Positive Christianity

by Pastor Mark Downey

This was a term used by Germans during the Third Reich, which was synonymous with National Socialism. Much disinformation has caused wholesale slander against Germany during this era, which is corrected in this article.

Part 1: The real story behind the relationship between National Socialist Germany and Christianity.

Part 2: A closer examination of bringing church and state, government and God together through righteous leadership and a nation turning to the Word of God.

Part 3: How God empowered Positive Christianity to rout the jew from the body of Christ and how this might be a precursor to the daughter of Zion.

Part 4: An explanation of the Swastika; Hans Schmidt recounts living in Hitler's Germany; the Pax Judaica coming to an end.

Positive Christianity - Part 1

Sermon Notes by Pastor Mark Downey

May 1, 2016

Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 9:24-28

Good morning.  Today's message is entitled 'Positive Christianity; the other PC,' referring to political correctness, and I guarantee that today's message is not politically correct.  Whenever someone speaks of Christians awakening to the vicious cycle just recited in Nehemiah, whoever the symbolic Canaanites at the time may be, and identifies the solution in a positive light, we get a negative backlash, because the adversary to Israel does not want to give up control over us to the God of Israel.  So they try to get us in a perpetual state of sin through immorality, miscegenation, materialism etc.    

One of the reasons why I stand behind this pulpit and preach is to help you, my racial kinsmen, understand that you've been lied to, and are being lied to, on a daily basis.  You might ask, "What are you talking about?"  Well, I'm talking about race, politics, religion, law and history; those things that determine the kind of world we live in.  I, for one, am not happy with the direction in which our once great nation is going.  I see racial aliens and bureaucratic commissars telling me how to live my life.  My God given liberties are at risk and your God given responsibilities are stymied.  We have non-Whites in government, who want the White middle class to pay for their multicultural utopia.  The original commitment to secure the blessings of liberty for our posterity has been abandoned.  How many days do you have to work to pay taxes for your own destruction?  Why do we have this politically correct guilt thrust upon us?  Why don't we just tell the controlled jewish news media to go to hell?!  Why don't we just get rid of all this rampant immorality and corruption in our society?  The word 'Krystalnacht' comes to mind.  What happened to the militia movement after the Waco massacre?  Well, that story is not over, no matter how hard the demonizers try to rationalize mass murder of American citizens and murder a Congressmen who sympathized with the Branch Davidians.  

White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 3

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 3, No Silver Bullet Week2

Part 3: Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide: No Silver Bullet.

White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 2

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 2, No Silver Bullet Week1

Part 2: Pastor Mark Downey explains that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide Part 2: No Silver Bullet.  Pastor Mark and Bill will take 2 weeks to cover this material.

White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 1

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 1, The Ultimate Curse

Part 1: Pastor Mark Downey explains that the mantras of White Genocide are actually a curse to Whites, because Whites have a promise that there will never be such a thing. The cries of White Genocide actually instill in Whites a victim mentality which demotes them to the status of the lesser races. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide Part 1: The Ultimate Curse

White Genocide

Christogenea logo

William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide

Genocide is a contrived jewish word concocted for the purpose of generating sympathy for a fictional holocaust.  The same kind of psychology of victimhood is being poised against the rank and file of White Nationalism, undermining the warrior spirit of our race.

June 20, 2015 Part 1:  Pastor Mark Downey explains that the mantras of White Genocide are actually a curse to Whites, because Whites have a promise that there will never be such a thing. The cries of White Genocide actually instill in Whites a victim mentality which demotes them to the status of the lesser races. 

June 27, 2015 Part 2:  Pastor Mark Downey explains that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin.

July 4, 2015 Part 3: Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin.Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. - See more at:  - https://christogenea.org/podcasts/curse-white-genocide-part-3-no-silver-bullet 

