Katrina? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!

How many of you have heard that 'seeing is believing'? If a hurricane has an eye, can it see where it's going? Well yes, if there's a conspiracy to manipulate the weather by man. Weather is understood about as much as a nit-wit who talks about "cognitive dissidents." Of course, it's dissonance, but why bother with details. A cloud is just a cloud right? But where do clouds come from? God or man? The ugly truth is that man is playing God and there should be more dissent over the dissonance.

Who Trusts Whom? Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

The point of Orwell's 1984 was to give all your trust to Big Brother, a totalitarian government vicariously representing God as the ultimate authority. Job 4:17 asks, "Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall man be more pure than his maker?" Do people give their trust to things other than God, because of its sheer size or strength? Catholics put their trust in their church because of the pious architecture of ominous cathedrals, grandiose stained glass windows and incredible art and sculpture. But this idolatry is the work of man's hands. It's no different than ancient wood and stone carved deities. It's just more sophisticated.

Do people put their trust for national security in advanced guided missile systems? Did David trust in the latest state of the art rock to bring down the giant? Isn't it ironic that the antichrist money system puts "In God We Trust" on their money? Yet "they" want to remove God at all levels of society.

Who Trusts Whom? Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

When I started my research on the subject of trust, I came across this anecdote which said, "Dear Abby, I have a man I just never could trust. He cheats so much, I'm not even sure this baby I'm carrying is his." This is really endemic to the Jerry Springer bread and circus soap opera society that is more typical than atypical wherever you look today. We are in a sad state of affairs. Our nation is sinking in the quicksand of spiritual apoplexy. The reason I want to talk about trust is because: 1) it is not talked about that much; and 2) trust is probably one of the most critical things in life that we have to deal with. It operates on so many levels. Choosing this subject really opens a can of worms, but I'll try to limit it in the context of the White race and Christianity in contradistinction to our Babylonian nemesis.