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An alphabetical listing of all messages in the "SERVICE" category.
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-8
From today's Scripture reading, we should learn at least one thing: a state of sin is a state of conformity to this world. Wicked men are slaves to the world order; whether old or new beast empires, they're all the same. The adversaries of God are the authors of confusion, of that pride that goes before destruction, of that carnal disposition of “all that is in the world,” which is in the ungodly i.e., the beings which cannot be of God. They may be alive, but they are nothing but death to the White man. They, the children of wrath, live to kill us. They live to spoil us. We are the prey upon which rests the premise that we are just like them and they are just like us. But, God's eternal love is only for one race of people to whom He makes His Covenants. It is the fountain whence all His mercies flow unto us, the children of God and heirs of glory. God's mercy is so rich that all the gold and silver of the earth does not come close to redeeming His chosen. The grace that saves true Israel is the free, undeserved goodness and favor that God looks upon exclusively, not by the works of the Law that was given to one race exclusively (Ps. 147:19-20), but through the exclusive faith in a Kinsman Redeemer. Salvation is by race, to wit “All Israel shall be saved” Romans 11:26. The cold truth is that other so called races will not be saved, and for good reason. They can never have the faith in Christ that saves them. They were never meant to be born to serve God. In fact, God says their gods will be a snare to His elect (Ex. 23:33). The Word of God is immutable: “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” Malachi 3:6. Consumed by whom? The racial alien; the inconvertible stranger; God's enemies. They cannot convert to Christ because Christ said, “My sheep hear My voice, I know them, and they follow Me” John 10:27. Goats are not sheep.
Scripture Reading: Romans 9:14-18
I recently did a program with William Finck at and this sermon is an extension and enhancement of that broadcast. Thus, I rightly give credit where credit is due for Bill's help in putting the pieces of the puzzle together. In his introduction he stated, “Mercy is the most important component in the providence of God, which must be understood before Christians can understand how all Israel is saved… It is God's will, not man's, that will prevail over His Creation.” This was a tough nut to crack until Bill told me the simple answer to what I thought was perplexing, with one word: “mercy.” And that's all it took for me to begin researching and writing for today's presentation.
Our church recently received a letter with very pointed questions and all of them revolved around the seeming disparity of justice regarding various biblical characters who committed similar offences, but received dissimilar judgments of the Law. I appreciate tough questions that force us to seek answers. As Prov. 27:17 tells us, “iron sharpens iron,” suggesting how learned Christian brethren sharpen one another's minds by conversation.
The meaning of justice and mercy as it applies to Israel.
Part 1: Mercy is the most important component in the Providence of God and the most misunderstood element of Scripture, because of its racial message to save all of Israel.
Part 2: If salvation is exclusive to Israel, then mercy must follow the same race of people that Christ said hear and follow Him.
November 13, 2016
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:6-7
I have given this sermon 5 times and each time I have changed the names of the guilty, a protected class, in the hope of cutting the strings between the puppets and the puppet masters. The only person that will make us stronger together and make America great again is Jesus, our Messiah. Once again, Republicrats have put on a good show. In fact, I've said for years that there should be a special division at the Academy Awards for politicians. In 2016, we have been subjected to the illusion that the election wasn't supposed to happen the way it did, contrary to Franklin Roosevelt saying, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” One thing is certain: a gullible and impressionable public thinks there's been a regime change. They are wrong. The jew is still racketeering according to the Protocols. Already, Trump is saying Obama is “a very good man.” I guess, the Donald never got my memo. I hope this is the last time I have to give this sermon. Jesus, come quickly.
In 1993 I brainstormed and engineered this idea of ‘Jesus Christ for President’ for the 1996 presidential election (between Clinton and Dole) in the now defunct Populist Party. Every 4 years I bring up this interesting proposal with less and less interest from those who hear it. I don't think there's ever been so much bitter rancor. America has been bankrupt for presidential leadership, the top position in the executive branch of government for decades. This year’s election, in the year of our Lord 2016, is being touted as the most important one ever. Actually, I've heard that one before. However, a contest between a witch and a wizard is no contest at all for White Christian Americans. It’s the proverbial ‘lesser of two evils’ and we do not consent to be governed by evil. Voting for the Hillary or the Donald would be giving our consent to the antichrists. So please allow me to give you an overhauled history and analysis of what happened since 1993 to the present, followed by the positive joys of tribulation and our appointment with destiny.
