from whence the 'traditions of the elders', or Judaism, came.

The Big Lie of Nimrod, the mongrel king of Babylon, was that he declared himself God. "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (I John 3:8).  Here we have the classic contrast between the truth and lies. Jews, or those who carry the tradition of false accusation from ancient Babylon, cannot believe Jesus because He speaks the truth.  "He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you [jews] do not hear, because you are not of God" (John 8:47).

Why We Hate Jews Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Malachi 1:1-5

Now that I have your attention from that provocative title, let me say that by using the word 'hate' I do not mean to imply some sort of alleged systematic gassing and cremation of the most hideous and satanic breed of people on the face of the earth, although that may be a future consideration in light of Bible prophecy.

George Orwell predicted newspeak, which today is called political correctness under a jewish communist totalitarian state called democracy.  We have 'hate crime' laws which Orwell termed 'thought crimes'.  Lenin and Stalin instituted 'hate crime' laws early on in the officially atheistic Soviet Union.  One of the first being to outlaw any anti-jewish speech or writings, which were punishable by death. Under the 'hate crime' laws, the career politicians have legislated what is called 'hate speech'.  Hate speech means anything the jews hate to hear, especially the truth about themselves.  Therefore, truth is hate to those who hate the truth

Jewish Ritual Murder

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today’s message dovetails with Pastor Elmore’s sermon entitled ‘Murderers’ (8-28-11) and comes from a series I did several years ago called ‘Why We Hate Jews.’  Nothing I have written has gotten a more vitriolic response from jews and judeo-Christians than this one, due to the fact that jewish ritual murder is indelibly part of the historical record; as much as they would like for it to disappear down a memory hole.  Martin Luther was an outspoken critic of not only the church, but even more vociferous of the synagogue in which he said in his book ‘The Jews and Their Lies’, “They stabbed and pierced the body of the young boy Simon of Trent. They have also murdered other children… The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen.

Why We Hate Jews

by Pastor Mark Downey

An expose of the jewish religion and why it has fomented animosities since the time of Christ.

Part 1:  An explanation of hate and how Judaism creates antipathy through historical practises of ritual murder.

Part 2:  A well kept secret of Jews in the religious rite that sanctions lying and rationalizes stealing.

Part 3:  The deathly role of Jews institutionalizing the mongrelization of Christianity and the White race.

The Unfortunate Gentile

by Pastor Mark Downey

Regrettably, the White race has an unwarranted legacy of being in the middle of a secular and religious expression that has authored a great deal of confusion. It has created a false identity with just one word: gentile. If you were to go to a public library that has one of those 20 pound dictionaries and looked up the word gentile, you would read its definition as "a pagan or heathen or someone who is not a Jew or a Christian". This, of course, would be unacceptable to the White Christian, especially if the truth be known that our race is the true Israel of Scripture and not jews or a spiritualized concoction of racially blind churches.