Spirit Steady – Combat Ready Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what your country is doing to you.  Josiah did what we should be doing and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.  Back in the Pacific Northwest there was an incident of White high school football players taking their chainsaws to a sacred Indian totem pole.  The media was aghast, but I got on cable access TV in Seattle and lavishly praised the boys for a job well done and told the story of Josiah.  The Zionist Occupational Government doesn’t want you poking your nose into their business of running and ruining your life through the worship of Baal.  Do you really think that polls, surveys or even elections have any basis in reality anymore?  We only have the illusion that our opinion and choices are relevant.  If they cared one iota about what we think, they would not be trying to kill us ever so softly with the spiritual warfare of an antichrist Babylon.  If they could get away with it, they would have sharp and shiny guillotines in every town square in America and heads would roll.  Believe it or not, this is already a national Public Law called the Noahides. 

Spirit Steady – Combat Ready

by Pastor Mark Downey

A look at our spiritual and physical demands required from God. 

Part 1: A fair and balanced examination of spiritual warfare; how to deal with an increase in knowledge; preparing for the harvest. 

Part 2: The antichrist enemy is prepared to destroy White Christians; ungodly economics of Babylon; being in agreement with God is a release of sin/debt; arming ourselves with the Word of God.

Sword of the New Covenant

by Pastor Mark Downey

The invention of the sword goes back to the early Egyptians around the time of the Bronze Age, which was about a thousand years after Adam.  I believe metallurgy was a gift from God to the White race.  Two identification marks (and there are over 100) of Israel would be great agricultural wealth and land having an abundance of minerals.  Deut. 8:9 covers both aspects, “A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness… a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou may dig brass.” 

Swords developed gradually from the scythe, a farming tool used to harvest grain.  But where did the White man get the idea for a sword?  I think it’s interesting that God introduces the first recorded weapon of war in the Bible, not man.  If you recall Adam and Eve being driven out of the Garden of Eden, God placed the “Cherubim and a flaming sword that turns every way to guard the way to the tree of life” (Gen. 3:23).  The idea of a sword then is to protect something.  In early usage, the sword, no doubt, defended their source of life, their gardens, from outside threats. 

If you look up the word ‘sword’, you’ll find the Hebrew word ‘chereb’ (#2719), which comes from 2717 meaning ‘to parch (through drought)’, supporting the word chereb, which means drought, having a secondary definition of ‘a cutting instrument (from its destructive effect), as well as 2717 saying, ‘by analogy, to desolate, destroy, kill.

Vow of the Voortrekkers, Battle of Blood River

"My brothers and fellow citizens, here we stand in the presence of the Holy God, creator of heaven and earth, to make a vow unto Him, that if His protection shall be with us and He give our enemy into our hand so that we might be victorious over him, that this day and date every year shall be spent as a memorial and a day of thanksgiving, just as a Sabbath is spent and that we shall erect a temple to His honor wherever it will be pleasing to Him and that we shall also instruct our children that they must also share in it, as well as for our generations yet to come. Because the Honor of His name shall thereby be glorified and the glory and honor of the victory shall be given Him." 

Vow of the Voortrekkers
December 9, 1838
Battle of Blood River

A Time To Kill

By Pastor Mark Downey

The reason I selected Ezekiel 3:17-24 for today’s Scripture reading for this subject is to warn the wicked, those who have misappropriated the Word of God for the justification of ungodly acts that result in the loss of life.  It is never a time to kill if there is no divine sanction.  We call that murder and we’ve been discussing murderers for the last couple of weeks.  God’s resolution for homicide is not a life sentence in prison, not plea bargaining, not extradition, not counseling and therapy.  It is death.  It is the only principle of law of ‘eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth’, or to boil it down to the law of like for like, that without it, would utterly destroy the peace of society, sowing the seeds of discord, hatred and revenge.  It is the law of retaliation as prescribed by God.  In other words, we must convincingly establish the axiom that crime does not pay.  Sin is the transgression of the Law and the wages of sin is death

The Church Militant Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Jesus Christ is described as a Lamb and a Lion. This simply means there's a time for peace and a time for war (Eccl. 3:8). There's a balance between love and hate, depending on circumstances. One of the biblical rules of warfare before any shots are fired, is to proclaim peace to your enemy. Deut. 20:10 says "when thou come near a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it." The olive branch of peace that Christ offered to His adversaries was to tell them to repent and be baptized, change their simple ways and cleanse their thinking with the Word; very peaceful, no shots fired.

The Church Militant Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

People usually don't associate Jesus as a soldier or even as a military commander, or having anything to do with a warrior class. The reason for this is because of the feminization of Christ from establishment religions representing Baal and, as such, Christ becomes their model for a pious pacifist. The historical Jesus, changed into a long haired wimp then, no longer is a threat to Babylonian-style politics. Most Christians don't regard Christianity as the form and substance of what we generally recognize a military to be. And yet, so many wars have been fought in the name of Christ and so much death because of Christ. The problem is, sometimes men die for another Christ, for false teachings that are interposed upon gullible believers and become the cannon fodder of nefarious ambitions which have nothing to do with the Word.

The Christian Military

by Pastor Mark Downey

A grossly overlooked aspect of Christianity is a call to arms as God commands us to be His battle axe.

Part 1:  The context of Christian militancy; establishing the Kingdom of God is Law enforcement; meeting the challenge to Christian authority; battle plans.

Part 2: Rules of warfare; our commander-in-chief, Jesus Christ; identification of enemy forces; resolve for victory.