White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 2

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 2, No Silver Bullet Week1

Part 2: Pastor Mark Downey explains that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide Part 2: No Silver Bullet.  Pastor Mark and Bill will take 2 weeks to cover this material.

Dissident Racism Part 1: In a Crowded Theater

by Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  I Cor. 2:12-13

THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.,  today, is out of order with God and that is why I bring forth this message of dissident racism, to stand our ground in the authority of Jesus Christ, come what may.  Any law of the beast that suppresses White Christian America is against God.  The free speech of Christian America is a God given right.  Dissent is essential for any society to remain free of tyranny.  Racism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of God's chosen race. 

Dissident Racism

by Pastor Mark Downey

The necessity for Christians, especially Identity Christians, to learn and voice the will of God as watchmen on the wall to preserve True Israel.

Part 1:  "In a Crowded Theatre":  The free speech of Christian America is a God given right.  Dissent is essential for any society to remain free of tyranny.  Racism is a spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit to ensure the survival of God's chosen race.

Part 2:  "Above the Fruited Plain":  Current events in Charleston, South Carolina and the banning of the Confederate battle flag is the inertia for cultural Marxism going ballistic against White Christian America.

Part 3:  "Of the Stars and Bars":  The disconnect between the viral meme 'black lives matter' and the pronouncement of Jesus Christ as to whose lives matter to Him.  The desperate measures being taken by the real slave masters in the end times are explained.

Part 4:  "The currency of God":  Paying attention to divine instruction and acting upon them determines the destiny of the White Race.  Our natural course through history is based on genetic memory or lack thereof.  Babylonian slavery vs. biblical slavery.

Christogenea Radio Talk Show:  In October 2015, Pastor Downey joined William Finck of Christogenea.org for two online radio programs discussing his recent series on 'Dissident Racism'. Many additional comments and insights were added to the subject to elevate the racial consciousness of our people.

A good week with William Finck

It was our pleasure to host William Finck and his wife last week for being about our Father's business and fellowship with the FGCP.  We accomplished a Bible study, two podcasts in our home and a Sunday worship service with Bill delivering a powerful message.  The Friday broadcast 'Positive Christianity – part 4,' the Saturday podcast 'White Genocide – Part 1' and the Sunday sermon at FGCP can be accessed at the following links:

White Genocide - Christogenea Saturdays Part 1

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide Part 1, The Ultimate Curse

Part 1: Pastor Mark Downey explains that the mantras of White Genocide are actually a curse to Whites, because Whites have a promise that there will never be such a thing. The cries of White Genocide actually instill in Whites a victim mentality which demotes them to the status of the lesser races. The original sermon is found here: White Genocide Part 1: The Ultimate Curse

White Genocide

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William Finck’s 
Christogenea Talkshoe Program

with William Finck and Pastor Mark Downey

Subject:  White Genocide

Genocide is a contrived jewish word concocted for the purpose of generating sympathy for a fictional holocaust.  The same kind of psychology of victimhood is being poised against the rank and file of White Nationalism, undermining the warrior spirit of our race.

June 20, 2015 Part 1:  Pastor Mark Downey explains that the mantras of White Genocide are actually a curse to Whites, because Whites have a promise that there will never be such a thing. The cries of White Genocide actually instill in Whites a victim mentality which demotes them to the status of the lesser races. 

June 27, 2015 Part 2:  Pastor Mark Downey explains that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin.

July 4, 2015 Part 3: Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin.Pastor Mark Downey concludes his explanation that there is no silver bullet for which to cure what White Nationalists are calling White Genocide. This is a judgement from God, and the White man must return to his God and repent of his sin. - See more at:  - https://christogenea.org/podcasts/curse-white-genocide-part-3-no-silver-bullet 

Guest Speaker and Podcast


We are pleased to announce that Christian Identity Greek scholar and author, William Finck, will be our guest speaker at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People on Sunday, June 21st in Florence, Kentucky. After more than a decade of meticulous study, Bill has translated a Christian Identity New Testament Bible and written a commentary of the book of Revelation, 'ChristReich'. Bill's website is Christogenea.org and is a wealth of information! Come join us for worship service, starting at 11:00AM, and edifying fellowship.

Also, please be sure to listen to ''Christogenea Saturdays' online radio program at 8:00PM (Eastern Time) on June 20th, where Pastor Mark Downey will be joining Bill Finck in a discussion on the misbegotten mantra of "White Genocide."

For further details, contact us at info@fgcp.org or pastor@fuse.net.

Acquired Identity Syndrome Part 2

Sermon notes of Pastor Mark Downey

Scripture Reading:  Daniel 6:16-24

'Promise' is an important word in the Bible; it either confirms everything or destroys confidence in one's faith if broken.  If you don't believe in God's racial promises as they only pertain to the White race (Romans 9:4), then your faith is without hope.  God has never broken His promises.  As a quick review of Part 1, we learned that the martyrs of Christ would be given thrones and that they would administer judgment in the Kingdom.  The great confusion generated by this premise is that the jew has tricked our people into taking the Kingdom by force in this day and age, before Christ has returned to sit on His throne on earth as it is in Heaven.  The only promise you can take to the bank is the one that will never lose its value, the promises of God.  The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 “conquered kingdoms, administered justice, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions” verse 33.  As we begin to see the manifestation of God's will for His Creation, let us understand what is meant by biblical types or shadows and antitypes.