You Eat What You Are Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

December 2, 2012

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 36:21-29

Today’s Scripture reading from Ezekiel just goes to show you how unworthy we are as a people and how great God’s mercy is.  The atheist and the unbelief of a professing Christian rationalize that God does not see our unrighteousness; otherwise the God of Creation would clobber whole cities with a loud voice from Heaven.  Little do they realize that in this life, He is always revealing His divine character and purpose upon the earth.  The Lord gives us time between Katrina and Sandy to repent and change. This begins at the center of our motivations, in our personality.  If we are not Christ-centered or have “the mind of Christ” (I Cor. 2:16), we are not eating right, we have an unhealthy diet, we have an unclean spirit i.e. a motive that is not from Christ.  It’s the religion of self and if you want to blame anything for your sins, that’s called a scapegoat and goats are unclean, to be separated from the sheep.  When we’re not on the same wavelength of God’s will, He will often intervene and interrupt our regularly scheduled programming.

You Eat What You Are Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: John 21:15-17

A hummingbird does not eat hamburgers.  A cow does not eat hamburgers; if it does, it becomes a mad cow.  Cannibals eat other cannibals.  Wolves eat sheep; that’s what they do.  From our Scripture reading today, would you eat what Peter had to feed you?  This is not going to be a sermon on the dietary laws per se, but rather how the dietary laws are an allegory for what we are.  Last week we were asked what our responsibilities are.  I don’t think that question can be answered unless we know who and what we are.  When I ask you, “What are you?” I am asking you in reference to the dietary laws.  Are you clean or unclean?  Jesus said we are sheep.  Are sheep clean?  Yes, they are.  Are wolves clean?  No, they are not.  Are you a wolf or a sheep?  This sermon is dedicated to the lost sheep of Israel.

You Eat What You Are

by Pastor Mark Downey

The vital aspects of consumption for both spiritual and physical will determine whether you are clean or unclean.

Part 1: A look into the dietary laws of Deuteronomy and Leviticus and how the clean and unclean leads to an understanding of how to discern righteous and unrighteous beliefs.

Part 2: The story of Peter and Cornelius; how Ezekiel explains idols of the heart; the occult presumption of authority

That Still Small Voice

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: I Kings 19:9-12

What gets your attention?  A tornado twisting through your immediate neighborhood?  An earthquake that shakes you out of your bed?  Or perhaps a smoke alarm that indicates your home is on fire?  People often refer jokingly to a bolt of lightning or a burning bush before they are motivated to take notice of something, even though these two supernatural elements are mentioned in the Bible and got people’s attention.  There are times when spectacular events ordained by the divine hand of God do not register in the minds of man.  It’s just “mother nature” or the inane mindset that ‘it is what it is.’  However, God is not without other means by which He gets your attention. 

We are living in a day and age where Madison Avenue is trying to sell you something, either by hook or crook, meaning unethical mind-control techniques.  And thus, we are bombarded every day with an assault of visual and audio advertising, unless you live in a cave like Elijah.  Even churchianity has jumped onto the illicit bandwagon of smoke and mirrors, gimmicks and trickery.  There’s even an occult technology of power to reach you on a subconscious level to make you hear voices in your head.   But, today’s message is to help you overcome all of that ungodly influence.  Do you know how to focus on Christ?

Taking Command of a Pure Language

by Pastor Mark Downey

Zephaniah 3:9 speaks of a "pure language" and I believe that language to be English. The reason given is that we may "serve Him with one consent." David prayed in his songs to the Lord, "Let the words of my mouth…. Be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord" Ps. 19:14. Therefore, it should be a no-brainer to anyone who believes in God that the way we communicate with each other should be different from those who don't believe in God. Ezekiel prophesied of a future priesthood who would teach our people, "The difference between the holy and the profane" (Ezek. 44:23). Indeed, we have preachers today who utter profanities in both common colloquial and figurative abominations under the guise of God's Word.