Scripture Reading: I Samuel 8:4-6
I mentioned recently, as well as being a common retort, that we live in exciting times (for both fearful and joyful people), but the pendulum also swings, for the rest of humanity, as a time of mediocrity and boredom. What's the difference between excitement and boredom? I think it's whether or not people judge things. In other words, making a decision as to whether something is right or wrong. Sometimes being a Christian can be extremely difficult. Being a watchman on the wall can be like bamboo shoots growing through your fingernails. It is painfully excruciating to watch what is happening to America; a generation without a moral compass. Ancient Israel had guards who would stand upon the walls of Jerusalem and in the towers and look out upon the land. What were they looking for? Enemies! They were guarding their city against opposing forces, invading aliens. I've yet to see in the classifieds an ad in the 'employment opportunities' section that said: Need a blind, deaf and mute security guard i.e. sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil. To hire such people would be counter-productive to say the least. This is how God evaluated Israel's watchmen in the days of Isaiah the prophet, “Israel's watchmen are blind, all of them, they know nothing; all of them are mute dogs, they cannot bark; they dream, lie down, and love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, they seek their own gain. Come, let me get some wine, let's guzzle some beer; and tomorrow will be like today, only far better!" Isaiah 56:10-12. Do the presumptuous defenders of our faith and people understand what's happening today? Unfortunately, they do not and we have reached a judicial conundrum.
Scripture Reading: Luke 4:14-24
When Jesus began His ministry, at the age of 30, after 40 days of fasting, He returned “to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread throughout the whole surrounding region. And He began teaching in their assembly halls and was praised by all” Luke 4:14-16. His popularity was spreading like wildfire, because they were excited about somebody fasting that long; surely there would be a significant revelation. He went to His home town of Nazareth, which was similar to today’s White Nationalists (who give lip service to the Creator of our race, but do not serve Him), and had the expectation of a warlike Messiah delivering them from Rome. Some of the locals remembered the birth of Christ as something scandalous; as Mary claimed to have been miraculously impregnated by the Holy Spirit.
On one of these occasions where Jesus spoke to the assembled, we read the account in Luke 4 where He stood up to read from Isaiah 61:1-2, “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free the oppressed, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. He then rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. And the eyes of everyone in the assembly were fixed on Him” Luke 4:16-20. A miracle, to give sight to the blind, is it not? Or hearing to the deaf? But that’s not what they wanted to hear. Although the clause “He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” in Isaiah 61:1 is inspired, all of the Greek texts omit this passage in Luke (even though the KJV has added it).
Christ was reading about Himself; He not only came to heal the blind, but to open the eyes of those who were spiritually blind as well. God told Moses, “Who has made man’s mouth? Who makes him mute, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord” Ex. 4:11. Israel has always had this blind side.
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25
The authors tell you “Reading this book takes courage” not because of its contents, but what you must do after you read it. I say it takes perseverance to wade through the misconceptions they’ve given, because the book is a smokescreen for a new spiritual fad and fads are wrought with bait and hook. They are not fishers of men, but poachers. If you’re already disgruntled with whatever typical church is out there, then this is an easy excuse to find not only an alternative church, but an alternative Jesus. Or maybe you’ll just drop out of being a Christian altogether.
After they put a burden of guilt upon you, you are primed for the next step of participating in spontaneous anarchy in the name of “the Church.” The point of this review is not to make a big deal about the origin of church practices and how we worship, but to warn you of how our faith can be undermined by an even more hideous hyper-apostasy than churchianity, which calls itself “organic,” as if that makes it pure as the driven snow.
The church or ecclesia must be understood in the context of race. If the race card is not played, then you have a stacked deck. In other words, if the relevance of Israel in the Bible is trivialized with universalism, then the church itself is corrupted.
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:6-11
I received a copy of this book in the mail from our Australian friend, Hank Roelofs of Christian Identity Ministries. Evidently, it is causing some controversy over there and here as an idea that is either loved or hated; and he had an uncomfortable feeling about it and asked if I would review it. While the book purports to support 1st century Christianity (and guess what? So do I, but not the way they do), Hank said it seemed to have the odor of rebellion (citing Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Numbers 16, which we will look at later on). He suspects a rather effective disruption to Christian thought through the wedge of ‘divide and conquer,’ but couldn’t quite put his finger on it. I think I can point the fickle finger of fate to these authors who have written a book paved with good intentions and where that road leads to.
The most important thing I could ascertain from this book is that it was void of the same thing it was chastising i.e. the modern church and that is identifying the people for whom the Bible was written and what their responsibilities are.
This is a review of a book about the pagan influence upon the Christian church.
Part 1: A so-called organic church movement to destroy conventional church worship and practices is countered by a Christian Identity perspective with historical and biblical facts.
Part 2: This book review refutes the spiritual anarchy to eliminate church buildings; i.e. the hallowed ground reserved for White-only congregations, sermons and pastors, dress codes. A commentary of Numbers 16 as it pertains to the authors of 'Pagan Christianity'.