White Genocide Part 2: No Silver Bullet

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 9:1-7

Genocide is not a word Christians should desire in their nomenclature as a mantra, because we are told in Mt. 6:7, “use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do” and because Christ came  so that we might have life (John 10:10).  Therefore, genocide is all about death, whereas Christianity is all about life.  The religious practice of repeating a phrase or prayer is oriental and alien to our race.  This is why we cannot afford or have the luxury to echo a constant threat that looms over us like 'White Genocide,' having the expectation that a slogan will save us from destruction.   The thieves and robbers of Israel “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10).  What we have here are competing memes, which are concepts having the capacity to expand exponentially and affect any given culture.  The alleged jewish genocide has gone under the guise of “the Holocaust” and has pumped billions of dollars into the coffers of antichrist jews.  The love of money is the life blood of the jew.  We are not jews, so we do not have to resort to the ways and means of jews.  Make no mistake about it, jews are destroyers and we are at the top of their hit list.  Pastor Elmore said in his last sermon, “Jews, mostly Zionist in nature, have spearheaded every movement or cause that now threatens our destruction and brings us to the edge of extinction and annihilation.”  But, I John 3:8 states, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”  Is it too much of a stretch to say the destroyer jew is going to be destroyed?  No, we have ample prophecy that pinpoints the Edomite jew as the one being annihilated.  Christ made an important declaration in Hebrews 2:14-15, “Therefore, since the children [of God] have flesh and blood in common, He [Christ] also in like manner took part in the same, that through death He would annul the one having the power of death, that is, the devil [false accuser]; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.”  We have to go back to the original cause of death.  Indeed, the cause of death or genocide right up to this point in time.  And there we will find the culprit.

White Genocide Part 1: The Ultimate Curse

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  II Peter 1:2-11

This book we call the Bible begins with Genesis, but it does not end with the book of Genocide.  What does genocide mean?  What does being White mean?  What does the combination of these two words 'White Genocide' mean?  Race and racism is the most important thing in the Bible.  Every Law of God, biblical principle, contractual covenant and promise is predicated on the premise that God discriminates.  All of the lofty and noble doctrines of Scripture cannot be understood without the element of racial interpretation.  The removal of race from the Word of God began centuries ago in earnest.  Color blindness, a euphemism for racial equality, is still being blind and “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a ditch” Mt. 15:14.  It's just like voting for the lesser of two evils, it is still evil.  Knowing your identity is knowing your God.  Knowing people of color is knowing the strange gods of racial aliens.  Having a knowledge of racial differences is having a racial consciousness and puts the White man on the side of God.  Having an ignorance of racial differences is having a color consciousness and actually foments the mentality of mongrelization and puts the White man on the side of false gods.  The term 'White Genocide' as we shall see, does not help White people understand the meaning of life.  Quite the contrary, the expression can inculcate the ultimate curse.

White Genocide

by Pastor Mark Downey

Genocide is a contrived jewish word concocted for the purpose of generating sympathy for a fictional holocaust.  The same kind of psychology of victimhood is being poised against the rank and file of White Nationalism, undermining the warrior spirit of our race.

Part 1 'The Ultimate Curse':  The cultural intricacies involved in racial warfare contrasting secular humanism to Christian Identity and showing how reverse psychology causes our race to behave in such a way that brings God's judgment against us, the ultimate curse.

Part 2 'No Silver Bullet':  The greatest enemy bringing us to the edge of extinction is not what you might think.  The truth is that the greatest threat to our survival is a self inflicted Suicide of Israelite Nations.

The Ungodliness of Being a Coward

by Pastor Mark Downey

Revised February 10, 2012

Scripture Reading: Numbers 13:30-33

Let me begin by recollecting a scene from the movie, "Patton", in which George C. Scott reenacts the encounter General Patton has with a soldier at a field hospital. The General is honoring his wounded men until he comes to this one guy shaking like a leaf and he asks a nurse, "What's wrong with the man?"  She said something like, "Oh, sir, he's suffering from the emotional stress of the battlefield."  At that point, Patton takes off his gloves and starts smacking the soldier in the face, calling him a coward; telling him there's nothing wrong with him and running him out of that hospital where other soldiers were bleeding, bandaged and dying on their deathbeds.

Do you think Patton understood the implications of cowardice among his troops if gone unchecked?  For one thing, you're not going to win a war, if your men lose the will to fight.  By the same token, do you think our God understands the ramifications of a coward in and among His people, Israel?  When the Lord declares in Jeremiah 51:20 that our race is His battle axe and weapons of war, the thought of a coward doesn't even enter the picture.  In fact, the word coward is not even in the Bible, although, as we'll see, there are cases of cowardice.  God's Word is more focused on the godliness of victory and the means in which to achieve it than having a preoccupation with defeat.  The enemy works very hard to instill a mindset of doom and futility, which leads to our surrender to the world.   

I'm going to show you why the politics of surrender is ungodly and what constitutes the ungodliness of being a coward.