Taking Dominion Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture reading:  Isaiah 62:1-12

From Lamentations 5:20-21 we read, "O Lord, why do you forget us forever, why do you forsake for such a long time? Restore us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned; Renew our days as of old." Since the creation of Adam and his fall, our race goes through these vicious cycles of abandoning the Lord and that which pertains to dominion, specifically agriculture. Paradise was the garden of Eden. Adam was the farmer-rancher in charge. Prior to this farm falling into disgrace, God blessed them (Gen. 1:28), and told them to be fruitful and to have dominion over all life: plant and animals. This was the first covenant of scripture about which all of God's Word crystallizes our responsibilities in life.

Taking Dominion Part 1

by Pastor Mark Downey

This subject really opens a Pandora's Box of so many other related topics like the Kingdom, God's Law, prophecy, history and biblical exegesis or interpretation of scriptures. There is much debate as to the level of applying dominion: racially, culturally, geographically, individually, nationally, etc. Much of the confusion comes from a loose evolving confederation of religious movements such as Dominion Theology, Reconstructionists, Kingdom Now and others, in contrast to what I would call anti-dominionists, all of which call themselves Christians and together form the perfect dialectic. Who do you suppose profits from the thesis and antithesis? Well, probably those who aren't Christian and presently have dominion

The Fiery Cross

by Pastor Mark Downey

A Christian Cross on fire conjures up all sorts of assumptions and presumptions about what it means.  It’s probably one of the most politically incorrect and despised images the controlled media can offer to convey what they consider a symbol of hate and bigotry.  But, I’m not here today to promote any organization that they like to call a hate group or activities that they like to call hate crimes, but rather a biblical examination of these elements of the Fiery Cross.

An Open Letter to White Veterans

by Pastor Mark Downey

This will be a theocratic dissertation on the saturation/marketing and brainwashing leading up to the 2008 presidential elections. Never before has there been such intense daily coverage of republicrat losers vying for the so called “highest office in the land” nor exorbitant record millions of dollars being spent to mold your mind like silly putty. Some ‘change agent’ think-tank came up with an evil stroke of genius to plant the idea of a negro occupying the Oval Office at about the time Americans were Bush whacked with a second term of the lowest rated president ever in the history of polls. Is it just a coincidence that George W. Bush is portrayed as a mix of buffoon and war criminal and that anybody would be better than this politically challenged psychopath? Will future generations read in disbelief about this time in history where the Republicans best shot was a Manchurian candidate with the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s?

Greetings to the White Christian men and women in uniform who have served our nation and took an oath to defend the Constitution; and probably did so with the intent to protect the American people from enemies wanting to destroy us. I deeply regret having to pop your bubble that our real enemies are mostly from within, rather than foreigners thousands of miles away and that this threat has been prevalent for a long time. Many high ranking military officers have written about this betrayal and I would be happy to provide you with a recommended reading list if you care to get informed.

I’m Pastor Mark Downey, a Christian Identity minister and today I want to speak to you as a veteran who served honorably in the Vietnam War.

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity Part 3

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Judges 10:6-10

The gates of hell have prevailed against the false church. The last thing in the world they would want to be accused of is being a special race chosen by God to be above all other races in the world as clearly stated in Deut. 7:6. And yet the double mind is perfectly at ease with the notion of people who reject and despise Jesus Christ being called God’s chosen people, who in turn generate the label of ‘White Supremacist’ as if it were a dog turning to its own vomit. In John 10:38 and 20:29-31 Jesus, in essence, told them even if you don't believe His simple proclamation and doubt His Word, believe the works (signs and miracles) that you may know He is the Son of God. Likewise, being consistent with Jesus' reply for proof, the true identity of Baal worship can only be found by finding the ‘morals and dogma’, if I can use that term from Albert Pike, within the religious organizations that practice them. Do the elements of Baal worship dovetail with the modern judeo-Christian church? There’s about a dozen components of Baal worship, so let’s find out. I’ve already touched on some of these elements, but I want to itemize how we can easily identify Baal worship today in the modern world. Someone may say that was thousands of years ago, we don’t do those things today. But, Eccl. 1:9 says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” There is no new source of happiness (not to be confused with self-gratification), but the excesses of immorality, as has been said, may owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert have made comebacks as if nothing ever happened. However, Baal worship is there for those who have eyes to see. Let’s take a look shall we?

Baal Worship in Judeo-Churchianity Part 2

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading: Judges 3:5-8

How would you feel if you spent years working on a degree to enter a certain profession, spent more time and energy on materials and promotion of this business and built up a clientele that was helped immensely and within a couple of weeks you lost 80% of your customer base through no fault of your service to the community or malfeasance or adverse side effects, but rather for what you believed in? How would you feel about that? I would feel that there was a great travesty and injustice. This is what happened to a Christian Identity friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous who is now forced to move and restart his business elsewhere. As his business grew, word of mouth spread how beneficial his business was.

What was unique about this situation is that the recipients of this benefit had something in common. They were not only judeo-Christians, but were associated with a group that Pastor Elmore talked about recently. They are a multi-million dollar corporation that has a radical and twisted focus on the Creation of Genesis, which has as its main agenda the thesis that all races came from Adam and Eve and after a global flood at the time of Noah, a repeat performance of fast track evolution happening again.

Church of the Slam Dunk

by Pastor Mark Downey

 A complete review of various ritual water baptisms.

Part 1:  An intense examination of baptism, historically and theologically, and the impact of erroneous rituals upon the body politic of Christians.

Part 2:  Compelling arguments against full body immersion, and an explanation of true biblical baptism.

A Preemptive Romans 13 Strike

by Pastor Mark Downey

We need to get one thing straight concerning the modern church and state. Religion, not to be confused with true Christianity, is being used against us as a weapon. The church minister has become the enemy of the people and change agents of the state. Throughout history they have been referred to as Baal priests, false prophets, greedy dogs, fat shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing and more recently known as pulpit pimps, government stooges and useful idiots. Probably one of the worst perversions of Scripture is taking the godliness of God’s Word for ungodly purposes. We can observe that the Kingdom of God has been postponed innumerable times for the sake of man made institutions operating in the name or authority of divine sanction, which is nothing but an excuse for corruption.

Bad Ideas Are Not Fair

by Pastor Mark Downey

A superficial expression used to gloss over the iniquities of the world is ‘life aint fair’. Joe Sixpack, an American icon, crying in his beer, confronting his next door neighbor, exclaims, ‘”You got my daughter pregnant, killed my dog, ripped off my life’s savings and burned down my house! I thought you were my friend.” To which the rather smug perpetrator replied, “Hey man, life aint fair.” The purpose of this message is important because it reveals the consequences of departure; leaving ‘The Way”, as the 1st century apostolic church of Christianity was called, and drifting towards “the way of the heathens” as has been adopted by the apostate church of darkness.

Our God of the Holy Bible created life on earth and He called it “Good.” It was the best idea ever with a perfect system of law and order. Shortly thereafter, well, I guess you could say, ‘there goes the neighborhood’.