There are two types of Christians in the public eye. The first is the ugly iconoclastic stereotype, which is the media generated hypocrite coined "Judeo-Christian". This is a well-deserved oxymoron that mixes the holy with the profane. The second is a lesser known Christian without any hyphenated abominations and reflects the valiant culmination of past generations, which is the racial tradition of chivalry representing the nobility of Christian ideology and living a life of dignity and honor. A foul mouth is more likely to come from the judaized mentality than a mind that has been kept clean of filth. It is a refreshing observation that most converts to Christian Identity, converse without a defiling spirit; although there is a residual worldly element that thinks cussing is cool.

The Meaning of Life

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  1 Corinthians 1:25-31

This sermon is a continuation of a previous message, which I won’t get into today, that dealt with economics and the biblical tithe.  This theme ‘the meaning of life’ was originally inspired during the Bush administration and the observation of leadership or the lack thereof in government; and the status of leaders within the Christian Identity movement was examined.  We’ve all heard about ‘spiritual warfare’ and it sure does affect our body politic and the perception of the meaning of life.  As I said in the first sermon, “The purpose of our lives is to live in and for the glory and service of God.”  That’s it in a nutshell.  It’s not an especially profound message, but it does carry an important thought that seems to be slipping away from Christendom.  It does have profound consequences if ignored.  After his recent trip to England, a pastor friend of ours reported that very few members of the church he attended in London were less than 70 years of age.  Not too many young folks.

But that shouldn’t surprise us as we witness the great and increasing apostasy surrounding our lives.  It’s everywhere.  The world is not getting more Christian and Christians are not getting any younger.  But, I’d say that Christian Israel is making steady gains in facing the spiritual warfare that we simply can’t ignore.  In fact, it’s a great time in history for the harvest of souls for Christ.

Being a Member

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I Corinthians 12:12-18

I get emails all the time from people wanting to know where they can go to a Christian Identity church in their area.  Unfortunately, there just aren’t that many around the country for people to go to.  We’re not in the yellow pages.  I think there’s probably quite a few home groups spread around, but they have wisely remained underground.  And that’s what I suggest for those looking; start your own Bible study group and Lord willing it will grow into a fellowship. 

It took me years to find a non-judeo church, which was actually a group of tax protesters with a semi-retired pastor; and it took me another year to convince him about the racial identity of the White race in the Bible.  There are some ‘lone wolves’ that don’t want you to join anything.  But, I believe God wired us in such a way that we have an innate desire to belong to something, because most people don’t like to be alone.  We can’t all be hermits if our culture and civilization, indeed the Kingdom of God, is to advance forward.

In His Service vs. Lip Service

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Mark 7:1-9

The populist cry of the American Revolution was "Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God."  Fast forward to the present time and we can witness a complete reversal. Treason within church and state has become as commonly accepted as watching TV.  Both ironically call good evil and evil good. Resistance to God is obedience to tyrants. Too many of our people have lost the Spirit of '76 in standing up against evil and the church world doesn't know how or even why it should obey God.  They don't know what to obey.  Thomas Jefferson said, “I prefer dangerous freedom to peaceful slavery.”  Orwell picked up on that idea in his mythical totalitarian state, whereby freedom is slavery, war is peace and ignorance is strength.  The thing is it’s not a myth anymore.

The mind-numbing process to substitute God's sovereignty with pious paganism or self indulgent morality is in plain view.  In fact, the adversarial facade of a vicarious manifestation of Christianity can be too obvious for most people to detect.  Audacity is taken to extreme limits.  All that is seen is the whited sepulcher and not the soup of vile remains inside.  The Big Lie grows exponentially.

Christian Ear Piercing; The Door of Opportunity

by Pastor Mark Downey

Before you jump to any conclusions, let me preface the start of this message by saying that some of my pet peeves are backward baseball caps, White people speaking ebonics and men with pierced ears. This latter fad began with homosexuals and was then popularized by the antichrist MTV 'I want to be like a negro' crowd (unless you’re Michael Jackson). It's decayed into even more primitive body mutilations with lips, noses and eyebrows.  Unfortunately, it has become a cultural norm and symbolic of politically correct rebellion, which should not be confused with a godly resistance to Babylonian conformity.  “Be ye not conformed to the world” Romans 12:2.  Rebellion, we know, is likened to witchcraft. 

What I want to look at today is the mentality or spirit of a slave and how that relates to opportunity.