The Future of Prophecy

by Pastor Mark Downey

Prophecies in both the Old and New Testaments, fulfilled and unfulfilled, have been revealed in the word of God, and subsequent prophecies are false and shall fail according to God's purposes.

Part 1:  There is only one key that unlocks the enigma of Bible prophecy and that is the exegesis of Christian Identity scholarship.  Prophecy is the exclusive relationship between God and the White race.

Part 2: An exclusive look at what Christ meant by "harvest" in Luke 10:2 as it relates to agricultural analogies, parables and prophecies against Edom from a Christian Identity perspective.  The "Day of the Lord" is a terrible day.

Part 3:  The predominant theme of prophecy is the Kingdom of God; what it is and is not; who will see and enter the Kingdom.

Part 4:  The rise of Islam pits the three major religions of the world against each other as an ultimate dialectic of God.

Part 5:  Covering the deception of our enemies and the urgency of racism in prophecy coincides with recent events in San Bernardino and Donald Trumps call for a Muslim ban.

Part 6:  The singular integrity of the one true God of Israel is opposed by the plurality of idols, i.e. 'ancient astronauts', subverting Ezekiel 1:16; the mysticism of CERN; finding the tree of life by following the signs.

Part 7:  The winds of spiritual warfare for 2016 point to the self fulfilling prophecy of what we do with our lives and the day we stand before the judgement seat of Christ.

Part 8: The imperative nature of being awake and not asleep to be an over comer and what constitutes your name being written in the book of life.

Part 9: A debunking of the two false schools of eschatology, i.e. futurism and especially the encroaching misinterpretations of preterism. We examine the historical antichrists of whom there are many.

Part 10:  As we conclude this series we take a special look at 2016 and focus on the 'two witnesses' of Revelation 11, which can only be understood from a Christian Identity perspective amongst a myriad of false interpretations.

Eye of the Needle

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture reading: Matthew 19:23-26

The Valley of Moses enters Petra through a narrow winding forge, running east and west. It's called the “Siq,” which is “the eye of the needle.” It ranges from 10 to 30 feet wide and has side walls over 150 feet high.

There's a lot going on in those four verses besides the virtual impossibility of rich people getting into the Kingdom of God or the fantastic word/picture of a camel going through the eye of a needle... if taken as a literal gloss.  This is one of those sermons where you're going to hear the rest of the story.   This 'eye of the needle' is not literal or poetic, but rather takes us back to the ancient site of Petra where Christ teaches His Disciples the ethics of wealth in conjunction with the Lord's sovereignty.

A Little Slice of Heaven

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: John 1:1-5

Last September our church went to Indiana for a picnic lunch and to visit the wife of a dear friend of ours who died suddenly in a terrible auto accident about a year ago.   Well, the womenfolk gravitated to the living room and the men were outside talking Christian Identity.  I moseyed into the house and saw all the women, so I sat next to my wife and asked what have you been talking about and she said, “an interesting discussion about heaven,” to which I replied by putting my arm around her and saying, “Well, here's a little slice of heaven for ya.”  And all of a sudden, they all broke out in hysterical laughter, much to my perplexing chagrin.  I asked what are they laughing about?  Evidently, they were into a serious subject and in walks a man who makes a rather flippant remark that breaks the ice.  Later, my wife suggested I do a sermon on heaven and voila, I have a ready-made title ready to go.  Many of us have lost loved ones in recent times so I think this message will not only help me with the loss of my mother and father, but others I know who are going through the same experience.  I got to thinking that I haven't read anything in CI about heaven since Pastor Sheldon Emry.  It's probably because the Bible doesn't say a whole lot about the heaven, which we know as God's abode, although heaven can mean many other things, in spite of a plethora of denominational garbage that takes way too much latitude in preying upon people's emotions, failing to rightly divide the word of truth.  Heaven sometimes just means the sky or an elevated place of authority.  And there's probably nothing more ingrained in people's psyche than what they think about the hereafter, other than perhaps Christmas.  It's a tough nut to crack.

Church of the Slam Dunk Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: John 1:6-9

We've been looking at the sacred cow of full body immersion baptism.  Baptism is not really the best word, biblically speaking, for the practice of submerging oneself in a body of water.  I think what has happened is cognitive dissonance; when two things are so similar that the original intent is ignored for something else.  Our race has suffered from being shortchanged on important principles of biblical events such as the Flood account of Noah being borrowed by non-Adamic cultures.  After awhile, every stranger has their 'flood' legend, and the presumption becomes that it was worldwide, rather than local. If baptism is something other than water immersion, then their New Testament exegesis of Old Testament types and shadows cannot be supported.  They try to incorporate the parting of the Red Sea as some sort of baptizo on the Israelites, however, if you recall, it was Pharaoh's army that experienced the full body immersion.  And it was not Noah and his family that received the full body immersion during the flood.  The principle of the original has been lost or is not recognized. Just as God's chosen people don't know who they are, we have a situation today where the wrong people are calling themselves Israel.  It behooves us, therefore, to identify the principles of baptism from Genesis to Revelation.

Church of the Slam Dunk Part 1

By Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Acts 2:37-41

Researching the subject of baptism has taken many twists and turns in an attempt to discover the truth.  In our series, "The Shining Light of Glory", not only were many parallels made between biblical light and water baptism, but also that they were one and the same.  This prompted some curiosity as to why there is such a diversity of interpretations as to what baptism really is and where those dogmas come from.  After reading assertions about full body immersion-styled baptisms that came from the pagan mystery religions, I began research to prove whether or not this was true, because I didn't want to advocate something that was contrary to the Word of God. However, what I discovered was far from such a simple premise.

