The Godliness of Courage
by Pastor Mark Downey
January 27, 2013
Scripture Reading: Acts 27:1, 9-11, 21-26, 30-32 and 44
Perhaps one of the best examples of Christian courage is the story of Paul facing a trial in Rome, standing before Caesar. Paul was in the custody of a Roman centurion who would escort him back to Rome and was treated favorably, because he most likely heard the story of Cornelius 25 years earlier and how the Christians had broken past the barriers of Judaism treating Romans as their racial kindred. And now on the trip to Rome, Julius the centurion would witness the power of the Gospel in real life.
Navigation in the Mediterranean was dangerous at this time of the year in late September and Paul, an experienced traveler, warned the captain and crew that he perceived disaster if they attempted to go any further. Paul already had been in three shipwrecks and wasn’t too excited about a fourth (II Cor. 11:25). But, the majority decided to put out to sea. There’s a subtle metaphor of the captain and pilot of the ship representing a denominational church leadership, as their cargo was wheat (lost sheep of the house of Israel planted in the world with mongrels) and other prisoners (sinners) as well as the centurion representing the world system of the day. The winds were blowing against them and a sudden hurricane struck them, wrecking the ship on the shores of Malta
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