Part 3: The Magick of Occult Societies

by Pastor Mark Downey

As the world goes to hell in these last days of the end times, many people shall be running around like chickens with their heads cut off. And as Daniel 12:4 prophesied, "Knowledge shall be increased." Our society is no longer agrarian or industrial, but boy do we have a lot of information. There are people who have been organizing conspiracies for a long, long time and keep their machinations hidden like a needle in a haystack. However, God gives the Bible-believing Christian instructions on how to find the truth. "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter" (Prov. 25:2). In other words, it's possible to find out who the most powerful antichrists are and what they're doing. As Babylon manifests itself for the final time, God's revelation of it is shrouded in mystery. It defies explanation or being fully understood by human reason, but with the Word of God, we can identify the magick of occult societies and the satanic deception they practice.

Part 2: Animal Magnetism

by Pastor Mark Downey

This is a peculiar expression which has taken on so many applications that it may mean one thing to one person and something else to another. But if we go back to the original concept, we can see how it usurps the Word of God. Some of you may think animal magnetism is the romantic relationship between men and women, and others may think it has something to do with unexplainable animal behavior such as migratory sea turtles or birds traveling from one hemisphere to the other. Whenever we don't know exactly how God's creation works, inevitably, some wise guy will try to fill in the blanks. This can easily lead to an apostasy of the imagination. The adversaries of Christianity want you to fall away from reality in your mind. Thus, from all sorts of unusual phenomena in living organisms, they try to dissociate people from God.

The Genesis of Satanic Deception

by Pastor Mark Downey

Discussion of organized ways to divide and conquer all cultures of the world. 

Part 1: "Illusions of Government" Wrestling with the problem of occult powers from a biblical perspective.

Part 2: "Animal Magnetism" Exploring the devices men use to replace God in various forms of hypnosis and mass mind control.

Part 3: "The Magick of Occult Societies" How the control of information revolves around the control of mankind.

Part 1: The Illusions of Government

by Pastor Mark Downey

I'd like to bring forth three ideas to help explain why things are the way they are. The first is the illusions of government, followed by animal magnetism and the magick of occult societies. I don't need to go back 6000 years to find the beginnings of our own adversaries corrupting America through deceit. There's nothing new under the sun for those who believe they shall be as gods. They certainly know and understand the art and craft of evil. They have think tanks of evil geniuses. They manipulate the thinking of the masses. "They" own America through the worst sort of avarice that the Bible speaks of: murderers, liars and thieves. Who are they? I'll get to that in a bit.

The Antichrist Mass

by Pastor Mark Downey

Christmas or Christ mass has no place in Christian Identity if we are to continue this movement of God to properly identify who’s who and what’s what. The universalist Catholic mass has no foundation to Christianity. Therefore, the interposition of Christ into the mass is unfounded. Catholicism has a greater affinity with Babylon than Christianity. If the historic Jesus never had any connection to the man made holy day, then the only conclusion that can be made is that it is “another Jesus” (II Cor. 11:14), a vicarious artificial fraud, which qualifies as an antichrist.

The Seven Times Punishment

by Pastor Mark Downey

Today we're going to look at God's Law of chastisement, prophetically, as it pertains to the White race and the USA. If we ask the question: what happened to the northern house of Israel, who were rooted up from Samaria and deported into Assyrian captivity, we find some answers in the expression 'seven times'.

We not only find the fulfillment of prophecy, but an explanation as to what happened to the tribes of Israel after their Assyrian bondage. God removed from His sight and divorced Israel because they broke the covenant. This was the beginning of Israel being lost, with the birthright blessings being withheld for a period of time known as 'seven times punishment'.

America’s Black Holy Day

by Pastor Mark Downey

One person’s dream can be another man’s nightmare. A dream is like a movie in our head when we’re sleeping. A nightmare is like a horror movie in our head when we’re sleeping. America has been lulled into a very deep sleep with the help of movies. Our dreams have been the product of a vicious cycle of life imitating art and a recycling of art imitating life.

Do you remember the movie ‘Roots’, that gave the descendants of African slaves an exaggerated status of nobility, that ‘black is beautiful’, while at the same time, social engineers were scheming against the descendants of the founding fathers to make us slaves and dregs of their New Society.

Today, I want to talk about a third idol in the trinity of high holy days that have become the politically correct norm in Orwellian America. The Big 3 that has become the Big Lie is Halloween, Christmas and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

The Sabbath

by Pastor Mark Downey

A question which agitates the Christian Identity community is: what day is the Sabbath? Some say Sunday is based on sun worship, while others say Saturday derives from Saturn. So begins long, drawn out controversies of pagan origins vs. "Thus sayeth the LORD." The point of the Sabbath is missed by the arguers, good Christians that they may be. I believe this issue has been used as a wedge to sow discord among the brethren. We had a guest visit our church once, a libertarian CI, who never came back, not because of lack of fellowship or worship, but because he was adamant about Saturday being the day.

We observe Sunday, not as a matter of dogmatic doctrine, but because it has been the traditional day for a long, long time. "The children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe throughout their generations, for it is a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel" Ex. 31:16.