Over the expanse of time, the history of baptism has become very convoluted.  I dare say that if you ask a dozen Christians what the meaning of baptism is, you'll get a dozen different answers.  After half a year, I had traversed, in depth, hundreds of articles, dozens of books and prayerfully seeking what God would have us do. "Seek, and ye shall find" (Mt. 7:7).  I think I've found some unconfusing resolves to this issue.  It is not my intent to create controversy or jerk anyone's emotional chain.

Congregations of Blasphemers

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 12:31-32

In the 1st century AD Jesus was born into the world where the timing and location had to be perfect for Him to fulfill His divine destiny.  Judean culture at that time had a great expectation for the prophesied Messiah in anticipation of being delivered from the Roman occupation of what comprised the territories of ancient Israel.  Our people had to wait over 700 years for the prophesied Messiah of Isaiah 53.  Likewise, the Second Coming is a long wait and Israel would again be under a beastly occupation.  But, when the Anointed of God finally came 2000 years ago with His Plan of Deliverance, the people of the land refused to acknowledge the authority He brought with Him.  The Pharisees were among the people who did not approve of Jesus; Christ was not behaving in the manner they expected the Messiah to behave in.  Christ was not validating the religious establishment; the commonplace everyday blasphemies of the good old boys club; nor was He submitting himself to peer psychology whereby He was the clay and the people were the Potter.  He just didn't play the game of the orthodoxies of error that had become the matrix of society.  We feel the same rejection in Christian Identity, because we don't fit in to most congregations out there. 

And I have to wonder, is it any different today with Pharisees behind the pulpits of America, indicting those who function in the power of God with the same kind of inane disdain.  How dare you implicate Jesus having a racial message.  And yet we come for the same lost sheep of the house of Israel that Jesus Christ said He came for (Mt. 15:24).  The Pharisees within Identity and without in judeo-churchianity can say all manner of evil against me and other Bible believing Christian Israelites falsely, but when they perjure the authority of my witness or misrepresent testimony of our brethren with outright lies, they have blasphemed the spirit of one's calling from God.  Perjury is the deliberate falsification of the facts under oath.  So if one calls themselves a Christian, they are automatically sworn to tell the truth; otherwise they commit the sin of bearing false witness.  Are we not oath-bound to the God of Israel?  If they did it to Christ, they will do it to His followers.  Jesus said, “If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me before it hated you” John 15:18.  I tend to believe that our detractor's problem is not with us, but with God.  The Disciples of Christ had the same problem of people becoming Christians for the wrong reasons. 

Going Lite

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I Timothy 4:6-11

The Lite ChurchAs a sequel to 'Going Dark,' I promised something about going light.  However, I have a four part series on 'The Shining Light of Glory” already and I don't want to be repetitive.  But, there is another word, which we're going to explore today.  I recall a cartoon I have in my files called 'the Lite Church' with a drawing of a little church and a sign that read “24% fewer commitments, home of the 7.5% tithe, 15 minute sermons, 45 minute worship services.  We have only 8 commandments – your choice.  We use just 3 spiritual laws and have an 800 year millennium.  Everything you've wanted in a church... and less.”  What I want to convey today is that half measures will avail us nothing.  You have a barn to paint that requires 2 gallons and you only have 1, so you add a gallon of water; within a few weeks or months the paint begins to crack and peel.  All that work for nothing, because you cut corners.  By the same token, we have a Divine Law (Deut. 23:2) that prohibits mixed blood from entering the congregation of any assembly in Israel, but somebody comes along and says 15% mongrel is an acceptable level to be considered White.  There's a reason why God's Law is not to be diluted or modified, and that is, it's perfect the way it is.   We can't cut corners, because if we do, we'll wind up with something inferior.  The churches today in churchianity are not only inferior to the will of God, they are repugnant.

Going Dark

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  II Corinthians 6:11-16

Darkness is the absence of light, just as racial purity is the absence of mixed blood.  “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil” John 3:19.  One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is goodness, which is an absence of evil.  Upon God's perfect Creation of 'kind after kind', He declared, “that it was good.”  Sin had not yet entered the world.  Darkness is mentioned early on in Genesis 1:2 as simply the difference between night and day.  However, as a figure of speech it can mean misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness and obscurity.  Historically, whenever great White civilizations mingled with the dark races, their societies collapsed.  When Daniel prophesied about the beast empires, it was the once great civilizations that embraced mixed blood and hence, in the eyes of God, the darkness was destined for destruction; not necessarily without cause, but the effects of forsaking the light of goodness.  There's always a load of rationalizations for racial diversity, but there is no biblical justification.  Isaiah said, “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness... because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel... and if one look unto the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened” (5:20, 24, 30).  Are we going dark?

The Good Old Days

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Malachi 4:5-6

I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you actually leave them.  I hate to think that these trying times (some say trials and tribulations) will someday be the good old days.  I guess the good old days were when we thought it couldn't get worse.  A good barometer would be leadership.  There was a day when all it took to impeach a president was illegal wiretapping or having sex with a White House intern in the broom closet.  About 200 years ago the French historian Alexis de Tocqueville observed that, “America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”  Today's sermon really is not about nostalgia, but we do have a memory system that recalls times of happiness.  But, how far back in time do we go to determine that happiness.

The Energy of Error

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: II Thes. 2:10-12

From the KJV we read about “strong delusion” and that was my original title for this message.  However, upon reviewing other translations, instead of the word ‘delusion’ was the word ‘error.’  The Ferrar Fenton read “the energy of error”; the Christogenea NT read, “an operation of error” and still others said, “a working of error,” “a deluding influence,” and “a misleading influence.”  I wondered how could there be such a disparity of terms and what are these verses really talking about.  It obviously has something to do with the contest between truth and lies.  Common sense here tells us that the best safeguard against error or more poignantly the delusion (the mental condition in which you believe something that is not true) is “the love of the truth.”